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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. According to a recent post by a mod, @Sheryl who seems to have a handle on this, the new proposed law refers to all income worldwide by all foreigners, even if not a cent of it enters Thailand. The policy seems to be 'we'll charge you tax and then it's your job (ours) to claim it back' if there us a DTA agreement. A nightmare. And although the mod said it is only a proposal and won't be introduced until next year, it DOES affect us NOW as what we pay is based on our income NOW. What she posted: The new proposal, which has a way to go before becoming law (if it does), would also tax income not brought into Thailand (income, not savings) subject to the same considerations as above: whether the source of the income is exempted under the relevant DTA, and credits to avoid double taxation. EDIT: The worldwide aspect would seem to negate my idea of not transferring any money into Thailand but to charge most spending to my UK Visa card. Simply by living here and not bringing any money into the country we will be liable to be taxed on income earned overseas.
  2. I think you mean didn't do anything wrong. Why did she believe them? It is by no means unusual for gullible people, those with the mind of a child, to believe anything they are told, We quite often read on here of Thais who send money to people after receiving a phone call 'from their bank' or other fake source, asking them to send money to an account, and they meekly oblige. I guess many Asians, not only Thais, are very afraid of officials of all kinds and if they are told to jump, they jump without thinking.
  3. I have a UK visa card and they refuse to send renewals to Thailand due to its reputation for fraud. I have a UK address (my sister's) that it goes to. Go Thailand!
  4. Yes, exactly. You are forced to exit the country for no reason, only to return five minutes later. Pathetic, pointless and a pantomime. There is absolutely no reason for border runs. My sister-in-law went to live in Hungary - five year visa, no border runs, no visits from immigration, no 90-day reports. Just an attitude of thank you for choosing our country to spend your money. She was even able to sell her garden produce in the market without risk of arrest for not having a work permit.
  5. They tried to get me to change to a retirement extension as it's a lot easier for them. If they don't like their own rules then maybe they should change them, instead of making it difficult for themselves.
  6. Why are there chosen, not elected, senators? And who gave the EC the right to chose who those unelected senators are? And what is the purpose of the senators and the EC, other than to deny the public the government they voted for?
  7. Five rules are listed in the linked article, and not one - not one - applies to the security guards. Every one of them relates only to how the venue is run. For those who don't want to read the link, they are: According to Pol. Maj. Gen. Thawatchakiat, security guards must strictly adhere to the “5 Free” policy for entertainment venues, which includes: Free from children: Employees of entertainment venues must be 18 years old or older, and customers must be 20 years old or older. Free from drugs: The venues must not allow illegal drugs on the premises. Free from weapons: The venues must not allow weapons on the premises. Free from human trafficking: The venues must not engage in human trafficking activities. Free from harm: The venue must provide a safe environment for customers. This includes having adequate security measures in place, such as CCTV cameras and fire exits.
  8. And his background, whatever it is, has absolutely no relevance to what he did.
  9. The PM says there is a shortage of Thai pilots. The association says there is not and pilots are unable to get work as there are less planes flying. So which is it? Between the pilot's association and the PM, I'd pick the former, who are qualified in what they are doing. The latter is not. He's a real estate mogul.
  10. Someone does a good deed, and straight away we get posts on here saying he must be working here illegally/is a gang member because he has a tattoo etc. Pathetic. And I don't mean him, or the poor guy who got scammed. WTF is it with you people?
  11. I've been trying to decide on the correct word to describe your posts. Amusing? Irrelevant? Pointless? Funny? All four and more? The one thing they are not is insulting to others and I, for one, thank you for that. You're a harmless old codger. Or bonkers 😁
  12. And they say it's still been going on since the last 'crackdown' in February. And it still took them four months to mount another 'crackdown'. In most other posts by Admin the police 'rush to the scene' 😄
  13. Of course it is, and of course most find it unacceptable. Doesn't mean it isn't a common part of Thai life. On child abuse, how often do we read of schools trying to cover up abuse by teachers, and even police not being involved. Child abuse is pretty common in Thailand. Are you saying it isn't? If so, you clearly aren't a regular reader of this site.
  14. What an ugly comment and pitiful attempt at Thai bashing. Meth, ice, amphetamine addiction brings out the worst in people all over the world. If you don’t like the culture here Barry you probably should go. Well, I didn't say it was exclusive to Thailand. What happens elsewhere in the world is irrelevant to this thread. I commented about what happens here, because this is a forum about Thailand. It is far from unusual, and usually has nothing to do with drugs, but greed. And stupidity, as these days it is usually teenage girls pimping out underage girls who advertise their service on social media. s I wrote, it used to involve mothers pimping out their daughters for electrical appliances, such as a washing machine. I've read plenty of those reports during the 27 years I've been here, but in this case it was motivated by drug use. That was less the case in decades past. There are frequent reports here of teachers or close family members, even monks, abusing kids. When it is so prevalent it is part of the culture, whether saying so offends you or not.
  15. You ignore the facts, black out the inconvenient truth, that doesn't fit your narrative, like most conspiracy theorists. The suspect, who hails from the Donbas region of Ukraine and speaks Russian, was found with bomb-making equipment and multiple passports in his luggage.
  16. So all those international media companies are wrong, and you're right. Okay. Meanwhile, I have no idea what Freedumb Fries means.
  17. Russia invaded Ukraine, and you blame America. Dumber and dumber.
  18. No, Bob. I have IPTV and other means to see the matches at a reasonable hour. Signed Man At Leisure
  19. At 11.30 at night. When I was a kid I had to be in bed long before that, but in Thailand kids do whatever they want as parenting is sooo hard. No sympathy from me.
  20. Such a wonderful culture. At least this time it isn't teachers sexually abusing students. Mothers used to sell their daughters to get money to buy 'essentials' such as a washing machine, but times change. Now it's drugs.
  21. The point raised several times in the article is valid. This time it was only a milkshake. Next time, what? There are already a number of MPs who will not be standing in the election as they fear for their safety after two members were murdered (as well as a greater number who are not standing as they know they haven't got a chance in hell of winning the seat). MPs have to make themselves accessible to their constituents, but that is wide-open to danger. Every time they go out they're playing Russian Roulette with their life as some people no longer tolerate an opposing view.
  22. Well, they voted for the government. Oh, wait......
  23. Would they tax me on money I spend using my UK credit card?
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