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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. I live about 100 Km west of Udon Thani and I want to build a house there. I have a floor plan that I would like to stick to but I need a company to draw a plan to my specs that Thai construction people can understand.

    Does anyone have a recommendation?:jap:

  2. My suggestion, for what it's worth, would be to pick some place else for vacation. Unless of course, you like being harassed and seriously overcharged by the tuk tuk mafia, like being scammed by the tourist police, like being ripped off by the jet ski mafia, like the prostitutes approaching you, even when you're with your family, and like people constantly trying to sell you porn videos and dvd's when you're just trying to walk down the street with your family. And let's not forget the beaches which are littered with trash, broken glass and cans, and the bacteria in the ocean water from all the feces that has been flushed into it. And hotel workers who never heard of the famous "Thai smile", or have the faintest idea of what "courteous service" means. If none of that bothers you then, hey, have a great vacation!

    Ah, you've been to Patong...

    The best place is the exit door when you are leaving phuket out at the the airport. :D

    You've been to Patong too? I just love to breath the fresh air in Thailand's two largest and most polluted cities. I think I'll move there!blink.gif

    As to the OP, Carrefore is going out of business and it is in Patong, not a family place. Big C and the large Tesco are in Central Festival area of Phuket Town, not very close to any beach. Transportation can be an issue on the island. With a family I suggest renting a car, you can get a monthly rate. Most people who live here long term, live near the southern end of the island. It's much quieter than the tourist areas. Naiharn has a nice beach. There is a Villa Supermarket and a medium sized Tesco in Chalong, not too far of a drive from the Naiharn area. There are other threads about areas to live or stay in Phuket, so do a bit of searching and reading on the Phuket forum. Or just come and check it out and find an area you like. Everyone's tastes and needs are different. Good luck. Hope you have fun!

    No, I think they mean Phuket. :whistling:

  3. My suggestion, for what it's worth, would be to pick some place else for vacation. Unless of course, you like being harassed and seriously overcharged by the tuk tuk mafia, like being scammed by the tourist police, like being ripped off by the jet ski mafia, like the prostitutes approaching you, even when you're with your family, and like people constantly trying to sell you porn videos and dvd's when you're just trying to walk down the street with your family. And let's not forget the beaches which are littered with trash, broken glass and cans, and the bacteria in the ocean water from all the feces that has been flushed into it. And hotel workers who never heard of the famous "Thai smile", or have the faintest idea of what "courteous service" means. If none of that bothers you then, hey, have a great vacation!

    I'll have to second that.:lol:

  4. Had this problem alot over the years Ive been here... Every 'big' bike I've had seems to be a magnet for fookwits.. I've returned from shopping to find moto-taxi types sitting on my Ducati or notice the kill switch has been flipped or the whole bke moved.. It's really bloody annoying. Just resting against it is enough to scratch the paint.. I have clear plastic scratch guards on the sides of the tank but they don't protect it all. I find hand marks on the tank and scuff marks on the seat cover where some short ar5e Thai has swung his leg over it.. They either don't know how much the bike cost or don't care.. If they drop it they will just run off.. I have insurance but that isn't the issue.. Like another poster has said, you don't touch other peoples property.. If back in the UK I found somebody sitting on my bike uninvited they would get some very loud verbal abuse at the least and posibly a good hiding if they weren't apologetic. But in 30 yrs of riding/owning bikes I've never seen in happen in the UK. People knowto look, appreciate and not to touch.. I used to think that poor/less fortunate people would treat something expensive with respect or at least be cautious of it.. But not here.. Wonder how one of the rich HiSo Thais would feel to return to their Lambo convertible to find a farang sitting at the wheel making car noises ?

    'Oh sorry dude, thought it was okay as Thais always sit on my bike' If it wasn't for the usual ganged up Thai response I'd be alot more vocal and physical in my response when finding one of the apes on my bike but you have to be careful here and farangs have been beaten close to death for far less.. However I had to front up to three moto guys outside of Central last year after finding one sitting on my my bike off the sidestand.. his legs were barely long enough to hold it upright and he could easily have lost control when trying to get the stand down again.. I came very close to walloping him with my helmet but they were pretty shamefaced when I caught them.. Don't know how it would have ended if they had be rude or beligerent.. (Don't need any warnings I know the risks.. but sometimes you have to stand up for yourself)

    Like has been said.. Having anything 'nice; here can be a real pain.. dunno how the Merc and Ferrari owning Thais get on.. But seems that wealthy Thais are feared and 'weathy' farangs only to be taken advantage of.. Normal Thais seem to suffer too.. Cos my girlfriend was very upset after the new car she saved to buy was scratched by some careless <deleted> in the Foodland carpark.. TiT it's a developing country and a % of the population have a lot of developing to do...

    I have a Harley and it costs more than my truck. I spent numerous hours on it and I know it draws attention. I usually find people gathering around it and taking pictures with cell phones. I try and park it in out of the way places. I have found a few people rotating the throttle. I usually just look at them and they get the idea. I know that some of you with a cheap old scooter don't care but anyone that has invested time and money (I worked in a hel_l hole to save for that) has a right to be upset. I don't know why the Thais only seem to perpetuate this attitude towards bikes. I guess because most around here are just 10,000 Baht scooters.

