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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. Hidden behind the Thais smile, is yes you did a great job, everybody loves you ...But, You made us look foolish, and we can handle it from here, you in made comments about Thai's, that made some sad! So thanks and goodbye...Oh! thats from the dictionary of  made up phrases used by Thai's to get rid of you and not renew contracts!  Still thats why the will be glad he has gone home, and they can get back to back patting for each other! They just better not drown any of the kids now!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Perhaps a flexible capsul that can be bent around obstructions and corners. We sent men to the moon which I as a kid was just something out of comics.

    Flexible pipes are available now, example most kiddie corners have them, plus the bouncing castle people know how to put together flexible air tunnels that would last long enough to produce crawl thro's

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Their education will really suffer.

    Send a couple of backpackers down, and a crabby Thai  teacher, Singing songs, clapping hands , they will certainly learn to scuba dive very quickly. Hmm! on second thoughts they will get sagged on the outcrops with their braided hair, backpacks and fat behinds they wont be able to squeeze through

  4. 1 minute ago, thenoilif said:

    2.5 km of fun tube pulled through a cave of varying size with sharp rocks jutting out everywhere. 


    No not all the cave has water in it! Plus they have jack hammers etc. How is that so different to drilling a shaft? They have enough of people and it can be done.  Not all the areas are small just full of water the pipes would allow for a fast transition without the concerns of outcrops and uneven footings. 

  5. A flexible full body suit with flexible air hose attachment, these are small slim boys, they could also be sedated air tubes inserted and a chain of divers passing the parcels! or fexile tunnels placed that the kids could crawl through! set up right the kids could all be out in hours once the equipment is set up. perhaps time to get some 25-30 ins blue plastic pipe delivered!

  6. The first thing when everyone is out, is an iron bars blocking of the entrance at a safe distance should be put in place to make certain no one enters the cave beyond what is safe without full equipment etc., Knowing Thai youths, there should be no blame, problems occur and it sounds like the coach took care of the kids and this is proven, because they are all still alive 10days later!Lessons are learnt, knowledge gained and Thai rescue services have now ideas that can be formed into correct action plans for future tasks that may occur.

    • Like 1
  7. On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 5:55 PM, Thai Ron said:

    You've got all manner of deadbeats coming here, getting married and divorced inside a year and a lot of them can't even meet the 400k criteria for a 1 year extension.

    Funny that! that must be  the same in the UK and US , how many people have 400k sitting around doing nothing every year. When salaries stay still and the cost of living keeps increasing. The fact one has a proven continuous work record , pays taxes and is debt free, has medical cover,  should be proof enough. 

    • Like 1
  8. Just watched the video again, The 'top' official did see the Vio's coming fast, you can see in the video that his first intention was a turn into the middle lane, then he corrects his steering to continue across, (Which is the legal thing to do) obviously believing the car would bear right slightly and drive behind. But the Vios driver deciding his rights continued to 'cut ' up the SUV, to 'scare him!

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Always baffles me the inability of Thai drivers to manage a u-turn properly. Maybe they think full lock damages the steering! Why is it that I can manage to turn into the correct land but they struggle to turn in THREE lanes! I can see how he drove off without realising it though.

    If you have sat through the Thai driving video, the driver of the SUV was correct, moved across into the nearside lane or into the slip if there is one, Not turning into the fast lane or middle lane, The nearside lane is where all drivers are or should be aware of joining traffic from turns both left or right. Thats why most muppets never leave the right hand lane, even through they are breaking the law.

    • Thanks 1
  10. What's it with these 49 baht steak places, 4 French fries (cold) and a slice of manky bread with something thats meant to be garlic butter, plus cold veg, and always some bloody salad shavings with sweet mayo on and the steak covered in black pepper squeeze bottle sauce...is it an American theme gone wrong? plus a side order of French fries re-cooked, because they think you won't notice!

