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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. You thought right. It's possible to trick captive king cobras into eating chicken and rats, though, but only if you take a snake and rub the chicken or rat on it to throw the snake off the chicken/rat scent, which is what people who keep king cobras as pets do, if they don't have snakes at their disposal. But they will grow much faster, if you feed them snakes. King cobras are awesome and extremely intelligent animals, that can become very docile and non-aggressive, if you get them when they're still really young and they never make a bad experience with you. It will take a year or two, though, before they relax because they're quite aggressive when they're young, due to the fact that they're prayed upon in the wild when they're still small. Tyler Nolan on YouTube got one about two years ago now when it was still a baby. It was quite defensive when it was still little, now it doesn't even hood up anymore when he takes it out of its cage because it learned that he's no threat to it. It's quite the sight to be honest. His snake is now 3 meters/10 feet long, but he's been feeding it only lizards in the beginning and as soon as it was big enough for snakes he started feeding it snakes. Awesome snake that one!
  2. Highly unlikely that it was after rats and chickens. Ophiophagus Hannah, the Latin name of the king cobra, translates literally to snake eater because that's what they normally eat.
  3. There's save ways to do that, though, government bonds for example.
  4. 192 years? Wow! A bit overkill, if you ask me.
  5. Sigh! When will they ever learn?! The war on drugs can't be won as has been demonstrated by numerous countries decade after decade! All it does is put a temporary dent in the supply and waste a <deleted>load of tax money! Legalization is the only way to go!
  6. You will have to get it pulled because otherwise the infection will cause the bone the tooth sits to dissolve over time and your gum will recede, once that starts it will migrate to the neighboring teeth. Happened to me. I don't understand why they won't pull it. Just keep going from dentist to dentist until you'll find one willing to do it!
  7. Well, I guess now is the time for one of his own to finally put a bullet through his thick skull to stop this madness! One thing is for sure, though, Russia will so not escape any harm, if he goes down the nuclear road!!!
  8. Thanks for clearing that up. English isn't my first language.
  9. Nah! I don't like him speaking up against it because he's a crook himself!
  10. Yes! And preferably move to a lonesome island without any type of communication to the outside world, so we can erase the location of the island from world maps and never have to see or hear from him ever again! Also, the reason he's so vocal about it is not because he cares sooooooo much about ending corruption, it is to stay relevant and to be in the press because without his sporadic outbursts the world would've forgotten about him a long time ago! Finally, the guy was one of the biggest brothel owners. I'm sure all his girls were there free willingly and sooo glad he took them off the street and provided them with a room in exchange for a very small fee to conduct their business in safety. He's an evil, malicious ..... .. ....!
  11. Really??? Wow! Do you really think he'd be all straight, if he came back to power? He'd be as corrupt as ever!!!
  12. It's not about believing him. It's about him trying to pass himself off as the good guy now when in reality he's not one hair better than the ones he's ratting out. He's a massive hypocrite!
  13. That's so stolen from the movie Diner starring Mickey Rourke and Kevin Bacon amongst others! ????
  14. From the viewpoint of the law yes, but it also makes him a huge hypocrite who just goes wherever the opportunity wind blows him and therefore not reliable!
  15. How does a rifle fit into a bag of popcorn???
  16. Looks who's calling a pot a kettle. He's one of the most corrupt people ever and in so NO position to accuse anyone of anything. He's a disgrace!
  17. Well, it all comes down to how and when she killed him. If she killed him during the rape, it would've been self-defense. If she killed him days, weeks or months after the rape then she killed him extrajudiciously and that's the reason why she was sentenced. Her rapist had it probably coming/deserved it, but she still didn't have the right to kill him extrajudiciously.
  18. Hungary should be expelled from the EU. All they ever do is come begging for money, but when it's time to do something FOR the EU they refuse!
  19. Nope, while it happens a lot that people die after electrocution, its not the norm. Electrocution by definition can mean death or severe injury.
  20. It's a common misperception to assume that electrocution means death by an electric current passing through one's body. Technically speaking it can mean death or severe injury sustained by electricity passing through one's body.
  21. Monks doing something for their health by working out! Oh the horror! And how scandalousl!!! How dare they without consulting average Somchai first! Get a life!
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