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Everything posted by sirineou

  1. You mean and cancel the convention? Why would they do that? Have you heard of a thing called a "Post convention bump" ? Why would they do this and also give up the option to go a different way if situations warranted? Why? Kamala Harris secured pledges from enough delegates to secure the nomination, but those are pledges , Until a vote is taken they have the right to change their minds. Not that they will, but it is always nice to have options.
  2. Apologies, I mistakenly thought trump was on the right.
  3. Do they need permission every time the conduct maintenance? Some trees when pruned come back stronger and nicer.
  4. Just at the last debate, how many times did trump told a lie? PS: the laugh emoji at your reply was from me. Honestly. I could not stop laughing after reading your statement. no exaggeration!
  5. Or perhaps they did not want him becoming a musician. Before you give anything to someone else's kid, you should really ask his parents if it's ok
  6. A trump supporter accusing others of ignorance. imagine that? "Coulter said that trump could win." Of course she would say that . what else would she say given the environment she exists in? "People ridiculed her" they did because given what we knew then it was a ridiculous statement. this statement was made before we knew the level of stupidity of a large segment of the American population. But she knew, since she earns her living out of their stupidity.
  7. Because "Birds of a feather roost together" and with a neutral attitude you my friend is a bird of of a totally different feather. Simple tribalism, If you ask me.
  8. What congressional district was Liverpool again?
  9. I am sure Hanaguma appreciate you coming to his defence, But unfortunately for both of you , what you say, is not what he said. Perhaps you need to go back and read what he said.
  10. Link to to source where she says that this was the reason she did not attend
  11. So you think that with only less that a week in the campaign and only about 100 days remaining she should be attending israeli political events rather than campaigning ? Why? because she is the VP and VPs attend every speech foreign politicians give in congress even to the detriment of the country.
  12. Yes indeed , with 103 days remaining she should had joined trump at the speech , instead of campaigning . Oh wait was trump there? Comical I tell you comical!!
  13. except for Joe Lieberman, Sanders,Chuck Schumer, Carl Levin, Arlen Specter, the list to long to mention. Comical I tell you, Comical!!
  14. More comical threads from the right wing of this forum
  15. You mean he has bad aim?
  16. how is that? That is highly offencive, and idiotic. Welcome to my ignore list
  17. I disagree with your assertion that they are focusing on her ethnicity rather than her abilities and character, Did you even watch her speech? She is a black american woman and is described as that, also even more often mentioned, AG of California, California senator. US VP. UC Law. Howard University political science and economics. Vastly more qualified than trump ever was and will ever be. What did trump study? Bone spurs?
  18. Wow . there are Thai people in the US? Perhaps the Chines are dropping them there with those balloons they claim are weather balloons. Now everything is beginning to make sence. But the Americans are no fools. that's why they IMO flooded her house.
  19. That would be great, unfortunately you did not order those you ordered books describing the, so get your reading glasses .
  20. I am sure you have more issues than that. They are not passing her as an african american woman. She is one!!! and like all of us, she is that and much more. but this is a political event and not a sociology class. and in political events emphasize that which will provide the best result, all politicians do that. Why are we even talking about that? What? next Trump will not emphasize his Anglo-Saxon background? would you argue that he should also emphasize his Orange Orangutan DNA also She does not hide her indian heritage,she embraces it. she talks about that all the time . The prevalent meme people associate with her is the coconut and or, coconut tree, do you know why? If you don't look it up.
  21. Is this a Cultural event or is it a political event? Of course a candidate will emphasize that which will produce the most votes. If it was you which would you emphasize? that which will return you 15% or that which will return you 1%
  22. That is not true, every time I hear her ethnicity described on TV, it is always as black and south asean. Is se often described as a "Strong Black woman" ??? which she is! Of course she is , 15% of the US population identifies as black , where only 1.3 of asian indian. Blacks overwhelmingly voting Democratic. If you were Her , which part would you emphasize, and if she did not wouldn't you say she was stupid?
  23. There is a difference between a politician not willing to touch the third rail of American politics and a politician who has a record of unabashed support . Sanders is jewish and not only did I support his candidacy I also contributed money I could have otherwise used , not being wealthy. A VP pick can help a little , but it can hurt a lot. (Dan Quayle , Sarah Palin) The question is "Would a Shapiro pick help more than it would hurt" I content that it has the potential to hurt more than it can help. , as the article below supports. Especially with Harris' strongest support group . the young. I would like her to pic Whitmer, because I have listen to her many interviews and am very impressed with her, but I am pretty sure she will pick Mark Kelly . Harris' campaign theme is "don't go back, let's look to the future" , and nothing says future more than an astronaut hero. Add his wife Gabby Giffords to the mix ,and the 11 electoral votes and it makes him an irresistible choice with little down side. Shapiro will be offered a cabinet choice. Please save this reply so in the next few weeks you can serve me crow if I am wrong. "Thousands fill Washington’s streets to protest Israel’s war in Gaza during Netanyahu visit " https://apnews.com/article/israel-netanyahu-gaza-war-congress-joint-session-9a7885972989b2397b49e5b971ffe0e0
  24. Let me show you a witty response. " Is that the same bridge you have been trying to sell me all this time?" That my friend is a good reply.
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