    • Haha 2
  11. Firstly the proposal must go in front of committee, Then an assessment to be done, back to committee then costs worked out including percentages that will be added to make sure everybody is happy. Then back in front of committee, to confirm what they are doing as everybody has forgot. So back to stage one, money has been allotted but, has they are no way ready, spilt and hold in bank accounts, till ready. One year later one of two things happen. 1, OMG what this cash in my bank account, it must be mine...Spend! 2. Committee meets decides it needs 12 signatures from people in power, but, nobody will admit who should sign, Give up and go home!

    • Haha 2
  12. Hmm more healthier to peel and chip a potato, Boil for 5 mins leave in water for 5 more minutes, drain, allow to dry, then, Fry till golden brown, you'll know when they are cooked  because they will float in the oil, and the bubbling will have nearly stopped. You will then have great British chips, crispy on the out side fluffy on the inside. When served salt and cover for 5 mins and they will be British take home chips with that soggy feel that helps them slide down.

    • Thanks 2
  13. They are strange people! They accelerate when they see you at the U-turn. But, at the traffic lights they pull away late and soooo slow. Cut turns so tight that I am sometimes amazed that they got round. Speed up to red lights, I hold my breath that they will stop in time. Yes the truck driver was in the wrong, but, as stated that is standard driving here, Her actions were much more serious, She read the road as if she was right, and not with safety in mind. She didn't want to slow and wait, knowing the road hazard of a stationary truck in the centre lane opposite a U-turn, was a warning that something isn't right. Will she be wiser in the future? Will anyone learn from the accident? Unlikely!

    • Thanks 1
  14. They are strange people! They accelerate when they see you at the U-turn. But, at the traffic lights they pull away late and soooo slow. Cut turns so tight that I am sometimes amazed that they got round. Speed up to red lights, I hold my breath that they will stop in time. Yes the truck driver was in the wrong, but, as stated that is standard driving here, Her actions were much more serious, She read the road as if she was right, and not with safety in mind. She didn't want to slow and wait, knowing the road hazard of a stationary truck in the centre lane opposite a U-turn, was a warning that something isn't right. Will she be wiser in the future? Will anyone learn from the accident? Unlikely!

    • Like 1
  15. I am sure that when I was younger the strict dress code as laid down in the religious doctoring's relates only to women after they are married to hide them from other men's eyes. Prior to that their looks were to be on show so the men could seek a woman to marry. Somewhere along the way a jealous spurned elder has taken to rewriting the rules or is it by hearsay? That all women should cover up? Does it say that in the book? So forced by men or is it some form of religious fashion statement?

  16. Holding a child back, has to have a very good reason, very poor attendance, due to illness, or long breaks from school. It would not be for poor grades during normal school times. One assumes that final exams and poor classwork, That a student receives failing grades. in these circumstances the grades are sometimes massaged from an 'F' to a 'D'. unless you ask to see the worksheets and marked exam papers, you may never know. In fact you should be concerned when a class all receives "A" for a subject exam. That tells you something about that teacher and wonder about their reasons for that grade. Has the teacher just been lazy, or instructed to be generous or perhaps they believe that is what they are meant to do. If the teacher is only staying a short time in Thailand, before moving on in their travels, Do they care? I have made a career choice normally give a student "I" for additional study to receive a past grade. But, some are far to low to get anything other than an 'F". and that as never changed in Government(8yrs), Int school (5yrs) or Uni (3yrs)

  17. 1 hour ago, BobbyL said:

    rI think he is clearly clueless as to what he is talking about, therefore using any reasoning to suit his agenda.


    Just reading his posts makes me scared to think he is actually teaching children in any school. 

    What is it with you! Leave off the personal attacks on me. Unless you know me personally. You sound like you have your own problems, and are acting like a bully, one that hides in chat rooms, where everybody has a right to express their views in a general manner. Please express your general comments and views. The fact you stated you are a teacher, you seem to have a very narrow minded way of discussing your views by just slating others. Perhaps if you read the comments from others , you would notice that others tended to agree with many of my comments rather than yours.  (note: If you do know me...Sorry your woman was gagging for it, she stated that she wanted a real man for a change! ?) See! We can all be childish in our responses!

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