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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. I never said that! He should've stayed away from Russia and led his fight from someplace else because he surely won't be doing anything from his grave. So all the hard work he's put in and his life went to waste because his death achieved literally nothing.
  2. Apparently after he got poisoned he said if he gets killed he wants his supporters to rise up. Sounds very much like martyrism to me. Either way, senseless waste of his life.
  3. Of course there need to be tougher restrictions in the US when it comes to gun ownership and especially on how to keep them. No doubt about it! That's not my issue, though. All I'm saying is that prohibition never works, which is what the opposition always says. They think by prohibiting guns the gun crimes will stop, which is deluded wishful thinking! Especially in the US with their wild west attitude where they've had the constitional right to bear arms for 200 plus years and everyone and their dog has one. Getting rid of all those guns is literally impossible and a prohibition would also not stop gun crimes. A lot of the gun crimes in the US are crime related. Gangs dealing drugs fighting over turfs. They need to fix their internal issues. Free health care, free education all the way through university and legalizing drugs. They should produce all drugs themselves, sell it cheaply through pharmacies to anyone who wants them over the age of 21 and tax it. Offer better quality and a cheaper price than the gangs and they won't have any turf to fight over literally over night because no one would buy their overpriced and cut up <deleted> anymore.
  4. Well, I guess he got what he wanted - becoming a martyr. If they try to kill you by poisoning you and you decide to still go back ro Russia then you have to have a death wish. He could've lead his fight against Putin from literally anywhere in the world. Germany would've granted him asylum in a heartbeat. Also, he knew he would get arrested for "violating his parole" by leaving Russia to get treated for the poisoning in Germany because the responsible bureau issued a statement to that regard after he announced his plans to return to Russia.
  5. Right! Like prohibiting alcohol in the US totally got rif of alcohol! If you ban guns all that does is strengthen the already existing black market over there, but it won't stop gun crimes! It most likely wouldn't even put a dent in it. They need to strengthen the laws and make changes to how guns are being kept in the US because most guns used in crimes were stolen from vehicles and broken into homes because they leave their guns laying around in their houses and cars, which makes for easy access.
  6. Don’t waste your breath! They’ll never learn, just like conspiracy theorists. No matter how much hard evidence you present to them they won’t go for it because they’re the gurus, the enlightened ones, the one who know and the rest of the world are just stupid sheep.
  7. I highly doubt that the astronomers phrased it like that. And if indeed they were the first ones to discover them then they deserve credit for it. Having said that, the phrasing could’ve been a lot more humble.
  8. Just get mosquito screens and screen doors for your place and they can't get in. Poison is always tricky, especially when you have other pets and a child.
  9. That's way over the top in my opinion! A simple statement to clarify the situation would've been more than. Unless the post in question contained insults.
  10. It depends. Normally as soon as the threat is eliminated you're not allowed to use deadly force anymore, as far as I know. Since he took the knife from her, the knife wasn't a threat to him anymore, if he then cut her intentionally, he can be held responsible. If it's true what the article says and she continued to physically attack him while he had the knife and she got accidentally cut during the struggle then he can't be held responsible. At this point it's he-said, she-said, though, and now it depends on whom the judge will believe. Since she's already admitted that she attacked him with the knife, it's not looking good for her.
  11. A regular parachute used for skydiving wouldn't be suitable for such a low jump, that's why they use special base-jumping chutes that are smaller and open a lot quicker. From that height you'd have to pull the chute immediately, though. Any delay for whatever reason will most likely be fatal.
  12. No, you alluded to laws not being applicable on a private island, which isn’t true.
  13. The private Island is part of the US Virgin Islands territory and therefore part of their jurisdiction. Just because one owns an island doesn't make that island a sovereign nation.
  14. If it had been consensual fhen why did he settle with her?
  15. Yes, it is. Even if an underage person consents, it's still legally considered to the statutory rape.
  16. You're right. I always only heard about the island stuff. Still, the issue is about lack of consent.
  17. Not necessarily. That place is huge and if their job was to guard the perimeter they might not have even been in the house.
  18. Yeah, well, the allegations didn't take place in the UK, though, now did they? Although the age of consent on his island is also 16, but according to the victim, she didn't consent and therefore the age of consent is irrelevant.
  19. "Hey sweetie, wine bottles just got 300 Baht cheaper in Thailand. Let's spend 2000 bucks on two return tickets so we can enjoy the discount!"
  20. I've never seen more children than I did in Thailand. Unless there's been a dramatic change since 2014, I find this somehow hard to believe.
  21. Many moons ago I took a songthaew in Pattaya to the beach. Somewhere along the way a white women who seemed to be in her early 70s got off and then walked off hand in hand with a Thai guy who was maybe 20, 25. To each their own I guess.
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