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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. VFS do not only handle UK passports. And how does not returning the new passport by courier achieve anything?
  2. For some bizarre and to us unknown reason, VFS do not use a courier service. Not even EMS. You know, like any other business does anywhere. They demand that, no matter where you live in Thailand, you have to appear personally not only to apply for a passport but then return to collect it. There are exceptions, such as nominating someone to collect for you which is less than straight-forward, but using any form of courier post hasn't occurred to them.
  3. Some, maybe for the same reason as women, some of a certain age, go to the Caribbean? Why should it bother you what men do? Jealous? Anyway, you clearly have an agenda, which has taken this thread off-topic. Continue it on your own.
  4. Strange to link football and food. But quality? Fish and chips are preferred over rice soup? Same with music. When you've seen the top acts elsewhere it is challenging to generate the same enthusiasm for local acts. They are simply not as good, much of the time.
  5. The reason being most guys sit in pubs drinking and don't get out much. Or it might be that when you've experienced football in Europe there is nothing to talk about with Thai football.
  6. There might be a very good reason that Thai football isn't mentioned 😁
  7. Another strange reply on this thread. Look.
  8. Funny. Did you read the headline?
  9. Not really. Wasn't someone caught at security smuggling in a large sum of money in a sandwich box on his way to see a judge? Sure they cost more than an envelope and that increases the overheads, but they could always ask for it back after the contents have been examined so that it can be re-used again.
  10. Exactly right. Thailand needs to address why the country attracts bottom of the barrel rather than the ultra-rich they have wet dreams about. But they won't, because the reasons are too embarrassing. I don't need to list the reasons here, as anyone with more than the briefest experience of the country knows very well what they are.
  11. Let's just say I don't think many of the tourists that are attacked go there for the beaches.
  12. There has always been a dislike of people being successful and having money in the UK. It is considered vulgar, in the same way it is considered vulgar to talk about money/how much you paid for something/how much you earn. Deeply rooted into the culture.
  13. Businesses tend to pay the people who work for them what they are worth, their market value. And how does wearing clothes he is involved with in a business deal, and his comments about Israel, make him a hypocrite? How is that in conflict with what else he does or says. Maybe you don't know what hypocrite means.
  14. Any chance Lineker will leave the BBC and its archaic rules and move to another channel, where he will be welcomed with open arms?
  15. It might depend on the office(r). As usual. I've been told I have to complete the form by hand in blue ink.
  16. I'm amazed this kind of thing doesn't happen far more often. People have a right to be able to walk without being hassled or robbed, by those of confused sex and anyone else. It really is that simple. Everyone who reads this forum knows that these people are pests and predators, enabled by the police to operate with impunity after paying a few hundred baht 'fine;.
  17. As well as the situation in the Red Sea, there was another problem close to Singapore. That has been resolved and for the past several days I haven't needed a VPN using3BB.
  18. Did they offer any suggestions how?
  19. How many of the over one million people there were involved in crime? The video says around 200 were arrested, which is 200 too many, but not too bad I'd say. Comparable with large football events, for example. And that violence has nothing at all to do with immigration.
  20. Depends. You can't put everyone in the same basket. I grew up in London, and there was an enormous influx of West Indians in the early 50s who introduced their vibrant culture into a very staid UK. Now, the Notting Hill Festival is one of the highlights of the social scene, attended by black and white alike, Then in the early 70s a large number of Indians arrived after they were expelled from Uganda, and they pretty much took over running local corner shops, open all hours. That 'none integration' led to many more businesses adopting their greater work ethic. Another positive from immigration. And curry is now the UK favourite food. Next came East Europeans, who again added their culture, and then the Muslims. Many of those tend to be more insular, but it might only be a matter of time before they offer another layer to UK culture. I do know that when I paid a visit to my local museum, a large group of Muslim girls in full headgear were there as a group to be shown around the place to learn the history of their new home. I'd suggest that those who have no interest in integration are in a minority, just like right-wing idiots.
  21. It goes a great deal deeper than that, far beyond politics.
  22. The very foundation of society is being eroded, first by photoshopping, then by social media and, now, AI. Foreign governments work behind the scenes to manipulate elections in democratic countries. And there is, seemingly, nothing that anyone can do to stop it. Pandora's Box has been opened. There is no longer any certainty that what we see, read and hear is real. Can you imagine what the world will be like in a few decades from now? I often wonder what the founder of the internet, Tim Berners-Lee, thinks of how it has developed. On one hand we have the history and knowledge of the world available in our pocket, and on the other it is used as a tool to harass, threaten and corrupt.
  23. It's not a bad way to go, is it.
  24. I'm sure that any hospital in Thailand, maybe anywhere, can refer to documents signed by the patient before treatment that state the hospital and those who work there are not responsible for anything by anyone at any time. Not that that makes it right, of course. The patient might be lucky in this case that the hospital finally relented, after media pressure. I recently had eye surgery and had to sign such documents, and even had my thumb print taken twice in case I later denied the signature was mine.
  25. It doesn't matter what they call them. They do not tour, they go from A to B. Do Americans call buses that go from, say, New York to Boston a tour bus, or in the UK from London to Glasgow a tour bus? Are VIP buses in Thailand for VIPs? English words in Thailand mean nothing. I stayed in a hotel called * Suites in Bangkok and it had normal rooms. The manager told me that suites was just a name.
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