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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Exactly. If Canada cuts of oiil and electricity and the lights go out in NYC, maybe then he'll get it, but I doubt it. That guy is the epitome of delusion!
  2. Nah, mate. You didn’t read my comment properly and got it confused…
  3. How about you keep up? The article explicitly states drag shows and I'm perfectly aware of the difference....
  4. Ooooh, Thailand allows afternoon booze sales. Let's jump on a plane and fly down there, has no one said EVER!
  5. It’s a fricking cabaret show. They’ve been around since forever and banning them won’t change anything. Also, transsexual people are a real thing, whether you can get your feeble mind around that won‘t change the fact!
  6. I used to live in Korat and it's prone to flooding as well, so what's the point?
  7. Arrest them, have them replant the cleared area by hand and then throw them in prison for 10 years!
  8. Just because the majority of killers are males doesn't automatically mean that her killer must be male, too.
  9. How effing stupid can you be? You just robbed yourself of fhe opportunity to have children over nothing and it will have zero impact on what's going on in the US! Also, hea gonna be put of office I just 4 years forever! By the way, you getting sterilized won't have the slightest impact whatsoever and frankly speaking no one gives a flying f.ck about it either! In other words, you did it for nothing!
  10. Well, let's just say it's extremely unusual that you wouldn't call the cops when your wife goes missing when you have no clue as to what happened to her and that makes it extremely suspicious behavior! But you're right about it getting difficult to prove. I highly doubt there's DNA evidence left after 2 decades. He'll need a proper explanation, though, as to why he didn't inform the police.
  11. This goes both ways! Of course the apple fans won’t like it, but other than that you’ve got nothing that we need in Europe! He’s shooting him self on the foot! Big time! No surprise there, though! That guy has utterly lost the plot!
  12. Once it’s been in a can, it’s been in a can and putting it in a glass afterwards to drink won’t make a difference anymore. At least in my experience.
  13. Coke tastes the same wherever you go, as far as I know, unlike fanta.
  14. Of course he does. He’d just love to be the emperor!
  15. Wow! Sounds very much like he’s off his meds and has completely lost the plot! But then again, what can you expect from a megalomaniacal cretin!
  16. Since it’s an island everything has to be transported there by ship or boat. Glass bottles are heavier than cans, therefore need more fuel to be transported, they also take up more space. When it comes to getting rid of them you can just crush the cans, melt them down and reuse the Aluminium. Obviously you can recycle glass bottles as well, so I don’t where the “can’t be recycled easily” BS in the article comes from. Also, most glass bottles are used multiple times before they get molten down and recycled. In that regard they’re actually a lot more environmentally friendly than Aluminium. But this is offset by the increased fuel consumption for transportation. In the end, it probably comes down to pretty much the same in terms of environmentally friendliness. Obviously anything out of a glass bottle will taste definitely better than out of a can. The best example is coke. That first sip out of a glass bottle is unbeatable!
  17. So another 15 year holiday then?
  18. Pathetic! This has been an issue since forever! It’s already illegal to burn the fields, if I remember correctly, but since nothing ever happens to these people, nothing is gonna change. So, all they had to do to stop this once and for all is to fine any owner of a burning field a million Baht. If they can’t pay then they go to prison for a year. Once that becomes public and a few go behind bars this will stop quickly!
  19. 😂😂😂 like weed is the only drug in Thailand. Also, how can it be a myth when it clearly happens. You're just ignorant about it! But that's fine. No skin off my nose!
  20. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean it's not happening. The guy at Khao San Road sells weed...
  21. Read into it whatever you want! I don't care! I'll stand behind my statement 100%!
  22. Hey whatever! No skin off my nose! Believe what you want!
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