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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

    Genuine refugees are fleeing some form of persecution or danger. They have to accept protection from the first safe country they arrive at. Those people may chose to stay in their new county and if so should assimilate and integrate and make an effort to do so.


    Illegal economic migrants are not refugees. They are trying to avoid legal immigration and to cherry pick the country they want to go to where they expect they will be given the most free. This idea they can illegally enter and cross many countries and then have an entitlement to simply plant themselves on a country of their choosing which must accept and provide for them, whilst they make no effort at integrating is very different to a refugee.


    Countries have their own criteria and rules to help genuine refugees. The others are simply illegal immigrants and should be treated as such.

    Excellent! You hit the nail on the head!

  2. 17 hours ago, Ahab said:

    I don't give her anything. My wife of 24 years runs the budget, she spends whatever she needs and saves the rest. She has been paying the bills and making sure everything is taken care of for about twenty two and a half years.

    Same as my situation and about the same time involved, we're a couple and we trust each other.....like a husband and wife should. If you can't trust your partner, better to stop, step back, and reevaluate your situation.

  3. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Are you calling your 90 day reports you do an extension? The are not extensions. They have nothing to do with when you have to apply for your extension.

    You can apply for your one year extension up to 30 day before your extension ends.



    Thanks for your time on this thread ubonjoe, and sorry for the confusion. I don't do any 90 day reporting since I work time on/off and don't stay in the country long enough to have to do this. 30 days before, got it.

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  4. I currently hold a non immi O one year extension of stay based on retirement/marriage that expires in Feb. I won't be here to take advantage of the extra three months at the end of it so will need to renew before I leave. Will immigration renew it in Thailand without leaving the country or do I need to leave and get another non immi O and come back in? I'll be going to the Jomtien immigration office, if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for any intelligent answers. I did a search for this but couldn't find anything on it. 

  5. Just curious as to what people are paying for water in private moo bans in Pattaya. My water price was around 12 baht m3 for many many years then it doubled overnight to 25 baht m3.  We have numerous wells around the estate that provide the water. I'm not a cheapskate and can afford the 300-400 a month I pay but it seems kind of high to me. Thanks in advance for any reasonable/intelligent responses. 

  6. I installed batts that were approx 100 mm thick with foil on top. Helped significantly but I noticed after approx 5-7 years that the batts have compressed down to about half thickness of what they were originally. I think this is from the high humility here. I'm sure they still are offering some reduction in heat but obviously not as much as when first installed.

  7. From my experience I would NEVER use a regular postal service to Thailand, especially credit cards. I've had documents sent over on numerous occasions and they are ALWAYS opened and a message from the Thai post office stamped on them that says something like, "This package received in this condition". And these were only paper documents, no credit cards. Also when having credit cards sent to Thailand I've had trouble when using FedEx or DHL and telling them it was credit cards; they refused to send them. As one poster mentioned, best bet is to send them in some kind of packaging disguising them so people can't tell it's credit cards, use a well known carrier, and don't tell the carrier what's in the package.

  8. I've had that happen also, after numerous times of him falling asleep I forcefully told him to pull over and I would drive. He didn't want too and kept saying he was alright, but in the end he relented and I drove to Pattaya, not to his office, to my home. I don't think most of the drivers would do this due to loss of face on their part but for some reason he gave in. By the way the company was the same as a well known international airline who's colors are white and purple.

  9. I think a few people on this forum have a twisted idea of what's going on here. Labor laws are put in place to protect workers from companies exploiting them, not to protect an individual that has shown initiative and chooses to work hard because he wants/needs too. I wish some of my extended Thai family members were this proactive/responsible.

    I agree with the one post that said, is it better he's working and earning money on his own or would it be better if he's selling drugs and committing crimes?

    On another note; I started working at the age of ten or so doing odd jobs for money, it taught me responsibility and how to earn money on my own. When old enough to enter the workforce I already had a good base and experience that employers valued. My hat's off to this kid and I wish him all the best.

    And for all those saying western society is different, it is, but good work ethics are the same in any society/culture.

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