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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. What's your receiving bank here? Thanks. Bangkok Bank. Comes to me via Kasikorn I think, but that doesn't delay it.
  2. I believe you are correct. I agree. Perhaps someone who uses long distance trains can advise?
  3. We would expect nothing else, would we. Why does Thailand have a police force? No wonder people pay to serve in it as they then get paid for doing nothing, with 'fringe benefits' added. My brother-in-law is a policeman. I asked my wife what he does and she has no idea. BTW, he has three houses, several plots of land, two motorcycles, a pickup and a large luxury van used to run a school service for local kids.
  4. The best way to avoid a hangover is to not drink too much. Of wine or anything else. Works for me.
  5. This is a rule that is rarely enforced. My wife was once fined 500 baht, negotiated down from 2000 with no receipt, after she failed to report me returning home from a few days in Bangkok. I've made many such trips since and nothing has been said when we go to the IO for the 90 day report or new extension. They can't be bothered wasting their time on a pointless Communist country-styled law. Of course, there might an occasional time the officer wants to be difficult, but in my experience it's just another of the countless pointless laws in Thailand that is sensibly ignored.
  6. Same for me. Since an earlier similar thread about delays I've received two transfers from the UK within seconds as usual. I've also not been asked for increased verification as some have. Might depend where the money is sent from, or is just random or is being rolled out for everyone over a period of time?
  7. Correct. If we pay Thai tax like a few Thais do, can we then have the almost free health service, for example. Or does it only work one way with take take take and nothing given back? I mean, fair's fair.
  8. As @steven100 said, it should be escalated to Police HQ in Bangkok. Or put the story on Thai social media - that often works. The article says the experience was shared, but not how and social media isn't mentioned.
  9. Brightly-lit street, the car has headlights, yet still the driver can't see what is on the road ahead. Busy on the phone, I presume?
  10. I like to have grilled fish from the market, sometimes with sweet and sour, and it costs 150-200 baht. I also like to have various imported food, and nothing I buy from my supplier here costs more than 150. So we have a situation where food from a Thai street market can cost more than food imported from the UK or Australia. How did that happen?
  11. There appears to be a serious flaw in police training college. They are meant to be taught to uphold the law, not break it, but so many graduates seem to confuse the two.
  12. But but but the authorities cracked down on drivers ignoring the crossings by painting the road around the crossings red.
  13. Why no 13th floor? But there is, there is. It's so famous they made a movie about it 😀
  14. That's right - blame the victim. What a strange comment. You appear not to understand that the victim was the kid, not the aunt referred to who 'didn't notice a thing' over the seven years that the abuse was happening.
  15. The fee is whatever they say it is. Same as any rule or law in Thailand is what the person in uniform says it is. You can argue and think you've won, but you haven't. They have the power, you have nothing. They know that.
  16. You mean the steps that were built illegally and were then demolished?
  17. It doesn't actually matter who Thais vote for. They are given the government chosen by an elite few or one imposed by the military - these days, effectively the same thing.
  18. And how about the booze ban for non-Buddhists on certain days. I'm sure businesses love having to close for no good reason. And if Buddhists allow it on every other day of the year, why are their holidays any different? The height of hypocrisy.
  19. How wonderfully Thai. We would expect nothing else, would we? Maybe the police will prove him wrong, but we'll never know as media here never does a follow-up.
  20. Now, if only the mother had raised her own daughter. You like, like mothers do where we come from.
  21. I think it's a generation thing. The young like them more than adults. It wasn't really the thing, the fashion, when current adults were growing up. Now it is. It might also be a Thai thing. I've seen many, many videos of young Chinese out for the night and very few have tattoos. I find them a massive turnoff. And I'm baffled by those who 'decorate' their back with tattoos they can't see. Weird.
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