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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. And why should there not be enough gold in the world. There is plenty.

    You will not bargain with someone to buy a bread for 1 troy ounce. For that amount you will be able to buy the whole bakery. It will be revalued and maybe a 'new' dollar will be 1000US$ for 1 gram. Or any other rate that will just be a calculation. However not one government will be willing to do that, as they will have to go off the inflationary economic model. A model that helps to create great fortunes for the ones in power.

    This is what I kept trying to state when I said revaluing. But Naam thinks it is just my desire to get rich because I hold some PM's. Hence he always refers back to goldbugs & wet dreams.

    Even if I say use anything that is fixed & non inflatable at whim he still returns to things that are inflatable at whim. Claiming it involves work so it is the same.

    Boy my wife would like that :o She could truly grow money eh Naam?

    so gold and silver were never artificially inflated and deflated by offer and demand? is work involved for those who hold precious metals if there wet dreams come true and prices shoot up? does generating food stuff not involve any work? rice grows on its own? timber marches from the forest to the construction site where it is needed? steel and sheet metal grow on trees? medical drugs and vaccination serum are derived from thin air?

    bottom line (for the umpteenth time) is no demand = no value. as simple as that. true, using precious metals as payment has a long history.

    You slay me at times Naam

    Perhaps I just do not understand it is your wit?

    Your bottom line?

    So because this paper has been deemed *it* by our govt *it* has value correct?

    Must be as you seem to have no problem with *it*

    So following your thinking why would PM's or anything for that matter not be of equal value to that if it were elected as the governments peg of monetary exchange?

    Of course you have picked things that have a different type of value. Steel, food, pussy yes all great stuff with ....ahem....work involved in getting it.

    But....... most of us agree it has to be something that is not readily available &

    counterfeited. If that were not true then there would be no safe peg of your wealth.

    We are talking about two different things. You always ask question but then change them into a whole different conversation.

    This question is in regards to a Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis that involves funny money. Money that is pretty much the equal of all the things you said we could replace it with. Money that no longer has my trust & many others feel the same way. Money that has the ability to grow & shrink at alarming rates & at the whim of a bunch of politicians that seem to not know the first thing about where they are going or more importantly where we came from.

    paper money today is like monopoly money,its funny money and becoming increasingly valueless,its time it is backed with something tangible and that might as well be gold.the carpetbaggers will hate this notion cos it will curtail the printing presses.if obama wants to do something to help the world he will sack the federal reserve.

  2. I don't think anyone wants to "milk the system". How can you even call it that when the government is just paying you your own money which they took out of your paycheck during your lifetime of work?

    No, we are here to cast a light on how Centrelink does its job for those not living in Australia. The more information we can gather then the better off we are in claiming legitimate benefits for our families. That is whats important here.

    my point exactly.as i understand it for anyone who has left australia before the age of 65 to live overseas(even though they have chalked up 30+ years contributing via taxes paid)will have to return to australia for 2 years before being able to receive said pension.and then having cliaimed the pension and having been approved by centrelink it is still a minefield if you would still like to receive it while living overseas again.my interpretation of the govts. attitude is they only want to give you the pension if you continue to live in australia,and put many obsticales in your way should you want to go overseas and continue to receive said pension.this is my gripe,anyone who can explain that my understanding of this is wrong,i would really like to hear from them and give me some good advice.

  3. I know the refs.is really for another topic(and am not trying to detract from the liverpool win)but i do think in todays game their decisions can turn a game.remember when liverpool played man.city and the ref ended up sending 2 man city players off and it completely spoilt the game.so much at stake these days.

  4. you could tell liverpool just wanted to win more than chelsea,they came out fired up with a furious pace and would have beaten chelsea even if lampard had n't been sent off.gerrard man of the match for me.

    thought the sending off harsh,a yellow yes.

    the best refs for me are the ones that give leeway to the occasion and keep their hands in their pockets until absolutely necessary.

    someone had to win last night to keep man.u in check and liverpool deserved winners,have to eat my words re (playing 2 up front)

    Who knows, we don't that's for sure... :o

    true but chelsea were not looking good even in the first half.

  5. you could tell liverpool just wanted to win more than chelsea,they came out fired up with a furious pace and would have beaten chelsea even if lampard had n't been sent off.gerrard man of the match for me.

    thought the sending off harsh,a yellow yes.

    the best refs for me are the ones that give leeway to the occasion and keep their hands in their pockets until absolutely necessary.

    someone had to win last night to keep man.u in check and liverpool deserved winners,have to eat my words re (playing 2 up front)

  6. if you gave away a bottle of wine to a person who you knew was an alcoholic,other than that what would be wrong in giving a gift to someone.

    Since drinking alcohol violates the 5th Precept, giving someone a bottle of wine is encouraging them to do something unskillful. Suppose they drink it all, decide to drive somewhere and end up crashing and killing someone. Your feelings of guilt about that would be the karmic result, IMO.

    ok but why would i feel guilty?if i knew he did not drink alcohol i would not give it too him.what about personal responsibility of the person receiving this gift?am sorry i know i am looking at this from just a commonsense point of view and not a religious perspective which maybe a little off topic.

  7. good point about the yellow/red shirt thing.any agro against farang might be to do with the unemployment getting worse and downturn in tourist numbers with those that are here spending less or appearing to be more "cheap charlie",also its probably a big city thing too.

    On Samui ive noticed a growing frustration regarding money cos of the fewer tourists here this year,many of the girls going back to the farm or trying bangkok for work.

  8. 4-4-2 would concede the midfield to chelsea. and also remove gerrard from his best position.

    even if gerrard lined up in the middle four,could n't he still be used,when attacking behind torres and kuyt?I know gerrard has been brillant behind torres,but from my observations of the game,teams that use only one up front do so to hold the middle.those that use 2 up front want to win and score goals.

