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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Most people go to a doctor for medical advice. Some come to AseanNow. My wife did the former for a similar problem. One injection and a few pills and she's fine.
  2. Reading the comments, is there any country anywhere in which the politicians are liked and respected?
  3. He's just saying what he's expected to say, without actually doing anything. It isn't his job to ensure what he says is acted upon. He knows that, the police know that and everyone else in Thailand knows that too. But he's done his job - without doing anything at all.
  4. A friend of mine, now sadly passed, used to ask to see their work permit whenever he was approached on Cowboy. They soon scuttled off. As for paying off the police, they don't care.
  5. Interesting that the kid is only one year old and already has a stepfather.
  6. Even if he did he would have been going slowly, enough time for a non-speeding driver to respond.
  7. This is hardly a unique case, is it. We read of this, or sexual assault by teachers, over and over and over again. Just part of the culture, committed by people who society says demands respect.
  8. And who makes them be teachers? Nothing else they can do which doesn't cause them stress? They know what the job involves, or should do, so why do they take it? It's a bit like taxi drivers complaining about the traffic.
  9. You expect banks to work and provide a service for free? Really? Any other business you expect that from as well?
  10. the other motorbike was coming from the wrong way as it is a one-way road. When people have asked me if Thais drive on the left or the right I've always answered 'Yes'. It's usually but not always motorcycles, and they drive on whichever side of the road they consider most convenient for them. I live on a road with no divide in the centre as an 'excuse' for them, and a large percentage of motorcycles use the wrong side for no reason at all other than a lack of self-discipline.
  11. Thailand calls it a microsleep. The rest of the world calls it losing concentration.
  12. I liked Victory V's. Probably still would. Perhaps. Maybe. Or maybe not. And I used to roll fags for my dad using tins of Golden Virginia. Hundreds of them. He died of lung cancer so perhaps I helped kill him.
  13. My school had a mock election and I headed the NUTS (National Union of Teenage Socialists). I campaigned to get rid of that toilet paper, but l came second out of two so gave up politics.
  14. I've been a freelance journalist for over 40 years, writing for nearly every English paper and all the major news agencies, so am well aware of the cuts that have been made. In fact, it is difficult to remember how far back that goes, but certainly decades. The standard had definitely fallen as a result, and was accelerated by students and others offering to work for free. That had a double advantage for the publishers, as not only was it free copy but often those writers knew more about what they were writing about than the professional journalists. My field has been tennis, and there are fans who know far more than those journalists who might only cover it a couple of times a year.
  15. I don't want to belittle what happened to her, but no-one can force you to drink, especially to excess. As Nancy Regan once said, 'Just say no'. If she couldn't handle the pressures and expectations of her in that 'job' then she shouldn't have been doing it.
  16. I'm with you on that. But that won't be as a result of what is happening with these shadowy Chinese.
  17. I am unable to find how to post this in Banking so expect it to be moved to the correct place. I need to send a small amount, 120 Euros, to Spain. Two questions: Can I do this from my Bangkok Bank account, or are money transfers restricted to within Thailand? Is there a way to ensure, with exchange rate complications, to ensure they receive the correct 120 Euros amount?
  18. Those "peanuts" add up to a sh*tload of cash. Any figures to back up what you write?
  19. Barely even needed to use a fan, let alone aircon for weeks now. The next electric bill should be minus
  20. So the four in the bed of the pickup don't count? Of course, if they had respect for the law that bans riding in the bed of a pickup as it is dangerous and they could end up dead then they would not have ended up dead. So yes, stupid, although those four were not to blame for the accident so they were indeed innocents. Maybe the one found inside the vehicle was innocent too.
  21. If it's cost him millions do you really think he'd do it again? Really?
  22. Wasn't this the same island where a few years back it was revealed that the boss and his staff were raking in millions of baht through various corrupt schemes?
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