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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. They should be able to make them explode or go up in flames.
  2. Trump is so effing delusional! Such a shame that guy missed a few months ago. He would've done the world a favor!
  3. Won't make a difference because regular cops don't wear guns there. All they have is tazers, sticks and a bit of pepper spray. Therefore these idiots have zero respect for them. London has become the wild west.
  4. Apple can turn these phones remotely into bricks l, like they did in New York...
  5. No. Obviously the store knows what they had in stock and they can just render them into a brick remotely, like they did in the US maybe a year ago or whenever it was. The thieves then proceeded to smash the phones on the ground right outside the store when they realized it. You can also track theses these phones and have them take pictures when they get turned on. If you steal a smart phone these days you're simply stupid.
  6. When will these idiots realize that any stolen apple device can be locked by Apple and rendered useless to them, which they will?!
  7. The solition is to make a dog keepers license mandatory, for which potential keepers have to prove that they have the knowledge and the skill to raise, socialice and keep a powerful breed before they can get one.
  8. This dog breed is no joke. They have an extreme territorial and protective instinct. If you don't know what you're doing then don't get this breed.
  9. Just like he promised a drug free Thailand within 3 months 20 years ago?! LMAO!
  10. How greedy can you be? If 1300 was agreed upon then that's what goes. Of course this doesn't justify what happened!
  11. What happened to the good old taser and bear spray? A dose of that will subdue pretty much anyone.
  12. Well, if that's your stance on the AFD then you clearly have no idea what the eff you're talking about!
  13. You do realize that they make road legal dirt bikes as well, yeah?
  14. There's a difference between straight up murder, which carries the death penalty in Thailand, which can be converted to 25 years behind bars, if the accused is cooperative, and involuntary manslaughter, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years, which is what you see in this video.
  15. I guess the word curtain doesn't exist in their vocabulary!
  16. You can be the best father in the world and your son can still turn out to be a c.nt!
  17. Sorry mate, but withdrawing was the only option you had because your party would have definitely lost, if you hadn't.
  18. Don't you think that the prosecuting parties involved had all the information you have, plus a lot more?! He's liable only because he's also a producer on that film and that's the one and only reason! But being liable and being guilty are two different things and not automatically the same! You stated that he's guilty and the court said otherwise. And yes, sometimes courts get it wrong, but just because that was the case with OJ, doesn't automatically equate to this being the case with any other case! P.S. Unexperienced arnourer? How did you get that? Gun etiquette and safety is the VERY FIRST THING they teach you when you get your gun license, looooooong before you ever become an armourer. Making sure a gun is cold before you hand it to an actor is just common sense. In other words, she wasn't inexperienced. She was grosly negligent! P.P.S. After reading up on it again, the case against Baldwin was dropped because the prosecution intentionally and deliberately withheld evidence from the defense. So, if the prosecution had to resort to such means then it's pretty obvious that their case had no legs to begin with!
  19. If it's a Samsung you can click on settings and then scroll all the way down to the bottom. On my phone the second tab from the top then says battery and device care. Click on that and then hit optimize now. That should fix the problem. I do this once a day before I go to bed. If the phone is used heavily, I'd do that after every session. Having said that, if it's a fairly small battery to begin with and she uses the phone heavily, especially if she watches online videos or she plays a lot of games, it's gonna deplete the battery quickly. In that case, I'd turn off the wifi, while I don't use any online services to preserve battery life. If it's an older phone that doesn't have the battery and device care option, there's third party apps available through the android app store.
  20. Look, you can't take care of everything yourself on a movie set. There's hundreds of people. You can't supervise everyone as a producer. That's why you hire people to do specific jobs. And usually people who work on movies are booked out months in advance. So if you fire someone there's a chance you might not find someone else right there and then and every day of delay is gonna cost you some serious money. Now, could it have been handled differently? Sure, but neither you nor I were there. So therefore neither you nor I can have an objective opinion on what went down. And again, the judge, prosecution, defense and jury, if there was one, had total insight of what happened and they came to the conclusion that he wasnt at fault, regardless of his position as a producer and YOUR opinion about it They specifically hired an armourer and she f.cked up! And that's all there is to it. If you had a construction company and you hire qualified builders and a foreman (armourer) and give them detailed instructions on your next building project and they f.ck up by skipping the rebar and the building collapses and kills someone then yes, you (Baldwin) can be held responsible because you're the owner (producer) of the company, but are you at fault for their (armourer's) negligent behavior? F.ck no! You (Baldwin) can be held liable for compensation and damages MERELY because it's your company (production), but you sure as hell won't be the one going to prison. That's gonna be the foreman (armourer).
  21. He was explicitly told by the person who handed him the gun that it is cold! OJ was sentenced in civil court and he only got off during the criminal trial because he had good lawyers, none of which has anything to do with this case. Baldwin isn’t at fault for what happened. Case closed.
  22. Well, the court saw it differently, hence he wasn’t convicted, while the armorer was. Also, the armorer is hired for the entire production of the film, so it doesn’t matter whether it happened during rehearsal or not, although they were filming when it did happen. Not Baldwin’s fault.
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