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Everything posted by Slip

  1. Considering the timbre of the coverage by the beeb this seems potentially very serious. 'The monarchy' can elicit different opinions but to my mind she has had a jolly good stab at it. Let's hope she fights on to pet another beloved corgi.
  2. This suggests that you are not so much enamoured with Truss as anti-Rishi? Is that a fair appraisal? Go on admit it- it's her legs. They're not bad for a Tory I'll give you that.
  3. A source that did not back up his claim.
  4. Has the dishonourable member for gammon managed to post something that is not entirely a troll post? Long may he enjoy it.
  5. As amusing as this is, I take issue with referring to this over-privileged pos that our working class tory members love as a "worker". He has never done a day's work in his puff!
  6. You have cleverly couched a load of old nonsense with some sense. Your first two sentences are perfectly reasonable, as is your last. The rest though, utter nonsense. Still, I think it's an improvement.
  7. Speaking as a Brit.... You're talking a load of old cobblers my son.
  8. ...throes ???????????? (Hope you don't mind me keeping it to your level of debate with the emojis)
  9. <snipped link for brevity> One Putin asset defending another Putin asset. Not very compelling really. Hopefully farage will end up in prison before too long too.
  10. deleted- the claim I was responding too already debunked more than once.
  11. You would do well to take more note. Here' contact with her from the Cincinnati FBI shooter:
  12. Sorry to post twice in quick succession, but I remembered the answer. Several posters have alluded to it already, but not sure have said it straight out. It's rapport. If you have it, you can control any class; if you don't even the mildest class could be challenging. It's a rare case where a beating builds rapport. We just need to get better- well those of us here who are actually teachers. lol.
  13. If you fail students for belligerence or lack of co-operation, then you are not giving an authentic assessment of the skills in the subject surely? Is the point of your class to teach content or 'appropriate behaviour'?
  14. Ridiculous! the FBI are following their procedures. Trump could release information that would prove his implications, but he doesn't and won't. Just like his tax returns.
  15. Once again, you are wrong. It's hard-wired into the language. I'm not going to get bogged down in your pedantry. The phrase "hopefully not" expresses his opinion on the list of things he says they may have been doing. No more from me on this. You are simply wrong.
  16. You are wrong. He suggested that they may have been planting something, then in the "hopefully not" sub-clause added extra information about his opinion of that eventuality. The meaning of the main clause stands without the addition of the sub-clause. As you said to someone earlier- you don't get to change the meaning of our language to suit your political ends.
  17. I don't think we really agree on much politically or socially Hanaguma, but I agree with everything you said there I think. Perhaps not the final sentence entirely ????
  18. So nothing at all. I can't believe someone just accused you of being a troll. Bye.
  19. I would be happy with the answer to how many took the 5th regarding cases regarding Hillary Clinton. (I'm easily pleased). So looking forward to your answer by return.
  20. Ooh! Interesting. Do tell. (The truth though).
  21. ...said Donald Trump. Laughably poor on two counts.
  22. Exercise your skill. Control the class. For sure it would be a challenge, but the point at which I felt I had to strike the kids in any meaningful way would be the point to get out of the classroom.
  23. He has no standing to investigate. He is muck raking. But it's not like it hasn't been done by the GOP before to no end. The sad thing for the current crop of repugs is so many of them have broken the law.
  24. Why? He is utterly repellent. I had to grow up with people just like him. They treat anyone not of their ilk like something they found on their shoe.
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