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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 5 minutes ago, nauseus said:


    Agree. If you read the story, Trump says those who were wrongly imprisoned would be pardoned. If he can get that right then good.

    If there is anyone wrongly imprisoned there is a process within the legal system  for addressing the issue.

    We don't need judge trump to do it for them,  

    Putting that aside if I remembered this correctly the price for a trump pardon was 2 million dollars. 

    I could be wrong but I dont think these yokels  have any money. 

    • Confused 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, kwilco said:

    Is this allowed by UK customs and the airline? (Thai Airways)

    Not absolutely sure about the UK , but every summer we often travel to Greece   and to the US, we stay for a month or so, and the wife brings all sort of chili pastes, oyster sauces etc. Especially in Greece were there are not many asean markets. 

    We pack it well . in our checked in luggage. We never had an issue,

    Just don't carry it in the plane, Check it in. 

    Never had a problem, and I am talking dozens of times. 


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  3. 30 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    It seems that playing with strings has a sim milar tough confusing




    Sorry I could not resist , the above  picture was right in the middle of the dog article. I like the guy in the back with the baseball hat. 


    "The good news is that after adjusting for variables such as sex, income, marital status, presence of children in the home, and income, dog owners had a 20 percent lower mortality rate than non-owners."

    https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animals-and-us/202402/will-getting-a-pet-make-you-live-longer#:~:text=The good news is that,mortality rate than non-owners.

    • Haha 1
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  4. 1 minute ago, organicman said:

    Thank you guys so much for your feedback!


    I called Jetstar a couple more times, they gave me the same answer that she needs to have a 6 month passport.


    I thought I would get to the airport early and speak to a couple Jetstar managers where they advised me that she can fly back to Thailand even tho she doesn't have a passport. 🙂

    Better call the Thai embassy.

    I went through the same issue. a letter issued by the Thai embassy would allowed her to travel without a passport. 

    in the case of "without a passport" it is true, but The airline can not make that decision themselves, because they don't know why she does not have a passport, they need a letter from the embassy. 

    don't take a chance , it was very easy to get, we never even went there, it was all done online and in a couple of days.  At the very least, because your issue is a bit different than my wife's give the embassy a call. 


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  5. 4 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:

    Of course he can ask the question here  -  and receive a definitive "Yes".......Thais don't need 6 months on arrival....they can enter on an expired Thai passport.

    Absolutely correct, my wife did a couple of years ago.

    But the problem is not entering Thailand, but departing where you are. 

    So when we were leaving the US, I don't remember if it was the Airline  or TSA, but she was challenged that her passport was expired, so we whipped out the emergency travel document and we were good to go. If we did not have them . trying to resolve the issue with a supervisor or what we might have missed our flight.

    Better to have the document in your pocket, It was easy to get, we got it on line . took a couple of days, We emailed a copy of my wife's passport and her Thai ID card. And  the emergency document was emailed to us next day. . 


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  6. 19 hours ago, organicman said:

    I just noticed my Thai girlfriend's passport expires in 5 months. Will she be able to fly back to her home country to renew it? We are flying Jetstar Australia.

    Yes my wife did it from the US with a totally expired Thai passport. 

    Simply call your local Thai consulate , explain the situation and concern. and request an emergency travel document. 

    I don't really think think she need it because if she is traveling to Thailand with a Tai passport. it is not required that she ever leaves, so why would she need a valid passport in six months? 

    But to be on the safe side , get the letter from the consulate, 

    It was easy to get. 


    • Agree 1
  7. Chicken soup in a lemon and egg sauce. 


    Decided to give making chicken soup another try.  This time I used the pressure-cooked to see how it would work.

    Sauteed chopped onion and garlick , Tossed in  a few chicken thighs  and legs parts to brown a bit. 

    Water, salt , pepper,  and for good luck a couple of cubes of chicken stock. 