    As my TW pointed out, Only a Harley attrcts so much attention. Even a Ferrari gets less attention. I feel for you brother, mine is paid for by money i got from working in this hellhole. :lol:

  5. A few years ago back in the home country I stopped on a ride to get a couple of sandwiches at a shop which I intended to eat at a local park. After purchasing the sandwiches I made my way back to my bike where I found a guy in his earlier 30ies standing next to my bike and he was holding onto his snotty nosed little brat who was sitting on the riders seat and slapping the tank with his grubby little hands. The bike was one of my pride and joys and was gleaming in all its beauty with this filthy little child on its back.

    I approached and clearly annoyed said, <deleted> do you think you are doing? The guy replied, "My boy wants to sit on your bike" I said, "I don't care, get him off." I then had several words with this douchebag about what he was doing and during that conversation I established that the car parked nearby was his, it looked like a nice car, so I thought to myself, why the heck not. I walked up to his car, got into the drivers seat and commenced to eat my lunch. I made sure I got those sandwich crumbs everywhere and even managed to spill a bit of my flavoured milk. During the entire time the douchebag stood at the door whining about me and constantly requesting that I get out. A couple of times he threatened to kick over my bike & I clearly pointed out to him that wouldnt be a good option for him.

    Anyway, when i finished my lunch, i deposited the rubbish on the floor of his car, wiped my hands on the roof lining and got out and onto my bike. He took my rego number & said he was going to the cops & I just smiled. Never heard anything. Fekkin goose. :lol:

    I was always taught to respect other peoples property and believe one shouldnt touch unless envited, so I understand where the OP's at.

    Got a foot print on my shiny new leather bags because they wanted to pose for a picture.:annoyed:

  6. I use Ride-On Tire protection System in ER6n tires. No flats, VERY little loss of tire pressure (maybe one psi/3 weeks), self balancing and longer tire wear. You have to buy it online in the US and have somebody send it if you want to escape customs duty. I love this stuff.

    I have a question about this product. Is there a difference in the formula for Motorcycles or cars and trucks? The reason I ask is the price. 4 bottles at 16 OZ for SUV's is 54.99. It is 14.95 for 1 8 OZ bottle for motorcycles. 119.60 for the same qty.:o

  7. I got around the "keep to the left thing in Bangkok by telling the police I was following the taxi. It is frequent that farang hire a taxi to go some where because Bangkok is difficult to navigate.I just yelled out over the traffic , " I follow taxi". There are lots of taxis in Bangkok as we know.:whistling:

  8. Lets ask this another way..

    Why do you think you can ride a non road legal unregistered machine on the road ??

    If the vehicle was to fail emissions and not get the plate later.. all the paperwork you have is irrelevant, why would any country allow you to ride on a 'maybe later' idea.

    Legally no way.. on the ground.. Maybe you can try.. Maybe it will work.. Maybe it will fail.. Your risk your call, no one can answer that for you.

    I think I can do that because this is Thailand and a lot of rules that are enforced strictly in other countries are not enforced strictly here. I have talked to several Thai guys with bikes that have ridden their unregistered, unlicensed bikes around Bangkok for years and have been getting away with fines around 200-400. However that might be easier if you are Thai, so I was wondering whether any non-Thai had any experiences to share.

    By the way, the bike is from 2008 and stock, so it will pass emissions testing, leak-testing, and noise testing. I know that because this model normally passes testing.

    Does anyone know whether the various checkpoints up here in the North involve checking your bike has a license plate?

    I guess if it's too much of a risk I'll just have to wait patiently until all the paperwork is done and it's fully legal :(

    Only California spec bikes pass emission without (major) mods, adn it takes time and money to do.

    New laws on redplates and no plate vehicles have just come in place, and will be strictly enforced. 30 days/3k km limit, up to 10k fines and up to 5 years in jail as i recall. TiT, developing rapidly

    Have a read in most newspapers and on TV Phuket

    Only California bikes can pass Thai emission standards? Is this some sort of joke. i still wonder how a bike can run with the California limits. :whistling:

  9. Now that I know that this 24 hour reporting is required, how do I do it.

    As of now I stay at my in-laws house in the boonies and they would have no idea bout this or what to do. I don't really care until it is time for me to need a visa extension. At that time I figure I should be all nice and proper.

    Whom am i supposed to report to? And do I need a letter of acknowledgment from that authority to show to immigration when I apply for an extension? Immigration is 100 km away from their house.:jap:

  10. We moved to Penang after having lived in Thailand.

    We can only say: tread carefully. We know of several people who were ripped off and there also many court cases about foreign house/ land ownership. Things are not what they seem. In many ways it is a lot like Thailand apart from that you have a better food selection in the supermarkets.

    We moved back to Europe two months ago and needed help from our embassies just to get our pets out of the country. Because the official authorities refused to do the necessary tests (it was not about bribes, it was about bullying).

    I would advise to spend some time there before moving there. And pay attention to the traffic: driving there is horrible! The island is clogged all day long and it's very aggressive.

    Also some people have lost their my "second home" deposits and funds from their bank accounts. Also expect a culture that has very little respect for women. I couldn't get anything done on my own, was followed and assumed to be 'a loose woman', etc... I had a lot more freedom in Thailand.

    I'll put it like this: we liked Thailand a lot more after really experiencing Malaysia.

    I lived in Malaysia for 10 years. Things are more expensive now than then.

    I'd rather be in Thailand anytime.

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