As you know, we often go almost to Rawang; last Sunday, we went even closer, beyond the new turnoff that bypasses the town centre, to within a few hundred metres of the roundabout at the centre of town, before we turned off and headed to the North South Highway, where cycling is prohibited by law. One junction down there, and we were onto Guthrie Highway bike lane, and home by beer o' clock. That used to be my regular commute, and the road to the highway was shorter, and less tedious and frustrating on the bike than in a car.
This week saw us on the North South Highway again, in the other direction; again only one junction...
We stopped at my buddy's mate's place for Ribena since we were passing, and then on more or less familiar roads home. My buddy took the lead for a stretch on the outward leg, which kept the pace up, and then we had a tail wind on the way home, so the ride is littered with Personal Bests, though only a 2nd-best on How High Is That Viaduct? I think it used to be higher, back in the day.