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Everything posted by sirineou

  1. If I need to explain that then we have nothing to talk about. Read the news . 7 iranians killed. Employees of an embassy are legitimate targets? Are you for reel? The bomb's stopped and asked. "Are you organising terror attacks? " " Why no sir" " " Oh ok carry on" " How about you? Are you organising terror attacks?" " Why no sir" " " Oh ok carry on" "OK !! How about you? Are you organising terror attacks? " " "Well a little bit. ohh crap " " Boom!!" I love these targeted munitions!
  2. Which is why they always fail to attain felony convictions " Simply, if you delete, alter or make a false entry in the business records of an enterprise and you do so with the intent to defraud, you have run afoul of the misdemeanor crime. If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime." https://www.new-york-lawyers.org/falsifying-business-records-ny-pl-175-10-and-175-15.html#:~:text=Simply%2C if you delete%2C alter,have committed the felony crime. "he intent to further or conceal another criminal offense" is the operative phrase here,
  3. This is a retaliation to Israel bombing Iran's Sovereign territory and causing the death of it's citizens. Israel was already bombing Hamas.
  4. As id Cohen is the only witness and all the evidence
  5. Why do I even come to this forum and allow this toxicity in my home?
  6. do you think that small border with NATO might be to operative phrase. . If you had a dangerous neighbored, would you want him neighboring 66km ( The Suwałki Gap) or would you want an additional 2,295.04 kilometres to keep an eye on?
  7. By that logic one could make the case that the Romans are the ones to blame. If the Romans had not destroyed Judea initiating the Jewish diaspora ....... But why stop there I am sure Assyrian destruction of Israel had a major part to play. Of course the American indian failure to resist the paleface allowing the creation oh the US who made nuevo Israel posible........
  8. perhaps you need to move to your minor house. What the heck is a "Juristic girl" is the "juristic girl blind" Now you are making s h i t Up. No more booze for you.
  9. Get the Omron Model BP5250, It connects with you smartphone Omron app and keeps an automatic record, with a time and date of the reading, you can even add a note "Hot chick just walked by, subtract 200 points from reading"
  10. Then shouldn't the title say " Israel potentially triggers World War 3" George?
  11. Yes I wondered about it often. Have you? It says a few things, But first, it is not "Prosecuting attorneys" who introduce prosecution, but DAs One is that republican DAs or AGs look the other way when it comes to trump and introduce nothing. Two trump's base of operation and where trump committed most of his crimes was New York and NY is democratic state, so of course the DAs would be democrats. Which is why trump picked up and changed his residence to Florida, a republican state so his crimes there can be ignored. Three , since only Democrats will recommend prosecution , can you imagine how many more crimes is trump guilty of? , but since they are under republican DAs they will never see the light of day. Four If Democratic District attorneys introduced something for political reasons and of no substance, the Grand Jury , which is made up of randomly selected jurors, would listen to the evidence and decline to recommend indictment. But they did not , did they?
  12. I am not even going to dignify this with a response. Enough of these nonsense , I am going for a few laps on the pool. Have a nice day
  13. and an equal number who think the earth is flat or other nonsense. Trump was indited by a grand jury, not by the democrats. I have asked you several times if you know what a Grand Jury is, and you decline to answer. I am convinced you do not know, as indicated by your posts. No that's not true, otherwise there would not be all these bond trump has to pay.
  14. No I did not, If I was to click on every link you all send to me I would be doing nothing else. The link is only there to support your quote which you did not make. Post a quote, supporting your position, provide a link to validate your quote. and I promise to review your quote, and consider it.
  15. Nonsense!! for the Consumption of feeble minded trump supporters. obviously trump could not be indicted while he was president he left office 2021 New York AG Vance did not seek reelection and the new NY AG took office in January 1, 2022 The case was investigated by the new NY AG , and in March 2023, a New York grand jury indicted Trump on charges of falsifying business records for his payments of about $130,000 to Daniels, A trial date was set for now. trump actively tried to delay the trial three times Nothing unusual there .
  16. Thank you for bringing this subject to our attention. Certainly a worthwhile subject. Following with interest. If there are no adverse side effects, I don't see why not try it.
  17. This is interesting, I love a cup of coffee in the morning. but as I got older I found that my BP would shoot up . even if I had a cup. Ny hands and feet would get sweaty. I have to look more into this Taurine. Any additional info would be appreciated
  18. Who said that???
  19. Look you seem like a nice man, and I am sure you think you have the best interest of the country at heart. But these are the facts, as all the spin in the world would not change them . trump would also have a similar claim is the charges were politically motivated and come from the Democratic wing, but they did not. Do you know what a Grand Jury is? "A New York grand jury today indicted Donald Trump on charges related to hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels during his 2016 campaign. " https://deadline.com/2023/03/donald-trump-indicted-stormy-daniels-case-hush-money-1235314150/
  20. If I was you. I would also. If you lived in Texas you would need them , Sadly, contrary to Popular belief by a segment of out society, it does nothing towards compensating for anatomical shortcomings elsewhere. .
  21. I understand the headline perfectly. Not sure how it challenges what I said.The DNC paid the legal bills of President Biden to defend against a political attack from a republican wing of congress. The RNC is paying the legal fees of trump in personal cases. I am sorry you can't see that, but it could not be any more simple. Hope you are having a good Songkran
  22. No need to be explained. It is really a very simple case,involving campaign finance violations and falsification business records. One defendant was convicted , and not is the turn of the other.
  23. Have no idea what you are talking about. I still stand with what I said.
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