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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 17 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

    The 'cad' however wasn't the Prosecution.

    He was more than that, he was the one with the presidential power of life and death.

    19 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

    The Judge's comment that DA Willis displayed a  “tremendous lapse in judgment” could still take a part in any proceeding.

    In appointing the attorney!!  In fact I quote,  "Judge McAfee clarified that while there's no evidence of an actual conflict resulting from the relationship, the appearance of impropriety could compromise public perception of the case's integrity.  " which you conveniently left out from your above opinion. 

    I agree with Judge McAfee  100% ,and have said so from day one, that the prosecuting attorney should had been removed from this case .

      With him there , even if the trial was 100% fair,(which will be)  when trump is found guilty in the end, it would had given his apologists something to hug their hat on.

      Behind the prosecuting attorney there is a whole team, I am sure one of them can take over, if not plenty of other attorneys that can easily take over. 

      To all the trump apologists, notice that trump is not dying to have his case heard and his innocence proven. Delay . delay . and more delay. Why? because he knows that which we all know, and is hoping for a political change that would provide a political solution to his problem rather than a legal one. 

    He is indeed a  "bilko artist/ coup leader  " and there is only one place appropriate for him and it is not the White House, but it is the big house. 

      Sadly I am afraid he will not serve one day of his life in jail. Jail is for the poor and powerless. 

    Ways will be found for him to stay out of jail and a final decision delayed until after he dies, which I am sure everyone , including all the spineless so called republicans,  hopes will be soon . 


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  2. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm not going to look for it, but I'm sure I said something along the lines of it existed in society but those that were didn't shout about it.

    I will look it up for you because that's just the kind of helpful guy I am. :tongue: actually it os very easy to do. There is a function on the right left corner of the quote you are responding too


    That will take you to the quote that is responding to the previous quote In this case what you said. 

    So let's look at  what you actually said. 


    "I wasn't aware that "trans" even existed in the 1930s. It certainly didn't in NZ when I grew up decades later ."  

    "It certainly didn't in NZ",  "didn't'  meaning axist. 

    I'm sure there were some of that attitude in society, but they kept their druthers to themselves. "

    Then you backpedal  and say, "I'm sure there were some

    from these two contradicting statements I am inclined to concluded that transexuals in NZ are like  Schrodinger's Cat . :laugh:

    "but they kept their to themselves. "

    Because their "druthers '' is a "preference  " something that they had a choice, some times they prefered to be transexual, be ostracized from "Normal" society. And other times they did not.  


    "Such was the invisibility of "trans" that some first became aware it existed when the Kinks' song Lola became popular in 1970. "

    And that my friend is the definition of a compromised life. To be invisible, keep your head down , don't be an Uppity <deleted>. 

    Apologies to my black friends I am sure you recognise the reference. 



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  3. 1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:

    t's accepted and expected in Thai society.


    Not towards them.

    1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:

    Right, they don't like foreigners acting superior to them, cos to them, we aren't.

    Why you like foreigners acting supperior to you? 

    1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:

    Lol. How?

    When you stop laughing , I will explain it to you 


    1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:

    This is pathetic. 

    What is pathetic is me trying to talk logic with you 

  4. Just now, FruitPudding said:


    Well, now you are going against Thai culture entirely.


    This is your Western values showing through 

    Not at all , we are not talking about Thais we are talking about Farangs who want to become more Thai. 

    Do you agree  that people do not like those who act supperior to them? If you do and you want to be liked . then don't do it. 

    The Op wants , (at least fakes that he wants). to accepted by Thais and assimilate. Well if that's true then he can't act supperior to them.  The fact that Thais feel supperior to others in immaterial.

    In fact if what you say about Thais is true, the OP would score points with Thais if he also thought that Thais are supperior to others and showed it. 

  5. 22 hours ago, bob smith said:

    want to be a better Thai person

    Why are you now a worse Thai person? 

    23 hours ago, bob smith said:

    I want to try to assimilate as much as humanely possible into this culture.

    To do that you need to understand it more.

    23 hours ago, bob smith said:

    Maybe one day I will renounce my citizenship of birth and become 100% Thai.

    you will never become 100% Thai . Imposible .

