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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Same shit all week long down on the beach.

    Many many scams daily.

    Seen the sheik guy with the turban involved in few, not seen the Farang (picture deleted) for a while though.

    Mama jetski busy and very vocal everyday.

    These guys really turn my stomach now.

    Yesterday a couple of Turks/Iranians? Took out one of the nicest skis there, yellow and black seadoo 400.

    I watched as they capsized it, it was upside down for 4 or 5 seconds and obviously would not start again. Two Thais went out on a ski and one came back with the two Iranians leaving one on the seadoo, then he went back and they towed it in pulled it up on the beach had the seat off, and we were off.

    It must have been a shock for the poor Iranians they were distraught throwing their arms in the air and holding their head in their hands, I was with a mate who is only here for a week, so I sent him over to poke his nose in. Salt water very bad bla bla, have to strip down and rebuild engine bla bla, out of action for long time bla bla. 50,000 Baht!

    Went for a few beers, come back 1 hour later still going on, send my mate over again and looks like they gona cop it for 40,000 Baht.

    Went down there again this afternoon and guess what? The same ski was there, saw some Thai hooning around on it good as new.

    Probably only took a couple of squirts of WD40.

    How fuc_king brazen is that <deleted> take 40K on it yesterday and have it out on the water in the same place the next day.

    :bah: :bah: :bah: :bah: :bah: :bah:

  2. What's that got to do with anything? You don't want people to come in here and begin posting?

    I am not posting anything contentious, just trying to add a little to the discussion. Like I said, I shall just try to get some more info and post it here, granted that info would be rather one-sided as it'll come from the "victims" but it's a contribution nonetheless no? Fact is I simply see that I may have a bit of usefulness to contribute and I fancied doing so.

    Claiming personal knowledge of the situation requires a leap of faith that is easier to take if there is a track record to back it up. A person who hasn't posted a peep for 2 years suddenly appears to champion the good nature of their "Friends" - suspicious, however true it might be. :whistling:

    Why suspicious?

    OK someone is a member reads but doesn't post,fair enough.

    Along comes a topic in which they have a pretty unique position in that they know some of the victims.

    So they post.

    Seems allot more believable to me than some keyboard warrior who is the frigging expert on everything, constantly posting their BS opinions on everything and anything day in and day frigging out.

    I know who's opinion I would take more notice of.

  3. OK so I know it's on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th

    I went the last couple of years so I know where it is.

    Soi Chaiyapreuk 2 In the grounds of the indoor stadium.

    But whats on when?

    Before I've only been night time, anything going on during the day?

    Who's on stage when? what night are the Pink Floyed tribute on?

    What time is the ride around Pattaya on Saturday?

    Anything else of interest?

    I have Googled but not found any detailed program or timetable of events.

  4. Safety equipment on the ferry to Samui in 2008

    Unfortunately my connection is too slow to enlarge the picture, but on all my ferry trips in LOS, I've never seen one of those that I thought would actually work. Usually they are painted shut, and I've never seen an inspection certificate!

    It states next service 07/2006

    At the time 2 years overdue!

  5. I think the Village Chippy has gone downhill.

    If you have HP sauce bottles on the table then they should contain HP sauce.

    Today poured what I thought was HP over my chips, I knew immediately It wasn't HP as it was so thin 4 times as much as I wanted came out.

    So now all 8 of my chips where covered in this sweet fruity not HP sauce sauce!

    Also the bread was stale.

    Also as I said only 8 chips.

    Also they have put up their prices.

    last visit for me,

    I will now stick with the Jolly friar.

  6. It's going on all day long.

    Yesterday I was out earlier than usual 1PM. Saw 2 scams both involving the large farang (picture deleted)

    He was herding a group of Indians and mama jetski onto a baht bus, the TP with the tash was there too, but it was the farang that was doing the talking.I heard him say "I have same with your brothers yesterday (I assume he means other Indians) now today they go jail" shrugs shoulders and laughs.

    Half an hour latter he was further down the beach involved with what looked like a group of Iranians?

    Today 5.30PM near Mikes, jetski on the edge of the water back seat off waves breaking over it completely waterlogged not floating.

    Group of Russians, Police (TP not the usual ones) and a guy with a black jacket with Press on the back (be interesting to see if story printed somewhere). Discussions went on for ages some Russian girls in tears, loads of onlookers. Eventually the cash was paid don't know how much.

    As they where leaving an Indian approached them saying they scammed him last week, the jetski guy referred to as half pint in the youtube video was there too " yeah I remember you, you crazy, fuc_k you, fuc_k off, fuc_k off" then as the guy was walking away shouting "fuc_k off and fuc_k you too."

    The police did nothing.

