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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Time waits for no pandemic. As far as I am aware. no country in the world other than Thailand has banned all passengers from all countries if they haven't been vaccinated. Not for a long time. In recent days and in other countries precautions have been put in place against the Chinese, and the Chinese only. Thailand can't do that as their masters in Beijing would be offended, so Thailand makes the ban worldwide to disguise what they are doing. Smoke and mirrors.
  2. Now that is scary..... I live on one of those, and in the 10 years I've been here there have been at least 20 accidents within 300 metres involving death, amputation, lorries on their side or in the ditch, and a car flying through the top of a tree (Thai drivers can defy physics).
  3. You miss the point. This is sprung on people days before they fly. Either they have no time to get a vaccine, which some say takes up to 14 days to take effect anyway, or they don't want to be vaccinated for whatever reason and thought they were free to travel to Thailand. Which they were, until now and this latest reversal of policy.
  4. Thailand does not want to anger their leaders in China by only demanding measures from Chinese arrivals, so instead they demand the same measures from everyone. Problem solved for the Thai government, but a massive problem for everyone who has booked and paid for flights and is unvaccinated and learns of this - or not, depending on if they hear of it on the news around the world - just days before they travel. I imagine that many will show up at airports unawares and be refused boarding. Great advert for Thailand as it shoots itself in the foot yet again.
  5. Part of his job description, no doubt. Reminds of a post here once about a foreigner who ran a factory employing a security guard, and on his first night on the job he showed up with a pillow and blanket - and he's probably still wondering why he was fired before he even started.
  6. Really? No-one would get much from me dying. I guess you are a member of the 'All Farangs Are Rich Club'.
  7. Just another case of Me First, the Thai national motto.
  8. Thais are taught almost from birth never to ask questions. Not a great foundation for becoming a journalist.
  9. What has this got to do with the taxi driver wanting to rip off his passengers? The exact opposite of what you are ranting about happened - a caddy paid the rip-off fee for the passengers. Did you even understand what you were reading? It seems not.
  10. There's a reason for that: During the past three days, a total of 424,745 cars and motorcycles were stopped by police and other officials for examination. 67,203 drivers have been charged, including 18,964 for not having a license. That nearly 19,000. In just three days. I live on a long straight road, perfect visibility, and in the 10 years I've lived in the house within 300 metres we've had at least 20 accidents involving death, amputation, wrecked cars, one car flying through a tree, lorries in ditches or on their side. Whenever I see a car driving slowly I just assume the driver has no license, the driver is drunk, or both.
  11. Any chance you could read the linked article? Don't bother. I did it for you: Pattaya police took the woman who caused the collision to the police station to test for alcohol. I'm amazed at how often people on this site ask questions that are already answered if they bothered to look. Hint: reading a linked article usually - not always - expands the info provided by AseanNow. Only takes a minute, too.
  12. Why doesn't any journalist, and in Thailand that term has to be used very loosely, ask why they only do checkpoints at holiday times and not all year. I'd like to know their answer, although we all know why. They just can't be bothered.
  13. The driver knows exactly what is involved with the job, or he should do. If he doesn't like it he shouldn't have taken the job. No-one made him take a job with the fare structure it has. If no drivers took the job because of it the authorities would have to do something to it to attract drivers.
  14. Just part of the culture Thais are so proud of. And who see nothing wrong with the corruption at all levels.
  15. Painting zebra crossings doesn't do anything to prevent accidents. Just a PR exercise that achieves nothing other that a photo opportunity. Educating drivers, and more importantly giving a large fine for ignoring the crossings, might help. But then, those that would do that, the police, are as guilty as anyone else.
  16. If the driver doesn't like driving in traffic for a living then perhaps he should find alternative employment. Just a suggestion. Being suspended for three months gives him the perfect opportunity.
  17. I've PM'd you. Edit: someone else above has mentioned him too.
  18. I agree up to a point, but if you want to experience a true capitalist paradise look at Thailand, where I believe 5% of the population controls 95% of the wealth and have the wherewithal to keep it that way. Thailand is where the riots are needed, not the UK.
  19. I've lived in Thailand 26 years and know very well all that you say, which is 100% on the ball. I just posed it as a question for which all but the greenest know the answer.???? I would also add that pretty much all Thai people share the same contempt for the RTP.
  20. From the article: After finishing their business... Exactly. Nobody elses. Especially at 4am when most are people asleep - even in Pattaya. Now, aisle 5 at Makro at midday might be a different matter. Also, why would doing the most natural thing on Earth (except in Thailand where the most natural thing is lying) traumatise children? Let's have a poll: Are Thais the biggest hypocrites on the planet?
  21. I got one on my phone app which I've deleted as we have nothing to pay Thailand Post. Interesting that it appears to be only a phone scam rather than an internet/email one. I use AIS - have others received the message via other companies or has AIS been hacked - again, if memory serves?
  22. You prompted me to check a Japanese outlet on Suk 33/1 and I found exactly what I wanted at 60 baht each. You win the gold star.
  23. The dollar may be well on it's way into the toilet already but its fall won't be due to just one individual. No. It will be due to a breakdown in law and order in the name of one individual.
  24. Does anyone have any idea why Thailand has a police force? Apart from to stop people drinking a beer after 2am, that is. I really have no idea. Same as my wife, whose brother is a policeman. I asked her what he actually does and she hasn't a clue.
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