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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 48 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO the fat lady only sings when Zelensky crawls to the negotiating table cap in hand.

    I think a lot more widows and fatherless children lie ahead as the EU and America keep financing it- shame on them.


    I  am not sure Zelensky will crawl anywhere other than a third country that would give him citizenship where he can spend the millions he has made from this war. I would be surprise to see him in Ukraine a year from now, maybe even less. 


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  2. On 2/23/2024 at 2:19 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    If it does end up in a Russian victory ( the fat lady hasn't sung yet )

    I take no pleasure in saying it, but it already has. And at the cost of the destruction of the beautiful country of Ukraine and a generation of it's youth.

    Those  of you who supported this disaster. Though I do believe you are all good people, your heart was in the right place , and you were mislead. 

    With friends like this, who needs enemies.

    Ukraine could right now be a prosperous , independant,  neutral country.  

    We all want things, but we all consider the price and if we could afford it. I know it's unfair, but it's the way of the world.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    You may be right about that. Strange thing is, the complex has two buildings with identical floor plans. But... building B has sliding doors between the two rooms and Building A does not. And the unit i lIke of course is in A.

    Exactly how big is your Opening?  

    If let's say it is 6 ft,  you could use part of it to make a nice 2 ft wood pocket , and have two 2 ft staggered sliding doors , (like they have in elevator) sliding into the 2 ft pocket . This will give you a nice  4 ft opening when both panels are open, but most of the time for personal entering and exiting you would be opening only the first panel. 

    You can probably have this custom made not to expensive. Anyway just another idea to consider, 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    It's an interior door, so a wooden sliding door that disappears into the wall would be ideal. AFAIK it is not a load bearing wall. 

    Getting a sliding door that disappears into the wall can be a big job because you need to create a pocket and I bet you there are cement reinforcing columns on both sides of your opening. Notice the windows in the picture below? normally they do the same for passage openings .


    But they have hanging sliding doors that are easy and inexpensive to install, something like the one in the picture below. I have seen many different styles. Go to some places like Global house etc and have a look. 


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  5. The customs people would love it. 

    20 years in Thailand , 16 years a member of this forum, I never heard of anyone successfully and inexpensively bringing a car in Thailand.But  perhaps I missed it, has anyone else heard of anyone importing a car without paying an arm and a leg? 

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  6. "Sanders: U.S. putting conditions on aid for Israel would be "the right thing to do" "

    "Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called on the Biden administration to suspend or condition aid to Israel during an appearance on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday. "


    "We are looking at the possibility of hundreds of thousands of children starving to death. The United States of America cannot be complicit in this mass slaughter of children," Sanders said. "


    "Asked by "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan if it's likely that the U.S. would halt or condition aid to one of its closest allies in the Middle East in an election year, Sanders replied that it would be the "right thing to do. "


    • Agree 2
  7. 9 hours ago, tuktuktuk said:

     At home in the US I’ve used broadleaf weed killers in spray and mixed with fertilizers as weed and feed. The active ingredient is 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. It prevents weeds like clover and dandelions from growing without killing the grasses. Spraying roundup (glyphosate) on weeds in and amongst flowers works fine. Don’t spray so much that it runs off and leaves puddles. Wet the leaves or blades of unwanted grasses in mid day sun. It will evaporate leaving a residue that impedes cell growth and they die. Nearby tulips and daffodils are fine after this. Could be different here.

    Thank you for that lead . I have been learning a lot from this tread.

    Yes I remember granules that we would spread with one of those fertiliser broadcasters everyone that has a lawn has. But I will admit I never bothered to check what was in them.  

    I found this on shopee , it is described as  (2-4 D. I could not find any further description of the active Agreement but 2-4 D sounds very close to  2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

    What do you think?







  8. 7 hours ago, DLButler said:

    Thank you.  I am familiar with the Google machine.  I used it to find this site.  My question (if you go back and look) was: "Anyone have any experience to share?".  Maybe you can share how you picked up the language.  It might spark a conversation among others too who might all say they just picked the language up as they went, and never took any classes, I don't know.  Just a thought.

    Apologies for trying to help

  9. 8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Anything that kills weeds will also kill grass (Roundup does, too) and also be generally toxic. And the first rain will wash it into flowerbeds, and even ground water supply and elsewhere. Do not use.


    If the weeds are on lawn just accept them and cut along with the grass. If they are in flower beds etc manually remove them. Only safe way.



    I should not had said Round Up  , but there are weed killers that would kill broadleaf plans and weeds without killing the grass, I remember using it in the US to control  dandelion weeds 

    I just googled it and 

    "Tenacity herbicide is an industry favorite for killing weeds in your lawn without killing your grass "

    https://golfcourselawn.store/blogs/diy-lawn-care/best-products-for-killing-weeds-without-killing-grass#:~:text=Tenacity herbicide is an industry,broadleaf weed and grass species.

    anyway is there such a thing here in Thailand? 

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