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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. warfie, the pedos get dragged into this back on page 2 somewhere, when one of these mindless numbsculls couldnt help himself. :o

    and even stranger is the fact its you who keeps mentioning them

    ok last comment..

    if you re read my post i said 'they should save the life sentence for pedo's rapist and muderers, not some drug mule who is probably gettin a few g chucked his way..is that clear or should i write it in wingdings for you??

  2. it..

    I'm not sure why you would think what I have said would require me to be careful, irregardless of whether it was an open or closed forum OR perhaps at a social function. You're going to need to be a lot sharper than that, to catch me out. :D

    Another wannabe hardnut hey... :o:D

    :D you won't get a bite from me on that one 2008 but perhaps you and that weirdo bernie66 (is that you Wadoff?) should get together sometime....he thinks like you and apparently we are all here in thailand just to buy sex, sorry i think his point was that pedo thing you were talking about earlier. We're you boy's tampered with when you were younger or is it just a fashion thing?

    Is what a fashion thing??

  3. I rent a hosted exchange mailbox for USD 9 per month, 3 GB for myself and 4 more mailboxes for my company staff

    no need to maintain my own exchange server, we use our own domain name on this mailboxes

    works perfectly with WM5 smartphone over MAPI

    There are many providers, I use the sherweb.com for 2 years already, very happy and find it worth the money

    Since I own my own domain and currently pay for web hosting as well. will I be able to drop my current web hosting package if a service like sherweb.com is hosting the e-mail? Does that mean that the web pages goes away?

    Or will I have to pay for all three? (Domain name, Web hosting & hosted exchange)

    I like this hosted exchange idea and will look into it more. Thank you for the tip anthos

    Hosted exchange is by far the way to go..if you have a unlimited data plan you no need to send reciev just come in automaticly sometime it comes in quicker on my phone than it does on my mail program.

    after looking at sherweb which anthos recommends they also do web hosting so you could change over to them otherwise you will have to pay seperately yes..

  4. This could possibly be one of the most stupid posts I have ever read. Now to apply your own theory to this 2008bangkok, you must be a pedo, rapist and murderer, that what you are saying, isnt it....because for all those that spoke against this fellow you said were dabbling in the drugs, now you've had a shot at pedo & rapists, so that makes you one??? That is silly, very silly.

    Further to that you're saying that if someone is desperate, 'was on his arse' as you so put it then that makes it ok to be a drug dealer/mule whatever....thats very stupid. I guess in your world, when you're down and out....its acceptable to break the law. Well having locked up more than my fair share of scumbags I would say that its most likely that you are the one that has a few issues here? Sympathise with Drug Mule/Dealer for what?

    Be careful who you call pedo on a open forum mate..

    and if you read what i said dumbass i said they should save a life sentence for the really bad crimes.... doesnt make me one now does it..

  5. This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun..

    Yes the guy is stupid and he will really regret this for the rest of his life but npobody knows the circumstances on why he did this, maybe the guy was on his arse and in so much desperation that he thought it was the only was to do this, or there again maybe not..

    I recon a fair few of the slag emm off characters have probably had a dabble in their time so it doesnt really make them any better whether the dealer or taker.

    This guys life is effectivly gone now, it isnt law that after a few you get a pardon...

    I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

    good luck mate, and i mean that

  6. Why do people always give the hard way to do stuff and download utlilities....easy way

    Right click my computer on desktop>> properties>>>>3rdt tab(in Vista) advanced>>startup and recovery>settings>>default operating system and change that.

  7. Your daughter needs a visa, same as you. However option 2 is possible, she will indeed not be fined. The legal way is however always the right way, but that is up to you.

    It is right that there are no overtstay for children..in your case i dont see why at least you dont get the 60 day tourist visa for her, you are all going to penang anyway and it only cost 1000 baht so why not, then if you choose not to extend her visa another 30 days so be it but at least get the 60 day..you also run the risk of an awake and alert immigration officer noticeing tjat you and your wife have tourist visas and your daughter doesnt..they might want to know why..

  8. You sound like a genuine case. so i am willing to make an exception to allow your path to true happiness to be fulfilled.

    Please send a photograph of yourself and i will forward my bank account details, my normal fee is 100,000 baht, however i am willing to make an exception in your case.

    Thats quite expensive isnt it just to do a little bit of black magic, im sure the OP could find it cheaper if he or she looked around

  9. Here is a point for debate... if someone is operating an unsecured WAP, and you connect to the signal, is it really "stealing" ?

    I ..would say no..... if its unsecure then its broadcasting and asking for people to connect..if you hack it then yes but unsecure no.....

  10. You can indeed step up and pay for the wifi service

    I have a true cell phone aswell...what is the difference between the green free and paying 200 baht?/ it uses the same wifi signal yeah so is it allocated just a little for free service?

    I haven't ever tried the Green service- so I can't say definitively, but I have heard from people / read on the forum about crap speed from the service. The paid service offers decent speed (if you are near a True coffee shop or payment office like they have in many Bangkok malls, it is blazing fast) and doesn't shut down after an hour.

    Of course, it all uses the same signal, but they can modify your "status" according to the login credentials. Paying customers get preferred service.

    200baht it is then ..if i can ever get through to them..their customer service is not good

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