    23 hours ago, bob smith said:

    what can I do to be the best Thai that I can currently be?

    Understand the culture, dot feel supperior , only different. There is no such thing as a supperior culture. Some cultures are better at some things and worse in others. and other cultures are better at other things and worse  and better than other . A superiority complex that many expats seem to have is simply Ethnocentrism. This superiority complex of expats manifests its self in many small ways and some big, and Thais know it. No one like a better than thou person. 

    Thai culture is what works with in the different dynamics of this society Same as your culture back home , and is dynamic. As conditions change so does culture adjusts to compensate. 

    23 hours ago, bob smith said:

    should I become a monk?

    You certainly should. please take pictures and post , we all need a good laugh.

    23 hours ago, bob smith said:

    help those in need?

    why don't you now?

    23 hours ago, bob smith said:

    study Buddhism? 

    Anything you study makes you a better person. But if I was you,  I would start by studying myself, if you do it honestly you might be surprised what you will find. 

    "An unexamined life is not worth living" it is simply a waste of time and skin." 

    You did not think I could improve on Socrates? did you? 

    well how do you like them apples?:tongue:

  6. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You asked a stupid question, so I didn't answer it.

    Sorry my stupidity offended you

    I will try not to bother you with it. 

    By the way it was a very good question that you would not answer because if you did it would lead you to the inevitable conclusion. 

    And my mom always said you can lead a donkey to water but you can not make him drink, 

    In the deficit issue, which it was you who decided to interject yours in, Based on the fact Biden has been much better. 


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  7. 5 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    got to let the trump jail thing go man, it's eating you up inside and making you repeatedly embarrass yourself .

    Thank you for your concern. Your advice is noted and will be given the attention it deserves. 

    6 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    if an ex president get 24hrs secret service protection, how will that work if trumps in a jail?

    Ahh, so you are saying a president can not go to jail regardless of what he does.

    Interesting .


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  8. 9 minutes ago, johng said:

    Yes of course I'm serious   they where/are  not insurrectionists none of them where charged with that crime let alone convicted..

    Inserection is a catch all term  and can be accomplished in different unlawful ways by different people.  A leader can instigate an Interbeton, and his followers comite different criminal acts  to carry out the inserection 

    those people were charged with the criminal acts they commited , 

    Most were charged with braking and entering, some with attempted murder , others with impeding a law Office from doing his job etc.

    The list is long .

    I am trying to phrase this as politely as I can but only someone with avery  poor understanding of the issue  would buy the assertion that they should had been charged with inserection. 

    25 minutes ago, johng said:

    they didn't even bring their guns ( zip ties are not lethal weapons) the most they could be accused of is violent disorder  this after being fired upon by police with tear gas.

     I am not going to litigate the case with you. The cases were already litigated, a jury of their peers heard the facts and found them guilty. 


    27 minutes ago, johng said:

    The fake electors  no I don't remember them.

    Then perhaps you should be staying out of these discussions, Why don't you google it, Research it and when you know more, come back? 

    29 minutes ago, johng said:

    I do remember the strange case of 2 pipe bombs found near the vice president on that day   strange in the fact neither she or MSN ever mentions it,  I've mentioned it 3 times now and no one here wants to talk about it either.

    You obviously heard it some place, so it must have been reported, unless you came upon this information by divine inspiration , why don't you provide a link to a report  about it so that we might know what you are talking about and how it supports your assertions, as it is I have no idea what you are talking about. or how it relates with what we are talking about. 

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  9. On 3/13/2024 at 7:37 AM, steven100 said:

    why do you ask such dumb questions all the time.

    I am reminded of the story of the snake and the otter at the river.

    The snake asked the otter for a ride across the river on the otters back

    to which the otter asks " are you crazy. you will bite me and I will die"

    the snake replies " no I will never do that because if I do we i will sink and we will both die

    Ok agrees the otter. "this makes sense. hop on. " 

    in the middle of the river the snake bites the otter , and as they are both drowning the otter asks.

    "Why did I do this? now we will both die"

    to which the snake replied "its my nature, as much as I tried, I could not go against my nature  "

    Perhaps in that story is your answer. 


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