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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. I think that the fact that it was a George Lucas production is irrelevant, insofar as his fame came after its release. Crimes or achievements are no less or more for what you do afterwards. THX1138 is an important portrayal of the brutalisation and suppression of the individual in society, but Elon Musk would say "I don't do that" and so many of us are willing to look away and suffer the consequences, rather than taking up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them. Let us condemn the activists that cause the occasional traffic jam, rather than those amongst us that cause a traffic jam everyday... The fault with stories like THX1138 is focussing on the rebel, with whom we all identify, than the subservient culpable masses, whom we form. Until we realise that we are the villains in the story, not the heroes, we will never save ourselves.
  2. I don't think that people should temper their opinion based on the neighbours amongst whom they find themselves, unless they choose to avoid arguments - their choice. I don't think that the Malaysian government has banned rainbows, nor rainbow-coloured jerseys such as the UCI champions wear, only the specifically wearing of such to promote LGBT+etc tolerance. We may all be entitled to our own opinions, and we may wish that we can express them wherever we wish, but apparently there are restrictions in Malaysia, and, you apparently propose, also in LGBTQ+etc fora.
  3. If I was going to name my top four posters, I would include a more limited number of names. Unless I wanted to be sure of including them all, in which case I might list more than five....
  4. I think you are being unfair in discriminating the quality of dribbling sycophant. To suggest that our friend is an inadequate dribbling sycophant seems at the same time harsh, unjustified, unfair and unnecessary. Everyone needs to find a job that they can do well.
  5. I agree on the Taking Your Ferret For a Run. Top Thread.
  6. I don’t know. When a close family member passed away, plug-and-play replacement might not be the immediate concern.
  7. Im going to accept that back-handed compliment in the positive spirit that I am sure it was intended
  8. I don't think that there's many minimilists amongst us, and most people are pretty straight 4 / 4 common time beaters. Are you asynchopated?
  9. You got off lightly
  10. Why use two words when one would do?
  11. Where would be the fun in that?
  12. The hotel should have a desktop. Unless he means a desktop computer.
  13. If you know where to go to for the headstones. There's few amongst us notice the passing of our acquaintances by spotting their headstone. Normally it's more a case of "Have ye seen Billy about recently?" "Not since he fell in the last war" "Well, there's the fiver I owe him; d'ye want a drink?"
  14. Back in the day I got used to relocating, and I as quite happy to move from one place to another with only a luggage allowance. My term would be "drifter", rather than "minimalist".
  15. So long as he lives on in our memories. There are many of our close friends who have left us, through departure or moving elsewhere. Maybe it does no harm to turn over their memories amongst us, to remind us all of the joy that they brought to the forum; or maybe it reminds people of the loss that we have suffered. Well, whatever.
  16. If you want to be a bottom poster, sit carefully on the photocopier.
  17. For some, lyrical excellence is more important than the sexuality of the author or the singer. I don't think any of us judged the excellence of Queen by which way Freddie Mercury crossed the road.
  18. I've never seen anyone posting their bottom, and I would be happy if that remained the case
  19. klepto currency
  20. A lot of their songs were challenging, and if you didn't want to accept the challenge, you could just enjoy the music. "Come Dancing", for example, covers a lot of ground - some if it given over to car parks, some still terraced suburbia. Lola is not specifically about the 2nd floor of Nana Plaza. "Sunny Afternoon" would be better directed at his agent, who had taken the 10% that the tax man was willing to leave...
  21. It seems like no-one wants to be seen being positive on the forum; COVID-19 is over, guys, it's OK to be positive. Gammaglobulin; Britmantoo; Neeranam; anyone that posts on the Cycling forum. It's OK to be different, or controversial, but in an ideal world, everyone would seem like a real person.
  22. Thailand is a great place for entrepreneurial civil servants.
  23. As you know, we often go almost to Rawang; last Sunday, we went even closer, beyond the new turnoff that bypasses the town centre, to within a few hundred metres of the roundabout at the centre of town, before we turned off and headed to the North South Highway, where cycling is prohibited by law. One junction down there, and we were onto Guthrie Highway bike lane, and home by beer o' clock. That used to be my regular commute, and the road to the highway was shorter, and less tedious and frustrating on the bike than in a car. This week saw us on the North South Highway again, in the other direction; again only one junction... We stopped at my buddy's mate's place for Ribena since we were passing, and then on more or less familiar roads home. My buddy took the lead for a stretch on the outward leg, which kept the pace up, and then we had a tail wind on the way home, so the ride is littered with Personal Bests, though only a 2nd-best on How High Is That Viaduct? I think it used to be higher, back in the day.
  24. Back in the day, I thought personality and looks were more important than age.
  25. When I'm drunk I dance like me Dad
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