    An hour later I walked past and the ski was miraculously now floating again!

  7. From these reports this place sounds (and looks) absolutely terrible. The Fawlty Towers of Indian restaurants. Balti Towers, perhaps?

    I think a little unfair.

    Granted not the place to go for an intimate dinner or special occasion,

    It is there to cater to the Indian tour groups, it is what it is, chances are you will either be eating alone or with bus loads of Indians.

    However while the selection of food is not vast, the basics are there and IMHO the food is for the price very good.

    Order off the menu in any other Indian restaurant and see what you get for 199 Baht.

    Yes I may go out for a special meal occasionally and spend 500-1000 Baht,

    But I eat out just about every day and a 199 Baht Indian with 4 or 5 dishes rice and bread is just fine for me.

    BTW I have also now tried the Kohinoor basically the same but not as good and 219 Baht I will not return

    Could not find the one in Naklua?

    I will return to both Spices2 and Bevery Plaza no doubt many times.

  8. In that price range I would defiantly recommend the darkside.

    If fact after being over here 3 years now in 2 locations I would never move back to the bright side.

    Peace, quiet, nice local community, can be anywhere in Pattaya in 15 Min's on the bike.


    ok give me an area / location please sounds ok to me


    I'm currently on Suckhumvit 15 but really anywhere on the darkside from Nakula to Jomtien and you will find similar.

    Although the more central sois like nemplabwan and siam cc are really getting very busy and built up now, thats why I moved more to the outskirts.

    I would say don't go right out to the lake, while its nice out there the trip to town is a bit much.

    Somewhere not too far over the railway line is just about right for me.

  9. went out today about 17 00 hrs pattaya time to have a quick look at the beach.

    between the best friend bar complex and pattaya city walk which is 50/60 mtrs at most another 3 scams were going on. 2 were so close to each other the guys getting scammed were swopping tales

    2 of the groups were indian nationals and the other middle eastern.

    all involved multiple ski units so the outcome was not going to be cheap.

    i did spot a sikh guy an old boy with a turban trying to mediate. i am sure i have seen him before a few times on the beach and my best guess is he is involved in the scam and is not an independent mediator at all.

    simply because any outsider poking his nose in all the time would be warned off good and proper.

    Yes I have seen this guy involved many times.

    Today opposite RGP about 4.30, didn't see the start but police already in attendance, the TP guy with the mustache again!

    Multiple Indians, one of the jetski scamers was busy telling some of the bystanders that the Indians had been boxing Mama jetski.

    Seen her in action before too, getting right up in peoples faces very animated, so the scamers can do what they want as far as violence intimidation, knives etc, but if you lay a hand on Mama jetski your in big trouble.

    The Indians where now meekly sitting in deck chairs with a new (to me) character, Big farang guy possible German or Russian black short sleeve shirt Thai flag and writing on the pocket, (TPV?). He was in an aggressive manner demanding their passports, they say no have. " How you can walk around with no passport THIS IS THAILAND you HAVE to carry passport" too each in turn pointing finger "you no passport, you no passport, you no passport, now you have big problem already you break law have to carry passport,how you think you can just walk around no passport THIS IS THAILAND"

    Fark me I came so close to getting involved, excuse me but who the fark are you and where is your ID and farking passport. I had to leave otherwise I was gona say it.

    Anyway I wish I had now.

    I am gona start taking my camera though get some pictures of these creeps.

    Yesterday afternoon 5pm the area from walking street to RGP was awash with scams, really not sure how many but everywhere I looked there where Thais inspecting skis and groups of Thais and farang in discussions.

    Interestingly at one location the Navy police where in attendance with clipboards and cameras writing lots of stuff down, then the Tourist police turned up, yes the usual guy with the mustache and his friend only stayed a couple of minutes then left the Navy guys to it.

    Also saw the farang guy from the other day, the one who was demanding passports from the Indians accused of boxing Mama jetski.

    anyone know who he is TPV or what?


  10. In that price range I would defiantly recommend the darkside.

    If fact after being over here 3 years now in 2 locations I would never move back to the bright side.

    Peace, quiet, nice local community, can be anywhere in Pattaya in 15 Min's on the bike.


  11. Gold is Gold is Gold Thai or otherwise.

    The price will be the same wherever you go, although will fluctuate with the world markets by the day, hour, minute, second.

    The price at the moment is high will it go higher maybe?

    A year from now maybe it's halved or doubled?

    5 baht now will set you back nearly 100k Baht 2k stearling not a small investment.

  12. Hmm

    This incident apparently was on Thursday didn't go to the beach myself that day.

    Not that it makes any difference but I wonder why this incident made the news and others don't.

