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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Productions cost loss: 47 million pills x 50 cent = 23.5 million dollars. Lost street sale revenue: 47 million x 20 dollars = 940 million + 23.5 million = total loss of 963.5 million.dollars.
  2. Never heard of Steve Wright, so I don't get the reference.
  3. Really? Never heard about that before. Interesting factoid! One never stops learning new things. Thanks for the info!
  4. Here's an idea: burn him at the stake - oh wait wrong century! My bad!
  5. Just because you don't like most tattoos doesn't mean they're not art. Having said that, the really good artists that do the great stuff are like 600+ bucks an hour and not everyone has that kind of cash, so they go with what they can afford. Also, the tats you're referring to are not representative of what is possible today. You'd be amazed!!! By the way, Chinese and Japanese art looks very much like tattoos because that's where the Chinese and Japanese tattoos got their style from. You wouldn't find anyone, besides yourself maybe, who wouldn't consider that art.
  6. Yeah, now if that isn't art then what is?! Do yourself a favor and Google 3D black and gray Greek God tattoo!
  7. In case you haven't noticed, but literally everything you can buy in a supermarket that has been packaged has a label that lists the ingredients. That's not by choice, they have to and I like the fact that I can check what's in it and make my buying decision based on that. Especially when it comes to stuff that makes me high. You wouldn't find it funny, if you were to buy a lollipop and an hour later you pass out on the street because it wasn't indicated that the lollipop contains 2 grams of high quality THC, would you? Or your kids might get their hands on some...
  8. Doesn't change the fact that ingredients must be listed on a label that includes marijuana..
  9. Tattoos are a form of art just like paintings. Tattoos have also come a loooooong way since the early days, especially over the past 10 years. There's tattoo artists that can do photo realistic stuff that's absolutely amazing. Some people have their art on the wall, others have it in their skin. To each their own.
  10. You mean to tell me that her name is actually Kannika Tython? ????
  11. Kuklinski was a serial killer and his family knew absolutely nothing about it. There's lots of criminals who keep their families out of their criminal activities. Having said that, if she did know and she decided to stay with him then she got what she deserved, if she didn't know about it and the miserable c... that was her boyfriend let her sign for the parcel then she should be set free.
  12. Yeah, absolutely. I remember seeing a documentary about a German girl who went to work in Peru somewhere in the mountains in a valley. There was a lightning storm in the neighboring valley while in her location the weather was sunny. She went outside to hang her laundry on a wire outside her place when a lighting bolt from the other valley hit the wire. She survived, but the entire right side of her body was completely burned and she's utterly disfigured now.
  13. Sorry, mate, but no one gives a rat's behind about your opinion. It's legal now and there WILL be people coming to Thailand to smoke and you'll have to just suck it up!
  14. That's illegal because the minimum wage for university graduates was raised to 15K/month like roughly 10 years ago, unless it's a part time job.
  15. While the ring floor dampens impacts a bit, it does not prevent your brain from crashing into the walls of your skull. I'm also pretty sure that all professional fighters have CTE which accumulates over time and eventually a blow normally not enough to do that kind of damage will be enough. The elbow blow itself didn't seem to have been that bad, considering that it happened in the last round when fighters have spent most of their strength and speed, but the impact on the ground didn't look good.
  16. If this is true and comes to fruition someone will get extremely rich!!!
  17. Refusing to sit at the same table, flags being rearanged, sounds like Kindergarten.
  18. Sounds like he was a killer who enjoyed it. Why else would you ne a mercenary?!
  19. This is already possible, although it's 5 years of investment and it's a smaller amount of money, don't remember how much it actually was, and if you were to build a house on it then you'd have to live in it yourself.
  20. No, they don't! It's zealous religious fanatics that bend religious texts to suit their needs. Big difference!
  21. Well, generally speaking there's nothing wrong with believing in deities, and if people were to actually live accordingly the world would be a much better place. To each their own!
  22. How I love those “religious statements“. First of all, you fail to realize that your beloved religious text wasn’t written by god, but by numerous people over the course of a thousand years who wrote into it whatever suited their needs at the time or what they felt was morally right or wrong. Second of all, you fail to realize that it was written to pacify and control the masses, so again they wrote into it whatever suited their needs. To all the religious zealots out there who are against gay marriage, ask yourself two questions: 1. Do you really believe in God? If the answer is yes, then you must also believe that god is the creator of all life. 2. Did you at any point make the conscious decision to be into males instead of females or both, if you're female or vice versa if you're male? If you answer truthfully the answer will be no because people do not choose their sexual orientation. So, if god is the creator of all life and people do not choose their sexual orientation, there’s only one logical conclusion to be drawn from that - god gives everyone their sexual orientation. So why would he have a problem with someone because they’re gay when it’s clearly god's doing that they are?! It doesn’t add up, especially when you take into consideration that god is supposedly all about love and religion about being a good, honorable, honest and nice person. Discriminating someone for whatever reason is the exact opposite of being a good Christian, Moslem, etc. Also, I seriously doubt that a god powerful enough to create an entire universe would concern himself with something as trivial as human sexual orientation! As far as the abomination part goes, homosexuality is a perfectly normal variation of human sexual orientation. It’s also perfectly natural since mankind is a part of nature and therefore everything we do is by definition natural!
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