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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Are you saying that no law has been broken so nothing needs to be done? Just forget about it? The parents who deny any responsibility go unpunished? And if it was your kids who were the victims? What then?
  2. And what did the police do when they were informed and shown the video? Did the reporter ask? A waste of time to do that I guess, as we all know what the answer would be.
  3. Reminds me of a hotel I stayed at in Dusseldorf. They would close off half the restaurant for breakfast, crowding people into one area. When I questioned why we couldn't sit where we wanted I was told the tables had been set for lunch. At 9am. Another example of a business running it for their own convenience and not for the people they are supposed to be serving.
  4. Message to the OP: Don't do it. There are countless better places to go that are not overpriced and run by criminal scum. Many with experience of Thailand avoid it like the plague.
  5. While living in Thailand I have experienced a KFC with no chicken (I've read that also happening in the UK), a McDonalds at an airport that wasn't allowed to sell burgers where it was located, and a fish restaurant on a beach that had no fish.
  6. Maybe. I can't judge as I've never tried them all. But KFC is gigantically successful because it provides what people want. Always a good business model to follow, that. McDonalds is an even better example. I was going to include Starbucks, but that's more of an image thing.
  7. Can't imagine a Swiss jail could be all that bad. When they compare it to living in a billionaire lifestyle mansion, they might not agree with you.
  8. Try reading the OP's post again. Especially the first sentence. He didn't buy anything from the store.
  9. If they were Thai and were to serve prison time in Thailand - which would never happen because of their wealth - they'd be given a comfortable hospital suite rather than a cell. But they aren't, so they won't.
  10. The standards are probably there. It is enforcement that isn't. As usual.
  11. That statement us about as vague and pointless as it is possible to be.
  12. Silly tourists, not knowing about illegal self-appointed pickup areas for the local tuk tuk thugs. Anywhere else in the world they can just step into a taxi, but in Phuket, nah. Not that simple. Still, a nice little experience to share among their family and friends about the land of smiles. Not many places you can be the cause of conflict among the local scum.
  13. I believe that companies sometimes negotiate a pricing arrangement with certain countries and their government, That is why you get different prices in different countries.
  14. Exactly right. Fear of authority is ingrained into Asian culture. The same could happen, probably does, in many countries in the region. I guess it also happens in other countries too, where uniforms hold a prominent position in society. That covers Russia and other Eastern European countries, and probably much of South America. Doesn't leave much of the world left, does it 🥹
  15. Very nice of him to highlight the problems that the family-friendly resort has and what tourists have to guard themselves against.
  16. Have you considered it is about 70 million Thais, compared to maybe 300 000 foreigner per day in Thailand. Look at the percentage related to crime at nationality. After that we can have a talk again. That is exactly my point. There is a far greater chance of being robbed by a Thai than a foreigners, yet she warns especially about foreigners.
  17. Unless you know how many hundreds of millions of dollars are spent researching and developing the drugs then you have no right to say that the companies charge an extortionate price for their product. These drugs are not produced overnight out of nothing. It takes great skill and highly trained scientists to produce these products. That all costs money.
  18. I think you missed this part - The bust followed a five-year investigation led by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, which found the pills were dangerously mixed with other substances.
  19. Perhaps you didn't understand that she said people had to be especially wary of foreigners (ie more so than with Thais) Despite there being infinitely more Thai criminals in Thailand than there are foreign criminals. "You cannot trust anyone, especially foreigners,” the woman remarked
  20. More racism. They just can't help themselves, can they. There is a far, far, far greater chance of being robbed by a Thai, but that's an inconvenient truth, isn't it. The Russian got first to the bag she left, that's all. Stupid woman to leave the bag and stupid to make it a racist matter. Jeez!
  21. This kind of thing is hardly unusual, and demonstrates again how gullible Thais are. A report last year said they are the most open in SE Asia to scams due to their childlike naivety. Yet, despite these reports, they still donate food and money and other goods, work for free in the temples and so on. Thai Buddhism is too often just another scam. And what have the Buddhism authorities had to say? Did anyone ask?
  22. You're confusing real Buddhism with Thai Buddhism. The only similarity between the two is the monks wear orange robes..
  23. My app shows a 50% chance of rain. So it might rain, it might not. And people get paid for this?
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