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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. Now, if the idiots in education, wake up, and instead of treating over 60's as past it, perhaps they would understand that most western teachers can and do work on after 60 and have knowledge that is sound and helpful for students, most really don't want backpackers, dancing and singing all day long. I worked 15 years in the education system in Thailand before being listed as too old (even through there is no legal rule that you can't work over 60), but, I am in demand and working both in Saudi and China. But my home is in Thailand, where I continue to pay SS and tax and I want to work there!

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  2. funny that! I went to a dentist in China to enquire about a replace cap, he whipped out of a draw a hand held xray machine, took put a pad behind my teeth and took a photo which was displayed on the screen of the hand held device. took 10 secs and was free! He scanned my complete upper jaw confirming  that all fillings were good and the implant was OK and he could put a permanent tooth on it and would take about an afternoon to get It made and delivered......what a wonderful inexpensive way to do business. China is starting to put the rest of the world to shame. The tooth would cost the same as Thailand by the way!

  3. Strange when I went to Saudi and again in China, they do the same, but have at least a dozen desks open, ( 3.30am one desk and just me LOL) and no need for arrival and departure cards. Every month when on visa run, never more then 30 mins to get through even when tow plane loads arrived at the same time! perhaps in stead of building there own way of doing it, they should just go and copy another airport system, perhaps they should give the job to Saudi immigration to do it!

  4. Its quite simple, during the day the sun heats up the air, the smog because its warmed rises higher in the sky, This can be seen as brown/grey haze hovering over a city. As the sun goes down the air cools and the smog then lowers back down to street level. not on busy roads which are generating heat from vehicles, but certainly in the parks and areas where people are jogging and walking, or strolling along the riverbanks! So it would be safer to walk along the main road paths, But, more chance thro of an instant life-threatening accident! 

  5. You married her already, then leave her stuck in Thailand, waiting for the green card, the fact you could have had her over in the USA on holiday trips. you didn't. She had a need! had it deal with, while you were during what! Stuff the 'American wedding' in Thailand. Ship her over to you. and get on with married life. Also if she was studying in the USA, and is working, She wouldn't have a problem getting to the US without you.

  6. What amazes me how men, decide they are the ones who can always state to kick her out and find another. Physical pleasure isn't just for a man. If you find to cannot have a partner and be physical with them 'as often as you used to' then its ok to get a bit elsewhere? So, why can't women do the same? If it doesn't affect the rest of the relationship. Why not, as long as it's kept as just a sideline. You think men are the only ones who do this? In the past, I only go for married/ partnered females. It was a physical thing on both our parts, fun and interesting. Has my wife done or doing the same? I wouldn't know nor after being in previous marriages where I screwed up with suspicions. I don't worry, it will happen or not, the same as I done ...... If she had a fling as others state, I also read from it she has stopped and the man thinks it is still on with a chance. If he wants to stop it just block him on her messenger, and you can follow her calls if she is the one starting the calls after he has gone silent, as his calls will not come back. and if she starts the calls, then he can bring it to her attention, as she would then need to make calls on her mobile to his telephone. if she /he has it. But, it doesn't need to be the end of his relationship with her. Just a line is drawn on her behaviour.

  7. I looked at the message, and it seems to idle messenger chat because she bored. If you have been together 4 years, and now just having doubts. then it is you who is insecure. If you are a pensioner and she isn't the worlds best looker. No harm being done. If she lives with you and takes care of you. then roll with it! Been with mine 20 yrs she has her circle and doesn't go out drinking. But, always takes care of me. So take the chance, You are on the countdown clock already. One thing stop spying on her you are just turning into a sad F, Meet some friends once or twice a week, in a nice viewing bar, continue to look at all the other sexy gals as they walk past. and make certain she has clean clothes for you wear each day, and if not working, go on road trips and weekdays away together.

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  8. Back in the day, Maggie decided to go alone, to perhaps prove to the world, we were still a superpower, and by chance, was able to refit some long-range bombers that were headed for the scrap yard and aging ships, (but, still had to use commercial shipping including the QE2), plus knowing that enemies were also in political trouble in their own land, and would not be able to send mass troop deployment. We managed to win the schoolyard brawl. But now, I wonder?

  9. Another thing you will be able to do is to join the social security scheme, 432 baht per month, giving you access to free hospital/dental care ( I would have to pay 12,000 baht every 3 months for my check up otherwise) and towards a pension pot, only 115 more payments and I am entitled to a monthly pension, or I can take a lump sum.

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