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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Well one thing for sure, I saw plenty of tourist at in and around Nana last nite when walking back to my car. A beauty asked me if she could join me home and said it would only be 500 THB. So I was a bit surprised as she was a real looker so I asked her why she lowered the price as there were plenty tourist around.

    And she agreed there are a bit less then usual she said but it seems the prospects just don't take the girls out for a ride that often. So now she has to try to shag twice the number of customers and making more hours than before. She also told me that before this crisis it happened very often that customers paid twice the amount asked or at least gave some good taxi money. The girls are now often forced to share one room with 3-5 of their co workers and often cause some tension between them. In the end I wished good luck and went home, yes alone you perv's! :D

    I am looking again at this Soros and around 3.40 he has this demonic smile on his face when he mentions the house bubble burst in Dubai.

    Then after that another strange thing he says: The major oilproducers have been the enemy's of the prevailing world order. :o

    Chaves his day's are numbered as it is not easy to finance a bolivarian revolution on 40 dollar oil.

    And in Iran I think he is not going to last a year.

    Is he meaning regime change by economic strangulation?


    i guess a guy in his position knows whats going on,but i would have thought eventually the oil price will go up.and who's manipulating who?i always thought it was the americans doing the manipulating.happy to hear nana is alive and well even if overtime is involved.these girls/boys have gotta realise ther's a crisis out there,prices should come down along with the panties :D

  2. Hope always comes tommorow 12, have faith. :D

    I read somewhere that Europe is facing a total write off of worth 25 Trillion USD.

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, That is something I believe will kill any region.

    I have a very strong feeling something very bad is about to happen this year, 2009, the summer of hel_l is coming, the seventh seal has been broken.

    Something positive, uuuurrrr, well be glad that we are not living in EU or US in the city's. Food water shelter as long as we have the basic stuff we need to survive we should be fine if the world financial system finally dies. Hopefully the world has learnt an important lesson. I know that I have.


    am more worried about empty bars(all the bar girls gone back to the farmhouse)now thats a crisis :o

  3. think the poster got away with it quite lightly but id not hang around lamai anymore cos they will get you if you do.

    The op doesn't realise that no matter how tough or great fighter he may be,Thais will always win.If they have to kill him to save face,jail is of no consequence.I am big and strong enough to take down virtually any Thai national,however common sense tells me it's far better to apologise and walk away,heck buy 'em a drink if you have to,because this will not have a happy ending for the op if these guys find him.I have yet to see a time where kindness and a free drink doesn't defuse a(potentially) violent situation,and i am no coward.I wish the op well,however you have been placed(Or put yourself) in a very dangerous situation.

    am not sure the op had a choice with guys coming at him,ive never been in that situation and would n't want to be,i think under the circumstances he did well chancing his arm,but as said before dont ride your luck get out of lamai.

  4. I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

    Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

    Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

    Yes, thousands do - but maybe they don't have the choice to move. I do.

    Even with the stagnant housing market - I have the cash to buy elsewhere and sell the current house when things start moving again.

    I also have a house in Cambridge in UK and the crime scene there is negligible as compared to what is reported in the Pattaya media.

    I am just extraordinarily pi55ed off.

    yes i would too especially since your not currently in pattaya to help.syd barrett's point is a good one though"use ATMS INSIDE SHOPPING MALLS.

  5. Lets reflect on what may have caused such a situation to occur in the first instance.

    He could perhaps be suffering from a recent loss for example.

    Yeah a recent loss of two stolen bottles of beer and a stolen taxi. GET REAL PREACHER! :D

    Just what TV needs, another doo-gooder :o

    you and your <deleted> do gooder quotes neverdie are getting boring :D

  6. Great till you hit an airpocket and the plane plunges a 1000ft :o ... Hope the cabin roof is padded..

    Most flights these day they never stop telling you to remain in your seat with your belt fastened..

    But on the A380 they are encouraging you to wander around, shower or lay in bed...

    i would n't mind being strapped in with a hostess on top :D

  7. I know this has been said many times before.thailand is a place for a holiday,for retirement,or working for a farang based company only.

    the minute you get invoved in property dealings/thai owned company you run the risks associated with it.many farang business people are just plain crooks and scammers too.

    remember too there is very little justice for westerners here,most everything is settled with tea money or in this posters case the gun.

    If you want to be safe in thailand and not lose money keep your head down and your hand in your pocket.

  8. As the adage goes, "Never invest more in Thailand than you're willing to lose...."

    Now the stakes have been raised to risking your life. Is it worth it? Do what Thailand wants you to do, come here, spend money, check out Thailand's daughters, and leave happy...


    all so true and good advice.

  9. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...-champagne.html
    A City banker ran up a £43,000 bill on champagne at a London nightclub, including a £5,000 tip for the waitress

    That's twice the average UK salary all pi55ed up against the wall in one evening.

    How much of that was OUR money?


    How much longer will the Brothers stand for this decadence?

    another question to ask ourselves 12,is do we in reality have any money in our accounts.sure reading our statements says all is ok,but is it.a lot of people will be thinking of an escape(taking money out)and if that happens on a big scale the banks will shut there doors and slam down the atms.time to hoard a bit of cash at home incase me thinks.

    This is known as "A Run on the Bank", which happened to Northen Rock. At that time, the government stepped in and nationalised the bank, for a nationalised bank to fail there would need to be a "A Run on the UK".

    I believe the last time there was a run on the country was Zimbabwe ? or another one was Argentina.

    yes and i could see it happening in the UK no problem

  10. I may be wrong but I think I've found the cheapest way to enjoy a shower at 40,000 feet.

    The Emirates A380 service , Auckland-Sydney return in first class , around $2160 AUD

    tempting :o

    well i guess 3 hours is long enough,but for 6 times the economy return fare i'd want massages,bubble bath,and probably some sex.

  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...-champagne.html
    A City banker ran up a £43,000 bill on champagne at a London nightclub, including a £5,000 tip for the waitress

    That's twice the average UK salary all pi55ed up against the wall in one evening.

    How much of that was OUR money?


    How much longer will the Brothers stand for this decadence?

    another question to ask ourselves 12,is do we in reality have any money in our accounts.sure reading our statements says all is ok,but is it.a lot of people will be thinking of an escape(taking money out)and if that happens on a big scale the banks will shut there doors and slam down the atms.time to hoard a bit of cash at home incase me thinks.

  12. that clip was so funny,naam you should go to the dentist,stop hording that money :o

    the clip was indeed funny SBC but (for the record) i spent in august 2007 ~440,000 Baht for a total remodelling of my "dining room" which should last till they carry me to the crematorium where somebody might feast on 127 grams of gold. don't know the purity though :D

    they wont care,better watch out they dont take it before you reach the cremo.

  13. That is true. But you can't blame yourself for that and you are still doing everything you can for her. What I mean to say is that you can only do so much. I can understand it is frustrating that it wasn't enough, but I can't see that you are to blame.

    I know this sounds a hard thing to say,but sometimes you just have to let go,otherwise stuck you will continue to beat your head against a brick wall and cause yourself untold stress.

  14. Hi all,

    I am Cyprus 51's wife. We are coming over for a holdiay 14th April for 2 weeks and wondered if anything social is going on during that time so that we can start putting faces to names :o



    where will you be staying in thailand during your visit?

  15. as men get older most seem to get very set in their ways and have views that go to an extreme side one way or the other,i think its a natural phenomenon.

    I know a lot of people that hate songkran and they want to hide away,but like hobgoblin i enjoy it and find it most enjoyable away from the cities and best in the rural areas.

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