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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I'm thinking of putting in a fish pond on our land but unfortunately I know sod all about fish. Ideally, it'd provide 400-500(ish) fish a year to eat (not for commercial production). What sort of size pond am I looking at for that? And any recommendations for fish to raise? Thanks.

    800 sq met (1/2 rai ) x1.2 -1.5 met deep would be ideal.

    Initial stocking could be 500 mixed sex Tilapia (Pla Nin ) followed at 3 months by a few Snakehead catfish or Striped Giant Catfish and even a few Barramundi.

    The Tilapia will breed and provide natural food for the Catties and Barra,

    If you employ the green water method ,very little artificial food will be necessary as the Pla Nin are provided for by the Phyto-Plankton and and micro-organisms in the phosphate enriched water and their offspring provide food for the other varieties.

    If top up water source is available, this method will supply fish for several years before you need to pump down and start afresh.

    very interesting reply ozzydom,what if you wanted to breed to sell at the market,would you need a bigger pond.my wife keeps talking about moving back home and doing just this.

  2. Just for the record, March 13-15.

    I had another clue but was not sure what to make of it before, 7 ate 9, funny stuff once you see it.


    what are you talking about AL? what about march 13-15?

    what a question! everybody knows that on march 14 the umpteenth seal will break and these gentlemen will pay us a visit:

    of course i forgot :o just so long as long as my bank ac.is n't sealed up!

  3. A couple more pics of our Aussie friend here mid- and post-fracas.

    What a fine looking specimen. Quality Tourist. Pity he wasnt capped, surely nobody is proud of him :o

    after looking at his pics.i would say he'd had a bloody good time,even if a little stunned.Its important to keep up the aussie image.done the country proud sport :D

    maybe he'd just heard from centrelink he was n't going to get a pension after all.

  4. Hey Bangkokboro,

    How are you?... I see Middlesbrough failed to get a point last night. It's not looking good for you guys.


    now we know the cause of the OP's problems in fusion the other night!

    His girlfriend's a newcastle supporter and he likes middlesbro,they had an argument, he stamped on her feet,and the thai's being good romeo's came to her defense.thanks guys! :o

  5. HB, Sorry to hear about this. Many of us have a fear of something happening to our family as we go off to earn money. The police will not do anything and average person here will not take a stand against anything or anyone, truly sheep to be slaughtered.

    I look forward to getting back to the States where I Open Carry a sidearm at all times to deal with dope heads and other oxygen thief's. The entire world has become dump where politicians have armed guards and make laws that further the impossibility of the little man protecting himself and family.

    When I left the Philippines I told friends I would be happy to go back and live well armed and legal. I have lived in Thailand for 6 years and not until recently did I feel naked without a sidearm, how things have changed. The economy is gone to Hades and the government is nothing more than a puppet show for the ignorant and in no ways serves the people. Occasionally the government pacifies the people but that is it, a rubber tube with one thousand hastily patched holes at the beginning of a very long journey.

    If you're going to carry a gun would n't you want to wear a kevlar vest(can you buy them legally in the USA?)cos if the USA ends up like one big OK corral then i would think its a given to wear one.

  6. read the article,dont know what to make of it.feel sorry for the average iranian,maybe they'll vote govt.out,i think an election is due soon.there are many moderates in iran.who knows.

    To you and me this visa denial may seem quite inconsequential, but in diplomatic circles I think the messages it sends out is much more important

    perhaps armedinijad is just being petulant,does he think his days are numbered?will he quell a people revolt,it might baffle obama,but the CIA will know whats going on for sure.

  7. well bring it on i say.those fate lazy sheiks have had it too good for too long,so have the oil companies.If netanyahu can get his way there'll be some fireworks for sure,everything going according to plan?


    i think something is going on..and it said on the news Iran has already gone onto a war footing

    and then you also have to read " the little signs " like this :-

    " The Obama administration said it was mystified by the visa refusal, especially because the president and

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have expressed a willingness to engage with Tehran."


    read the article,dont know what to make of it.feel sorry for the average iranian,maybe they'll vote govt.out,i think an election is due soon.there are many moderates in iran.who knows.

