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Everything posted by sirineou

  1. But those are not subforums . they are subjects.
  2. Seven months into this, Thousands of replies, and we still don't have a clear understanding of what all this mean. Typical Thailand
  3. Articulate, intelligent with a good sense of humor.
  4. Again!! It would be nice if people in the UK thought he was a true Brit patriot, but I guess he'd take what he can get,
  5. Chicken don is scared!! 🐔
  6. These things are not mutually exclusive. Many people have normal BP numbers and are also confused.
  7. The quiz is fundamentally unfair They said that I got the longest river in the world question wrong. , I said Mississippi and they said it was the Nile river. But I am American and America is the World. so I correctly chose the longest river in the USA! I am very mad Well technically there are other places in the world, but the DeNile of of my unswere on a technicality is IMO outrageous. I am seriously considering taking my toys and leaving. PS: did you all notice that I have a lovely pair of coconuts?
  8. It is good that you have a time limit otherwise some would google the answers, though why? I don't know
  9. Wrong!! do your research before starting a thread "Former president Donald Trump was shot in the ear by a bullet or a bullet fragment " https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/07/26/trump-bullet-shot-assassination-attempt/ :
  10. What's wrong with a drivers licence? It has my picture, and passport number on it . We Just went to a national park (Tat Fa Waterfalls ) they tried to make me pay farang price, wife said "I lived here , and here is his drivers licence, he would not have one if he did not live here" they said Ok and I paid regular price.
  11. And now for your musical and dancing pleasure here is Chicken don
  12. Absolutely wrong! He agreed to debate the Democratic nominee, Biden was not the Democratic nominee yet. So what happen? what changed . I'll tell you what changed , the candidate changed and he is scared to debate Harris , and I don't blame Chickens Don he is right to be scared. She would wipe the floor with him .
  13. First let me say that, what is advocated by some is highly illegal in Thailand and I was under the impression that suggestions for illegal activity is against the rules of this forum. The law is the second step, The first step is to talk to the village headman, he would have a visit with the dog owner . We had an issue with a neighbor that hot a couple of roosters , that were crowing all day. And the roosters were gone, I did not ho and poison the roosters. But if the head man fails to persuade . the call the cops. If none of these actions are affective, then one might have to take matters in their hands, If the dogs are aggressive against people , calling the police might have to be the first step. One can't wait until some kid is killed. But be careful taking the advice of some forum two bit Rambo. and "taking matters in your own hands" , as I said it's illegal and one might find themselves back in farangland or worst.
  14. These are ridiculous informercials I saw another "Chinese Tesla rival BYD says its new hybrid cars can go 1,250 miles without stopping for gas or charging " I got news, I can do 2,000 miles , and do it in my garage, just simply strap on a bigger gas tank.
  15. Harris' numbers are going up. trump's numbers are going down
  16. Hush little baby, baby, don't you cry … trump gonna make everything alright. what a bunch of........
  17. Nothing other than tribalism , We are of the Christian tribe, they are of the other tribe, some tribes are even Christian but of a different flavor! We don't like them either and the return the favor, We meet once a year and sing songs to the big guy in the sky, who is for us and against them . And when it is all said and done they will put us in a box and mail us to him, no return postage
  18. While in the US visiting, my daughter got covid, she had flu like symptoms for a few days after that she was fine. Even though I spend all that time with her and took care of her I did not get it. In any population a percentage of people will get it, so why not in the Olympic population? Follow standard procedures and I would not worry about it.
  19. If a Christian is someone who follows the teaching of Christ , I have yet to meet one of them in the US,
  20. first you kill them and then you try to save their lives. Brilliant!!
  21. The three dogs running free are now psycho? Firstly I don't believe there are three American Bully dogs running around free . I think that's a made up story . I am sure if they were , someone would had said something already.
  22. If the dogs a roaming the streets freely, that's the fault of the owner not the dog's , a complaint would need to first be made to the village headman, and if no remediating action is taken to the next step higher, the solution you propose should be used only as a last resort. and only if nessacery.
  23. Cant believe that two people even agreed with that reply. 99% of the time there is negative behaviour by dogs it is the owners or the person's being attacked fault. Steve100 has no idea what lead to the attack yet proposes poisoning the dogs.
  24. If I was not going to be here another 10 years why would i save all tha nustines for later? I say never leave for tomorrow what the can do today
  25. Why , what have you heard? What ever you heard are lies!!! all lies I tell you, malicious lies.
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