    Pressure cooked for 25 minutes. Placed pressure cooker under running water to release the pressure, 

    and opened.

    Removed the bones of the chicken parts , returned the meet in the pot,and added half a cup of rice,   chopped celery, and diced carrots, slow boiled until rice was done. (nott too much rice depending on how much you are making , otherwise you will end up with a very thick stew. 

    Here comes the important part. It is critical that the instructions are followed closely.

       Three eggs beatten well , I used my milk frothing mixer, 

    two lemons squeezed and added to the eggs. then beatten together more  .

    Ok so this is the criticall part. In the bowl where you have the egg and lemon mixture , slowly add with a large serving spoon, add liquid from the simmering soup while whipping . This is done to bring the egg and lemon mixture , slowly up to the soup temperature  without cooking the eggs and having agg-drop soup. If you bring the temperature of the egg mix up too quick, it will curdle. 

    It sounds more difficult than it is, Just slowly ad soup fluid until the mix is hot to the touch, but keep mixing to keep the temperature even in the whole mix. 

    Then pure the mix in the simmering soup without mixing  much. let simmer for 5-10 minutes and it is done. 

    Trust me , if you like lemony taste, you would love this dish.




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  8. So many words in the OP , so little meaning. 

    Best friends with my ex. The fact that we are no longer married does not change the fact that we have a daughter together . and we both want to work together for the best possible future for our daughter,.

    Not a month goes by that me and my ex do not talk. The third  person i visit when I go to the US, after my daughter and sister is my ex mother in-law who  is a fantastic lady and I love dearly. 

    Divorce should not mean the end of the relationship, especially when children are involved, it simply means a different relationship.  

    PS: the divorce was mostly my fault. I was more of an A-hole then than I am today. If that's possible:smile:

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  9. 15 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:

    The Dobbs decision probably underpins some of this small erosion in support of equal rights for all citizens.


    The ability of SCOTUS to reverse long-held rights emboldens bigots.


    In a concurring opinion, Thomas called on the high court to revoke the rights to marriage equality, intimate sexual relationships, and contraception, as well. The landmark rulings establishing these rights, Thomas wrote, are “demonstrably erroneous.”




    I have wrote the same thing about the magamorons in this forum. It seems they are smelling blood in the water and more and more of them seem to be  crawling from under the rock they were hiding under these past three years. 

    I suspect the same is happening on a national level back in the US.

    Only thing is, that the idiots don't seem to realise that the blood they are smelling is their own as the march behind their own Pied Piper.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  10. On 3/13/2024 at 12:33 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

    Please STOP sharing your sperm with the women on this planet.


    Since you asked so politely.

    I was bored with this planet anyway. I was thinkin Uranus but  not my cup of tea .

    Since you are out there do you have  any suggestions where the babes are hot?

    Epsilon Eridani sounds nice. any experience there? :tongue:


  11. 10 hours ago, Celsius said:


    The visa payment.




    Of course they wont let you pay for the visa until you can prove that you qualify for  one. And one of the proofs of qualification  is that you have the funds available to qualify ,

    This has always been the case ,

       Happy you had an otherwise easy time getting your extension, Unfortunately not all regional Immigration offices are as officiant, part of the reason might be that they are in areas with large expat populations and not only are they faced with a large work load, they also have to deal with a lot more unreasonable foreigners. 

     I am also lucky to be in a location (Khon Kaen) with a very profesional , helpfully,  and pleasant Immigration Office.  I just picked up my extension stamp two days ago. I did it almost a month before I needed too. simply to make sure I had all my ducks in a row, and because I had not thing to do at the time. 

    Welcome back to LOS  

  12. 3 minutes ago, marin said:

    Nobody is trolling anybody. Its a legitimate question. You indeed did post how happy you were to be out of here, and how much better Canada was. Why is it trolling to ask why you turned around and are coming back?

    IMO the reasons why he came back are irrelevant to this thread , Why he came back is his own business. 


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