  8. Lets reflect on what may have caused such a situation to occur in the first instance.

    He could perhaps be suffering from a recent loss for example.

    Yeah a recent loss of two stolen bottles of beer and a stolen taxi. GET REAL PREACHER! :D

    Just what TV needs, another doo-gooder :o

    you and your <deleted> do gooder quotes neverdie are getting boring :D

    SBC, I do apologise, perhaps if you can stop all the bible bashing , doo-gooding retards from posting here THEN I can scrap the comment. Theres nothing worse than all these pompus fools coming in here praising the lord and jumping up and down about civil liberties.... :D

    plus SBC, you know, I've only got 3 lines, so inevitably that ones gonna come up 30% of the time :D

    good morning neverdie,hows it going mate :wai:

  9. there will be benefit cheats and people on benefit that deserve them,some people will say why not take the system for a ride,look at the politicians who swindle their expenses,if its good enough for the people at the top of the chain to do it why not people at the bottom who are not so well off.right or wrong honesty has to start at the top and it aint being done.

  10. the only thing that gives me 6-8 hours uninterupted sleep is xanax. i know its not something you should get used to(maybe hard to get off it)have taken it on and off for 4 years its mainly prescribed for hypertension)but gives a great sleep with no drowsiness in the morning.

    Am having some naturopathic stuff sent from australia soon,has trypto something in it to take the place of xanax.

  11. And just by way of a contrast, Mrs Chiang Mai works in a very smart boutique hotel in Patong that has sixty seven rooms and they are fully booked for all of February and March. Similarly, the Hilton Arcadia in Karon is fully booked this month.

    But by way of a contrast: I've just returned from Bangkok and Pattaya where my usually reliable sources inform me that business is dead. Not being too trusting I made a few checks and can confirm that businesses of all types are struggling, my confirmation points being:

    My favorite guesthouse/bar on Soi Yamoto whose takings for the past three months are down fifty percent over previous years;

    The sheer volume of would be middle class farmgirls now working Beach Road at all times of day and night;

    The ease with which a seat can booked on any airline to any destination in Thailand during high season.

    My money says that Phuket is probably faring better than most Thai holiday destinations.

    Only because of cheap direct flight from Europe to Phuket.

    Who wants to pay extra money for internal flights and transport costs to their destination, when you can fly direct.

    Samui should be doing the same thing,package tours direct.

  12. if you fit into the baby boomer generation(born between 1945-1964)this generation in my opinion never grew up and continues to believe they are still 25yo in mind and spirit.......................and long may it continue but coming to thailand is a good cure for the "blues" should you have them!

    hole in one ,who the hel_l wants to grow up ,not me my life has been and is fun fun fun. i put it down to having young wives ,young kids .oh and money :o that helps.

    sure does,i see so many old codgers back home playing lawn bowls and their watering hole is the local RSL CLUB,ok if that makes you happy,as you said all the above helps keep you young.

  13. pop-corn

    When I was 27 Russia sent the first man to space.......Yuri Gagarin. Any idea how old that makes me?

    too bl--dy old :o only joking BDT.

    Getting more and more the feeling, that you are posting only to get the number to be a major poster on TV,


    oh dear,now why say that,i enjoy posting,if thats ok with you?

  14. well im back in to lamai tonight to go see my girl. i spent the afternoon with her but she had to go to work. she is going to ask tonight if she can have some time of so we can see each other some more. i might take her round the islands.

    and yes she does like me. i am not some overweight pervert in their 40s going around with young girls. like everyone else i see

    fusion was full of middle age men hitting on young girls. shocking man.

    im 23, athletic, have a great build and around 6% body fat. been weight training 6 years.

    later everyone.


    i see you have n't taken much advice after posting your story,23,very athletic,6% body fat,weight training for 6 years(big deal but it wont stop a knife or a bullet)were not talking one on one here,thais hunt in packs,just like in the UK now.

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