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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. This latest U-turn is simply another example of Thais being totally unable to think beyond Step 1. It's deeply ingrained into their DNA, be it the suicidal way they drive, for example not understanding that overtaking on a blind bend could result in death and injury; shooting someone dead because they looked at you the wrong way, or as recently, you honked at them; or government banning at short notice all travellers without a vaccination certificate. They simply don't understand the consequences of their actions, in anything at all. It's really quite extraordinary and suggests the mental age of children. And that is quite frightening.
  2. Did you read this? Police are working on the assumption that it is an inside job noting the cleverness of the thief in not removing the tourists' whole cash pile in order to cover their tracks. Exactly the same thing happened to me in Malaysia. Police refused to investigate, saying a local with a $100 bill would arouse suspicion.
  3. This latest U-turn is simply another example of Thais being totally unable to think beyond Step 1. It's deeply ingrained into their DNA, be it the suicidal way they drive, for example not understanding that overtaking on a blind bend could result in death and injury; shooting someone dead because they looked at you the wrong way, or as recently, you honked at them; or government banning at short notice all travellers without a vaccination certificate. They simply don't understand the consequences of their actions, in anything at all. It's really quite extraordinary and suggests the mental age of children. And that is quite frightening.
  4. So 'close to' was inaccurate. The lines are integrated. Thanks.
  5. How close? If it's a major transport hub they should be part of, not close to.
  6. https://www.gourmetontheroad.com/2023/01/changing-covid-rules-on-daily-basis.html The word is spreading.
  7. Thailand can't be seen by their masters in Beijing to be targeting the Chinese, as other countries have done, so they do the usual Thai system of using a hammer to crack a nut thing and ban everyone worldwide who hasn't had the needle.
  8. It's probable that most travellers to Thailand, having experienced few or no restrictions in their own country for many months, no longer give Covid a second thought and certainly wouldn't think it necessary to carry proof of vaccination with them to a country which, until today, also had no restrictions. And that's even if they heard of the sudden new restrictions before going to the airport. There are going to be many disappointed and angry passengers being refused boarding, and who will probably decide after losing the money spent on flights and hotels that Thailand simply isn't worth the risk in future. And who could blame them.
  9. Could you explain what is needed for that, the rules? Thanks.
  10. I've had the marriage extension for a few years. More hassle with the docs but it only takes an hour or two per year to put together.
  11. Ok, so Kalasin did forget to mention the need for an O visa. I'll go and speak with them. As they appear not to know their own rules, again, they might say I don't need it. There's a month to go before my visa exempt expires, so it isn't that urgent. The money has been there for years anyway so that isn't an issue.
  12. A brief background. I had a one-year marriage extension expiring that would have left me under consideration in a period I needed to be away from Thailand. This site, via you or Udon Joe, suggested I get a 60-day extension, but Kalasin told me that wasn't possible (wrongly, as this site confirmed) and that I should simply leave and come in by the 45-day non visa route and then apply for a new one-year marriage extension (effectively starting again, which is anyway no different than applying for the first time). There was no mention at all of having to get a 90-day non-O visa before applying for the one-year extension. Was Kalasin wrong again? My plan is/was to go and apply a few days before my 45 days are up on y7th February.
  13. I always take my wife to immigration as she drives ????
  14. This got me thinking, as I recently came in on a visa exempt and am due to apply/re-new my Marriage extension in early February. But, while I'd have to pay 1900 for the 60-day I might as well pay the same for the one-year. So I'd ask the OP whether he has a real need to pay twice by getting a 60-day extension before getting the one-year. If that is indeed his plan, which it might not be.
  15. And... The one involved in this story had warning lights and sounds but no barrier.
  16. Whatever the law is is entirely irrelevant in Thailand.
  17. Many 'monks' are criminals only there to 'redeem themselves' after committing a crime. Monkhood in Thailand is not all it seems to be to an innocent outsider.
  18. How about reading the link. It only takes 30 seconds.
  19. Why change the name at all? Of course, at 172,000 baht per character as suggested above means we know the answer.
  20. Can someone point out to this 'expert' that most of the rest of the world has been totally unconcerned with Covid for several months with little to no precautions against a virus that has long passed its peak, with almost no-one anywhere outside of Asia still wearing a face mask. China has vaccinated comparatively few people and the virus is still a very serious issue there. Not so anywhere else. The threat comes from China, not Farangland. But of course, that is an inconvenient truth to those who feel the need to suck up to their masters in Beijing.
  21. Not all of us are poor. Not all of us are rich either. Saying that the death of a farang means riches for the locals is a rather silly comment.
  22. Those countries aimed their restrictions on China, whereas Thailand is imposing restrictions on the entire planet. Big difference. Very big difference.
  23. I guess the Safety First sign didn't work. I'd take it back for a refund.
  24. It was unclear how the incident occurred or who the owner of the vehicle was. I know how they might find out. Look at the door of the truck. Clever, I am.
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