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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 6 hours ago, sidneybear said:

    Do you seriously think that Europe is a better place to be than Thailand?

    The question  is not what spidermike007   thinks but what the Thais think. 

    There is a reason why it is so difficult to get a visa to the US , EU, and other European countries , and to get a visa you have to prove good reason why you will come back. This is not opinion. this is fact. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Given I don't know why ( you claim ) Trump created more debt than Biden, I can't comment. It's not like any president in recent times didn't increase the debt.

    Shouldn't you know these thing before you start supporting people ? 

    But that's Ok , so you are saying that deficit spending for the things you support is good, and it is only bad for things you don't support. 

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  3. It is not only the younger generation, that is getting more ignorant. 

    The availability if information, (google etc) has created a mental laziness, but at the same time also a deficit of dots to connect in your mind. 

    As Donald Rumsfeld former United States Secretary of Defense used to famously say

    There are known , knowns.  (things you know)

    there are Known unknowns  (things you know you don't know)

    and there are Unknown unknowns . (thing you don't know you don't know

     And that's where ignorance finds a fertile ground. 

    When considering something you use the information you have in your brain to connect the dots. 

    and you research the things you know you don't know. 

    But there is no way you can consider things you don't even know exist. 

    As I said this instant availability of information creates a mental laziness that traps people in the first two conditions. There is no substitute for  general education because when you read a book, you learn things you did not know you did not know. 


  4. 8 hours ago, still kicking said:

    So, my time is about 2 am and yes, I am not at LOS at the moment. But one get so many posts or replies from members are they all overseas and not in Thailand? How many posters or members are actually in Thailand?

    I can only talk for myself. But I am here, 

    Of course you idiot, you are there where else could you be! Where is here?:laugh:

    Alright, alight. Here is Thailand! you happy now,

    I tell you these voices in my head sure are annoying, I sure hope they would stop arguing with me.

    But I digress. 

    So I am here in Thailand, but I don't sleep well. I get up in  the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep for an hour or so. 

    Also I do know someone has to keep you all Thai expat wannabes and those trapped away from LOS 

    honest and keep an eye on you. So I perform a public service. 

    You would think you would be appreciative  but by some of the replies and emojis I get, you would be wrong.  

    I am sure glad the extended finger emoji is not available , cause if it was I might be tempted to abandon my civic duty and leave you all to your own miserable devices. 

    So yes!! a few Thank You"  emojis would surely be appreciated. 



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  5. 8 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Most people do not want to import a classic car, which is what this thread is about.

    Goodbye. :giggle:

    This thread is about importing a car now,

    not what happened in ancient history. And the consensus is 

    That in our current environment it is not easy and it is not cheap, in fact it has been report that there is a good chance that you might end up abandoning the vehicles in customs . 

    I don't know any of these for a fact because I have never personally imported a vehicles but this subject appears in this forum with frequent regularity, and the consensus is alway the same , "don't do it. 

    Now I understand that some thing have sentimental value, and if so someone might want to go through the trouble and cost , but they should be warned that there is trouble and cost associated. 

    any way  . sure.. Happy trails :smile:


    • Sad 1
  6. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I agree that he will likely do a runner. I should have said "Zelensky or his successor crawl........."

    When I made the of shore accounts comments some got offended.and replied so.  Demanding proof and links to the information. 

    Of course I did not take the bait 

    Before the war Zelensky's secret of shore accounts were reported in leaked documents.

    But we are now to assume that Zelensky and a country that was ranked in the top 10 most corrupt countries suddenly found Christ. Especially with all the foreign money that is flowing into Ukraine much of it going unaccounted off. 

      IMO it would be extremely stupid if playing the game he is playing , if he did not have a plan B . I like to think I am not a corrupt person, and I know I would.  But some people are simple, and they think everyone else is also simple. 

    • Confused 3
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  7. 12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Yes I am a Biden supporter by default, I don't particularly think he's a great president but I don't think he's a bad president, I think he's too old for the job but I think Trump's too old for the job. I do think he's a decent man and I think Trump is fairly close to the devil incarnate, so I'm not left with much of a choice. 


    Trump would steal the sweater off the back of his grandmother if given an opportunity and he could profit from it. 

    Well said

    I did not support Biden in the 2020 primaries because he gave up his slot to Hillary (she had a deal with Obama, her support when he run, for the slot at the end of Obama's presidency) ,and consequently they gave us Trump for four years, an unmitigated disaster that the US can not afford to repeat. 

    But when he got the nomination , given the other choice , I supported Biden enthusiastically. 

       Now we have a similar situation, and the narrative the republicans have been successful in propagating put's us in danger of another disastrous trump presidency. 

    But I dont think Biden is too old.  As a 66 year old man I can tell you that age has and affect, but with it also comes wisdom, and experience. An there is no one in the political field with more experience than BIden. 

    So what is the main responsibility of a President? To preside , set the tone, initiate policy, represent america abroad. No one has more contacts around the world or is more respected  than Biden, No one!!

    So if elected I think he would be a fine president. And again I will support him enthusiastically. 


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  8. 8 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    For that sort of money, you can't go past Toyota. 


    I agree , why take a chance, Toyota is best and has best resale. 

    The re is a reason why 9 out of 10 terrorists chose Toyota :laugh:

    They should use it in their marketing campaign.  


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  9. 1 minute ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Depends on ones definition of inexpensive.

    Import tax back then for a Mercedes coupe would have been a very high number.

    The brown envelopes were quite a few 0's less.

    So it was very expensive , and it became less expensive, 

    But expensive by most peoples standards.

    Now are there people with money to burn? I am sure. But most of us are not,nor do we want to engage in illegal activity that could land us in jail. 


    • Sad 1
  10. Making no value judgments. 

    When talking about win or lose. one needs to define the objective. 

    What was Ukraines objective, and what was Russia's objective. 

    Ukraine wanted to join NATO and be part of the EU. Why? because they wanted security and European prosperity , but the had a geographical problem. 

      Russia did not want NATO in their back door  , With Ukraine pro Russian or neutral a threat of invasion could only come from The Suwałki Gap and a squeeze through the 65 km gap between Russian Kaliningrad and pro Russian Belarus.  

      As The US would not allow Russian nuclear missiles in Cuba  for obvious reasons, the Russians would not allow Nato in their back door.  This should not had come as a surprise to anyone . Many notable diplomats and heads of state had said the Russia would take NATO in Ukraine as a defacto declaration of war. (these were the words of Angela Merkel at the Budapest NATO samit)  

    And indeed that's what happened. 

      So has Ukraine achieved its objectives? Is their country fully integrated in  NATO?  , Would their whole country be an EU member? Are they better off now, than they were before the war? 

      Has Russia achieved its objectives? Even if Ukraine was to become a NATO member, Russia  has but a buffer zone between itself and NATO, it is called  the western oblasts (  Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, Mykolayiv, and Zaporizhzhya ) a large percentage of Ukraine. 

    So who is winning this war? 

    So finally the Europeans are waking up to realities after two years of economic decline . IMO better late than never. But it would had been nice if they did before the beautiful country, the breadbasket of Europe was put through the meat grinder. 

    All and all a very sad situation to say the least.  



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  11. 2 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Yep. But it costs him a brown envelope on a regular basis.

    He was allowed to keep his GB plate though.

    Been here about 10 years now.

    I thin the brown envelope thing eliminated the "Inexpensive" part. 

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