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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Landing on the moon was a great achievement; landing on Earth, less impressive. Even Colin Macrae managed that.
  2. People who manage 30 - 40 profiles are still real people. Ye're dedonthair, bytheway. Ah'm asrealasthenixtman, dependin' on wha ah'mstoodbeside.
  3. For all I know, William Hartnell was a shirt-lifter. That is his business, not mine.
  4. Go for it -,In a big way! Only Hannibal might complain…
  5. Book binders and bookmakers are not the same
  6. Dr Who is the only physician I would trust on time travel, and even then, I’m not sure he is a proper doctor.
  7. I can see the future discoverer of Time Travel trying to pass the message back. ”They need to have electronics and semiconductors already , to build it. The scientists in the sixties are all zonked on weed and can’t build anything but Apollo fireworks. The 70s are too Cold War- they’d go back and murder Lenin; The …..”
  8. Surely it would be the easiest thing in the world, having invented a time machine, to go back and pass the plans to one’s predecessors. So why have we not invented time machines? Why are they stopping us? Questions are one thing. Resentment another. But actions speak louder. What must we do to steal time machines from the future? If this post has any relevance, I am sure it will be delet…
  9. I’m with the OP - I’d be raging. He’s cleared all that bush wast e, and some gadj sets it on yag when he’s not there to see it. That’s like someone torching your bonfire on November 4th. if I was a Raj, I’d chop off one of his hands so that he could never strike a match again, and warn him that if he started a fire on my property again I’d cut off the other one so’s he couldn’t work a lighter. But I am not, maybe I am too easy-going.
  10. Can I just check how many UFOs we're actually seeing? I've not seen one, not recently. And I never did before, so same - same. Who else is seeing about nil UFOs, same as they ever did?
  11. My young lad played the flute. I suggested that, since he went to an international school and did not get the full experience, my Irish mate could hail stones at him as he marched down the street. To be fair, my Irish mate thought that was a stupid idea, and so did my wife. I have not test asked if my son feels he has missed out, but he has switched to the saxophone
  12. Those were the days, my friend. You can YouTube as easily as I. This would not be the first time, we’re I to repeat it, that I told you of my first morning in Hong Kong, finding myself watching the ambulance corp pipe band.
  13. I’ll get to 100 km on the Giant Escape 2 this week - not bad for a shopping bike, but I am hoping we can get my road bike running after last week’s mishap for tomorrow’s longer ride. If I was to rate my bikes in order of “happiness of ride” it would go 1) Fuji Absolute 1.4 shopping bike (misplaced through drunken mishap 2) Avanti Giro AR2 road / cyclocross bike 3) Mondraker mountain bike - my first bike here, far too small for me, but otherwise great 4) Giant Escape 2 - current shopping bike 5) Folding bike - no complaints, it is great for what it is, but it’s my 4th choice ride, other than our annual 20-20-20 ride
  14. A lot of bars serve food. I’m not going to exaggerate the negative impact of food, but I am sure there are studies that link morbidity to diet
  15. You just haven’t reached the safe level yet. Perseverance should overcome prejudice and temerity.
  16. I think his point was that drug addiction related fatality was hereditary.
  17. If you’re racing, read BobFish’s statistics. If you want to get fit, buy the heaviest bike you can pedal. The best way to get fit cycling is to do it often, and for that, you want reliability. And panniers. And lights. And mudguards. And..
  18. It’s clear to me that faith in God, and his willingness to help us, can achieve great things. If you’re an agnostic, then accept the faith, at the expense of pious honesty; your faith can achieve great things, regardless of the physical existence or otherwise of God, The pious amongst us might disagree, but the way I see it, faith is the key; believe God will make it so, and so it will be; you can look ok back, and the pious will say “God made me do this” and the agnostic will say “I did this” , but faith in a Higher Power takes you through the abominable self doubt of your experience to date.
  19. Don’t cycle when you’re paralytic with drink. If I were you, I would listen more to the people who have had accidents than those who have not… Good habits are hard to emulate, but with advice, you can spot bad practice before it becomes a habit.
  20. Some people have nothing better to do with their lives than look for examples of political correctness over which to be outraged. It is how they reinforce their prejudices and build up their own self-image. You don't need a magnet to see the irony of it. SC
  21. Back in the day, people would have had the common sense to not rise to the click-bait.
  22. I think if you are happy and diligent about doing your own maintenance you will have no complaints, and you will be able to give great advice like (this bike - x km between pedal replacement, that bike, y km and not yet). Despite all my complaints above, I would not condemn Giant bikes. If you trust the advice of strangers on the internet, maybe you deserve what you get. The best that you can expect is guidance on where to look
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