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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. I'm afraid it won't stop him. He'll just move to a place where he can continue to spread his BS. Also, if you're as highly intelligent as you say you are then you sure as hell shouldn't be even entertaining the thought of listening to anything that comes out of his camp! He's a nutcase!
  2. I mean, he definitely had it coming and to say that it was a hoax and no one died was just so low class, but 1.5 billion??? Come on! There's no way they will ever get that much money out of him, so what's the point? What will happen next is that he will flee to a country with no extradition and run his conspiracy <deleted> empire from there in peace, enjoying whatever money he has set aside and will make in the future!
  3. How difficult is it to do a stakeout with local police at F1 events???
  4. ''Allowing" drug taking??? Please do show me how you prevent people from taking drugs in a club!!! If they want to take it they will, obviously they weren't doing lines on a table right in front of everyone!
  5. You seem to operate under the assumption that all eligible voters did vote, which they didnt!!! Just because some of them didn't vote doesn't autimatically mean that they were for leaving the EU. They just couldn't be bothered or they didn't care enough. And again, of the people that DID vote, the MAJORITY in EVERY council in Scotland voted FOR remaining in the EU!
  6. And which country again was the real power behind the British Empire? Certainly not Wales or Scotland! I'm not Scotish, by the way, and I'm not disputing the result of the vote they already had. All im saying is, there was a MASSIVE change of circumstance since the last vote and therefore they should have the right to vote again because Brexit was obviously a gigantic game changer!
  7. Every council in Scotland had the majority vote for remaining in the EU!!! So there you have it! You guys just don't want to let go because it's the last remaining piece of your once oh-so-impressive and now crumbed empire.
  8. You're totally missing the point!!!! All the reasons you came with so far are totally irrelevant! There was a massive change of circumstance since the last vote that has a massive impact on all UK citizens and for the last time that's why they should be allowed to vote again. End of story!
  9. That's merely your opinion! Besides, it's not up to you, its up to them and even if they were to separate and fail as a state, it would be their right to do so.
  10. May that as it be, it still doesn't change the fact that circumstance has changed dramatically and therefore they should be allowed to vote again!
  11. What??? There has been a major change since the last vote that had a massive impact on the economy and their ability to trade and therefore they should have the right to vote again!!!
  12. Do you have any scientific proof to back up that statement?
  13. Yes, all drugs known to men. Right now it's criminals that make serious money with drugs. Since smuggling is expensive and the drugs go through I don't know how many hands before they get to the consumer and every hand that touches them wants to make a profit the price goes up and the quality goes down, which makes it economically unfeasible for an addict, which in turn means they sooner or later have to resort to criminal activities to feed the monkey, which then keeps the cops and the courts busy and the prisons filled. In countries like the USA you also have lots of drug related deaths due to turf wars. Then there's the fact that the tax money spent on the war on drugs is just money thrown out the window because it's impossible to rid a country of drugs. So, the solution is for a nation to produce the drugs themselves, tax them and sell them so cheaply that everyone with a job can afford to be hooked and still get through life. Have the buyers fill in an anonymous form that states their gender, age, bought drug and the amount of drug they bought and couple that with an annual anonymous health check and after a year you have solid numbers of who bought what and which diseases spread amongst users instead of guesstimates. Literally over night you would get rid of drug gangs, turf wars and most of the criminal activities that come with being an addict, plus criminal organizations like the taliban, Al Quada, ISIS etc. would lose a massive junk of their revenue. The tax money that is spent on the war on drugs could be spent on other things like internal security or free health care, free education etc. The tax income generated by the sale of drugs could then be used for large scale anti drug campaigns in every classroom in every school once a year. Take the <deleted> up speed freak without teeth and the dirty heroin junkie into classrooms and show kids what drugs can do to you. Make it as disgusting as possible! Lastly, there will always be people wanting to do drugs and as long as there's big money to be made with them there will always be people willing to sell them. All prohibition does is create a black market that comes with crime. Now you could say, that it's immoral for a government to make money off drugs, to that I say, what about alcohol, cigarettes and prescription drugs? Obviously the government has no quarrels with profiting off the sale of those. Then you could argue that a lot of people will get hooked, if it becomes freely available. To that again I say, what about alcohol and cigarettes? They're legal and not everyone is an alcoholic chain smoker. Portugal is the perfect example of what would happen. They decriminalized all drugs for personal use back in 2011, if I remember correctly. The entire world was like, soon your country will be flooded with addicts, in reality the number of consumers actually went down and a lot of people free willingly went into rehab. So, overall it had a major positive effect. The reality is, most people won't want anything to do with drugs and that's not gonna change, if they were to become legal and the ones who want to take drugs will find a way, legal or not.
  14. All drugs should be legalized, produced by governments, taxed and sold through pharmacies to anyone who wants them above the age of 18. It's the only way that makes sense.
  15. There's absolutely no reason someone should be hospitalized because they smoked too much because there's no need for it. They all come around by themselves. It just takes time. Inexperienced drama queens, the lot of them! ????
  16. None, but danger to society does not exclusively mean that someone can OD on a substance. There's lots of other ways a drug can be a danger to society. In my opinion none of those apply to cannabis, though.
  17. Yeah, that's been a long time ago now, though.
  18. Amd that's exactly the problem! America doesn't get <deleted> done because the opposing parties always block each other on principle instead of finding and implementing what's best for the nation! I still remember the official mantra of the republicans being "whatever Obama wants, we're opposed!" America used to be looked up to by the rest of the world, the land of wonders, where everyone can go from dishwasher to millionaire, now it's a joke! They totally screwed it up with their foreign policies and their infighting. The whole place is a mess!
  19. He's so delusional!
  20. Doesn't surprise me, since you didn't get my initial post either...
  21. It definitely didn't help either.
  22. They wanted out and now they reap the consequences! No sympathy on my part whatsoever!
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