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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. Don't have to carry your passport, I use the ID card instead. It is proof that you are a long-term residence, shows you are legal, The number show BIB what your status is, and is becoming more and more relevant. For 50 baht, you are dealt with prompt in and out within the hour. and does show you are not a tourist and gives you cheap rates, even got my own finance for my new car without needing the wife. It is in my name alone.

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  2. For most Thai's upcountry, Eating KFC is a treat, unlike UK and USA where it is a daily meal. The sad thing is there are few veggies on offer, just Chicken in various forms of decay. (Why do the chicken legs smell different? and what with chicken wing bit added to make up the amounts (Cheek!) and if you are lucky 10 pieces of french fries tasting of warm soggy wood shavings in a family bucket of chicken! with a gallon of ice cubes tasting a bit like Pepsi! Still nice for a snack, unpolluted by the smoke and fumes and dirt from the roadside snack trolley.

  3. 3 minutes ago, 1337markus said:

    you will see every part of the bird is used in making chicken meat except the carcass that goes to be crushed for pet food.

    Watch a Thai gal eating a chicken They clean of every bit of eatable of the bones, so you could with a bit of glue be rebuilding the chicken frame as the put it down on the plate and go home with full skeleton model! so perhaps that is why to can buy the carcass for a full-blown meal for a family of 4!

  4. The original chicken seems to not be to the recipe, smaller than the crispy, I think they must use a different bird for it. It isn't fried the original way, and why does KFC let them get away with leaving for hours and still sell it dried out? Plus what is with the cheapest thing on the menu...The french fries? A small handful of them, plus giving you 2 paper towels? plus where is the finger wipes? I want juicy original that drips! and not 2 bite portions while the guy next crunches on turkey size pieces, and I don't want or drink soda, Pepsi, or figging custard tarts (again way too expensive for puff pastry and egg mix) they stopped offering any other drinks.

  5. It would simple the test station idea that driving around a simple course then over a plank to prove they can handle a motorbike is not intense enough. The funny thing at Phetchabun's test centre is that those taking the test turn up drive the bike! next when leaving, they then travel down a steep ramp, to the dual carriageway at a junction with traffic lights, but, with no light to control them, so, to turn right they are offset and have to turn into right turning traffic on the wrong side, and decide when its safe to do so as they have no light to control their access. There should be a half day course showing and testing then of all situations including a wet road and obstructions and turning positions etc. Still, what do I know?

  6. I don't think I will ever understand! both in the USA and UK, people are voted into office and then it seems all we hear 5 mins later and for the next few years, is how bad they are and how everything is going wrong. Surely that's not always the case is it because its easier to run them down and to never allow the good things to come out? True with the UK, The governments have since WW2 have only made things worst for UK citizens. Keep raising prices, lowering services and sooner than later we will have nothing, and be reclassed as a third world country. Is there nobody able to put things right, perhaps we need in dictator and a rebellion to sort the place out! 

  7. I think there is a legal care of duty, once the injured party is in their care and has started the treatment, cleaning, and bandage. The patent has to sign a release, and the nurse cannot do that without a doctors clearance and not make a decision concerning say.."Acid in the face attack" or other physical attacks without contacting the police.


  8. What about just rotate 65k every month into a Thai account and withdraw into another Thai account do that every month and then a bank statement confirming 65k in each month, there is nothing to say it has to remain in the account? it is for spending each month to live, or does it have to be proven it is coming from abroad then you could at a small cost jump back and forth from a PayPal type of account based not in Thailand.

  9. On 11/8/2018 at 11:45 AM, john smith said:

    was informed by immigration at Hua Hin main office three days ago that 65000 is not acceptable unless accompanied by an Embassy letter and only 800000 will be accepted with the usual three month proviso

    It's not three months, but 60 days, and that is written in the official rules, I think it has been twisted by certain officials, and for marriage extensions, it is wise to leave it in the bank for the following 30days while the paperwork runs through the system. I understand in the past they needed to check the marriage might be a sham, but how much paperwork do they need every year is ridiculous, The same map, photos etc., its time they got their computers linked, but when they change the heads of offices so often, each with their own ideas it becomes stressful wondering what next they want. I think after 5 years of extensions, there should be a fast track system. Now we are issued with Pink id's, pay tax and belong to the social security system and can have HP in our own name plus name on the deeds etc., its time to give us some official status.

  10. Always use Thaipost service, 99 percent no extra charges, and until a few years ago DHL wouldn't deliver up country or would charge extra and use local delivery companies until Kerry started treading on their toes! Why buy from Japan a second-hand backseat? there are seat repairers here who can easily rebuild a seat in most fair size towns in Thailand.

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