    There was nothing unusual about the story, just a multiple everyday occurrence, the only other times they have made the news is when there has been physical violence used?

    Still I guess the more that make the news the better, although they always seem to report the damage as a fact rather than an accusation.

    I reckon this must happen at least 10 or probably more times a day on Pattaya beach, they work long hours.

    A quote from a members trip report on another board, from only a few days ago.

    "I went out for a walk on beach road and even at night came upon a Jetski incident in progress where a Russian was refusing to pay and try leave. Of course, the Thais were physically restraining the guy and it got ugly. Police were called and eventually the Russian (who had been beaten up a bit), a friend of his who showed up with the police and two Thais headed to the police station. Oddly, the Thais who actually restrained and fought the Russian were not in this group in the police truck."

  13. Busy busy jetski scamers today!!

    Saw 4 incidents in just half an hour between 3.30 and 4pm today.

    First coming onto beach road from the dolphin roundabout as I come round the corner I see a Tourist Police Car parked up on the road, hmm I wonder?

    So I park up and sure enough our friendly TP with the mustache and a couple of Iranians?

    All stood around a jetski in deep discussions. This is the very first hire place on the beach.

    Watch for about 10 Min's and they all go off in the nice shiny Police car to soi 9.

    So I toodle off to my usual haunt and sure enough the usual suspects have a scam going on either side of Mikes.

    Watch each for about 5 Min's, then walk on up toward walking street.

    Just as I am approaching the last hirers on the beach before walking street about 20 meters ahead of me I see a bit of a commotion on the pavement.

    Then suddenly 2 guys in shorts dart out into the traffic, narrowly avoiding being hit, 3 jet ski guys in hot pursuit, held up for a few seconds by traffic they can only have chased the guys for half a block cause they where back empty handed a minuet later.

    The jetski guys didn't seem to upset and where having a laugh and a joke about it, the one that got away.

    Still another mark will be along soon I'm sure.

    So thats from one end of the beach to the other 4 scams in half an hour and I didn't even look from soi 2 to soi 10.

  14. went out today about 17 00 hrs pattaya time to have a quick look at the beach.

    between the best friend bar complex and pattaya city walk which is 50/60 mtrs at most another 3 scams were going on. 2 were so close to each other the guys getting scammed were swopping tales

    2 of the groups were indian nationals and the other middle eastern.

    all involved multiple ski units so the outcome was not going to be cheap.

    i did spot a sikh guy an old boy with a turban trying to mediate. i am sure i have seen him before a few times on the beach and my best guess is he is involved in the scam and is not an independent mediator at all.

    simply because any outsider poking his nose in all the time would be warned off good and proper.

    Yes I have seen this guy involved many times.

    Today opposite RGP about 4.30, didn't see the start but police already in attendance, the TP guy with the mustache again!

    Multiple Indians, one of the jetski scamers was busy telling some of the bystanders that the Indians had been boxing Mama jetski.

    Seen her in action before too, getting right up in peoples faces very animated, so the scamers can do what they want as far as violence intimidation, knives etc, but if you lay a hand on Mama jetski your in big trouble.

    The Indians where now meekly sitting in deck chairs with a new (to me) character, Big farang guy possible German or Russian black short sleeve shirt Thai flag and writing on the pocket, (TPV?). He was in an aggressive manner demanding their passports, they say no have. " How you can walk around with no passport THIS IS THAILAND you HAVE to carry passport" too each in turn pointing finger "you no passport, you no passport, you no passport, now you have big problem already you break law have to carry passport,how you think you can just walk around no passport THIS IS THAILAND"

    Fark me I came so close to getting involved, excuse me but who the fark are you and where is your ID and farking passport. I had to leave otherwise I was gona say it.

    Anyway I wish I had now.

    I am gona start taking my camera though get some pictures of these creeps.

  15. Wow great info.

    Thanks to the OP for bringing up the subject.

    I've been here three years and wasn't aware of any of these places.

    With a little more research I have also found Kohinoor just past the Beverly plaza on the other side of the road and the one in Naklua i think is called Mumbai opposite Star dice.

    Haven't tried these two yet but have tried Spices2 and the Beverly plaza.

    Both good and great value, probably of the two I would favor the Beverly, the ambiance is better, Spices2 is huge, probably seats 600 and is just one big room.

    I liked the main (for me) Chicken dish better in the Beverly although the side dishes where probably better in spices. (based on only 1 visit to each)

    With both probably best to get there early 7.30 as both had busses turning up after 8pm.

    All this is great news for me as I used to eat a couple of times a week at the Indian in Carrefour, long departed now.

    Now I have lots of places for a cheap Indian fix.

    Will try the other 2 places in the next week or two and report back.

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