  9. probably right,the papers been leaned on not to report negative stories,by the local thai political leaders/police/or real estate interests that are their main source of income.Sad but this is no democracy,although in day to day life it might feel like one.

  10. My heart goes out to this family and as a health and safety officer here in Thailand I can tell you that this is not the only hotel with this problem- only two months ago on checking a hotel with the same design I almost fell to the ground by leaning against a balcony - The hotel was instructed to close the room immediately and check all other rooms- Their response ? We are fully booked.

    What is the cost of human suffering versus the costs of having regular health and safety checks ? The hotel in question was given a quote 49 Baht per room per day based on a annual safety check

    I rest my case - and to anyone else out there who knows they are running an unsafe establishment - Please take action TODAY!

    We do not need anymore negative publicity in Thailand particularly when the tourism industry is just recovering from the last blow in December - :o

    interesting post,as i never realised there was such a thing as a health and safety officer here in thailand.do you have the power to close a resort down that does not adhere to your recommendations for repairs and maintenance?

  11. :D
    Had an afternoon on Jomtien, quite far down the beach and noted the dirtier than usual water. Now the Mrs does not swim, and I dont enter the water there ever, but she was paddling and splashing on the edge of the sea for an hour or so.

    Tonight she started itching, and a rash appeared under arms, and spread over back, belly and arms, some of it was blisters , some rash.

    Severe discomfort, and spreading quickly.

    I thought food poisoning, but she was not nauseous, perhaps a food allergy? Took her to Pattaya Memorial, where she was admitted and put on a drip.

    The doctor seems to think it is from the beach, has anyone else suffered a similar reaction to the water, or is my instinct of a food allergy the most likely cause?

    She didnt eat anything unusual for her, Som Tum (possibly crab, at the beach, my main suspect). Any thoughts or similar experiences recently,

    thanks, PP

    I have seen it happen to many people bathing in the sea, they come out itching ,and scratching !!

    Most common cause is > jelly fish stings < :o The sea around Pattaya and Jomtien are full of them .

    The jellyfish are the least of your worries down there....I didnt realise that was the beach.....I thought someone moved the beach away 20 years ago and replaced it with sewerworks. So incredibly dirty, so incredibly sad :D

    Sorry OP, don't know whats going on there, but I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

    very sad when you come to paradise and you cant even swim in the ocean!similar in ban rak,samui,lovely beach but no one swims in it for the same reason so they stay in the pool.

  12. any revaluing, be it money or commodities, vs. precious metals would put these metals in the same category as the present fiat money, i.e. fictitious and value based on trust. who would be able to guarantee that a bag of potatoes plus a 10kg ham is worth x-grains of a precious metals basket?

    No I dont see it that way at all. The market would determine value. What we have now is some mad men determining value by fooling with the quantities that exist. The are un-naturally changing the value & amount of currency in circulation. They are promising something that they cannot give....our property & our labor.

    right you are! the market would determine the value and we'd land up exactly where we are now. because presently too any/all values are determined by the market (we all are a part of the market) and not some mad men only. and who would decide which commodity is most suitable to back up the paper money in circulation. why gold or silver? none of the precious metals are essential to sustain human life. carbohydrates, protein, shelter and appropriate clothing is. so why not use wheat, pork chops, beef, potatoes, roof tiles, bricks and textiles as back up?

    because gold is universal has been used before and was only deemed unsuccesful cos it stifled the money supply.excessive growth could only be applied with that old saying "money for nothing" i.e unfettered growth of just printing money so everyone could have now and pay later.the gold standard was no good for the charlatans of this world.

  13. I have a bottle of wine left over from Xmas that I'm not going to drink and was wondering aloud if I should give it to someone. One of my Dhammakaya-loving colleagues said giving alcohol to someone was a sin and I would reap some indirect karmic fruit such as my children would have Down's Syndrome or my grandchildren would have Down's Syndrome. :o

    Actually, I take her point about giving away alcohol to someone, but the karmic result seemed pretty arbitrary and nonsensical. I'm told there has recently been a TV campaign along these lines which I assume only Dhammakaya would have the resources to fund.

    if you gave away a bottle of wine to a person who you knew was an alcoholic,other than that what would be wrong in giving a gift to someone.

  14. yes its so good here i bet you cant wait.

    Yeah we love it here but all her family is there

    & we really miss it too. We will probably retire there & the way the world is going who knows that may be sooner than later.

    We still have a condo & a business there so we could.

    We miss the cheap food big time....hahah :o

    where is your home in thailand?we are based here on samui as my TV name suggest,but g/f family are from chaiyaphum.i would like to buy you a beer some day.

  15. PS: You said.............
    what i rule out by logic and applying some simple maths that precious metals can be used as a monetary replacement serving a population of (soon) 7 billion people.

    That is not to say you couldn't have a paper system that was just backed once again by metals.

    your idea is good Flying but we are running in circles and getting nowhere. there are not enough precious metals physically in existence to back all the paper and book currency which is globally essential. there is also another problem. presently more book money is traded than is in existence and the same goes for any commodity be it crude, grains, pork bellies, orange juice or timber. by decree book money could be outlawed but how can the value of these commodities be backed if not by fictitious fiat money?

    surely this is the whole point,backing the money in circulation by gold would mean less "thin air" money around,and we could go back to more sustainable living,what do we need to sustain a good life but some shelter i.e. a home,good health,a job to provide food and some comforts.

    but then i forgot what would the fly by night mechants do to extract a crust from the poor people of this world struggling to feed themselves,find safe drinking water etc.the greed and corruption that exists today is beyond comprehension.

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