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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. well we've got two sets of views,nalak and villasamui.i live within 1 km of of where it is supposed to be located and have n't heard a lot of noise,just last night a distant head banging noise so i dont know where that came from,so will just have to take recon. some time.

    the owner told me it is not due to open for another 2-3 months , have to put in concrete roads and car park.

    if you are that near you will hear it when it opens.

    and to think i was going to pay 6 months rent up front for a discount,will sit back and wait.

  2. Is there any update on how they are doing?

    Ive had some information.

    Jeremy is coming in and out of consciousness and the doctors are still not too sure about the damage done to his brain and spine as its hard to tell when they arent awake most of the time, but i do know he has had a plate inserted into his neck.

    Guy is now stable and has had his leg operated on.

    Its looking promising at this stage but we still hope they will make it all the way and be back to normal =]

    Thanks em

    thank you for the update,i wonder how the parents are coping?if it was me i'd be so angry with this resort.

  3. My heart goes out to this family and as a health and safety officer here in Thailand I can tell you that this is not the only hotel with this problem- only two months ago on checking a hotel with the same design I almost fell to the ground by leaning against a balcony - The hotel was instructed to close the room immediately and check all other rooms- Their response ? We are fully booked.

    What is the cost of human suffering versus the costs of having regular health and safety checks ? The hotel in question was given a quote 49 Baht per room per day based on a annual safety check

    I rest my case - and to anyone else out there who knows they are running an unsafe establishment - Please take action TODAY!

    We do not need anymore negative publicity in Thailand particularly when the tourism industry is just recovering from the last blow in December - :o

    interesting post,as i never realised there was such a thing as a health and safety officer here in thailand.do you have the power to close a resort down that does not adhere to your recommendations for repairs and maintenance?

    Yes we do, although we do hope that the hotel management will be concerned enough to take immediate action. And if necessary reallocate guests into other properties- Our responsibility and duty primarily is to ensure the FT0 (Federation of Tour Operators) is informed and they take out their guests immediately until the issue has been rectified. For most hotels they are not aware of health and safety standards especially preventative maintenance, so this is where we assist and I must say some tremendous results have been achieved with all the hotels we work with.

    what about compensation regardless of travel insurance?

  4. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion :o

    good people dont do evil things,they would be disguising thenselves as good(wolves in sheep clothing"

    'Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction'

    yes that true but my point was that they were evil to begin with,religion did n't make them evil,they used religion to further that evil.

  5. I think its a Cobra Gold thing. Why do you care either way? I think many local Thais are happy with the injections. A recent truck taxi driver I was talking to was downright ecstatic. Let's not forget the farang "pioneers" of Pattaya, the American soldiers r&r-ing here from Vietnam.

    agree,bring the whole dam_n army here to brighten up Patters(probably the only people with money to burn)any leftovers send em to samui!

  6. Please guy's do not go digging to deep, as you will start to see things from a different perspective.

    Once you start discovering some fact's and connecting the dot's , and post some of that sh1t for debate you will be called a conspiracy nutcase, or summin like that. I have been doing this for years and if you see how big this web is, it is absolutely almost unbelievable.

    When I show and tell some of my friends they do not believe it at first, some go digging others not.

    But I see here also some people are getting more interest in seeing the bigger picture.

    There is lot's of info to be found even leaked classified document but they are sometimes well hidden.

    There are special search engines other then Google, there is even one that let you search where a certain picture comes from/ which sites they appeared.

    After digging you will have a better understanding that this world is a big illusion, see pic.


    This guy, has more influence then most people think.


    And I know he likes kissing.


    I just wonder, why does he not kiss the bible.

    As I said, most of those sic peeps have no feeling for others.


    Houston we have a problem........

    Alex, I'm convinced you know practically nothing about markets or the seeds of this current liquidity trap. There's no conspiracy here and its been playing out on the front pages of global newspapers for the past 10 years. If you really need a conspiracy to sink your teeth into, do some research on "naked short selling".

    i think alex is looking at a bigger picture,this GFC is only a part,a beginning.

    No its not. This story is as old as time itself. If you leave something valuable lieing around for someone to take, they're going to take it.

    GFC is only part of the jigsaw,wait to se events unfold.

  7. Refs can't win can they & certainly can't keep everyone happy..

    Yeah he mistakes, but he's a Human Being, we all do..

    Do you know the problem with the Refs now ??

    It's because all of these " experts ", including us, who get 6 or so different angles after a decision that has to be made at real time by a Man who may not have the best view & may have his view blocked, trying to be influenced by thousands of people in teh Stadium & 22 big Kids on the Pitch..

    Not a job i'd envy to be honest but they try their best & that's all you can ask..

    There is a problem in my opinion with Refs at home, not helped by the fact that the people they're officiating sometimes earn more in a week than what they do in a year, how on that basis is respect possible , with respect being the number 1 Rule that should be abided by to have a sucessful Refereing display ??

    you're absolutely right,but dont spoil our slagging posts :o

  8. Please guy's do not go digging to deep, as you will start to see things from a different perspective.

    Once you start discovering some fact's and connecting the dot's , and post some of that sh1t for debate you will be called a conspiracy nutcase, or summin like that. I have been doing this for years and if you see how big this web is, it is absolutely almost unbelievable.

    When I show and tell some of my friends they do not believe it at first, some go digging others not.

    But I see here also some people are getting more interest in seeing the bigger picture.

    There is lot's of info to be found even leaked classified document but they are sometimes well hidden.

    There are special search engines other then Google, there is even one that let you search where a certain picture comes from/ which sites they appeared.

    After digging you will have a better understanding that this world is a big illusion, see pic.


    This guy, has more influence then most people think.


    And I know he likes kissing.


    I just wonder, why does he not kiss the bible.

    As I said, most of those sic peeps have no feeling for others.


    Houston we have a problem........

    Alex, I'm convinced you know practically nothing about markets or the seeds of this current liquidity trap. There's no conspiracy here and its been playing out on the front pages of global newspapers for the past 10 years. If you really need a conspiracy to sink your teeth into, do some research on "naked short selling".

    i think alex is looking at a bigger picture,this GFC is only a part,a beginning.

  9. "the price of peace is eternal vigilence,never can be too careful,and yes its a pain having to replace all those atm/credit cards/driving licences etc.post is a good warning as likely to hapen more often in these days of fast growing unemployment.

    I remember losing my wallet in nong kai and filed a report at the police station,gave the guy my cell no.he took it and with a big smile told me he would call me as soon as it was handed in(nice sense of humour)i just smiled back.

  10. your link says it all in a nutshell.do you remember that "dirty harry" film where there was a vigilante cop force within the LAPD,who tired of criminals escaping the justice system,took it upon themselves to meter out their own justice.well that is what is needed now but towards the financial crooks that your link exposes.

    From your lips to the ears of those who could please :o

    You know in that article LRB posted .........You see one picture....You know who those armed guys in plain clothes are? Blackwater Guards....

    who are blackwater guards?

  11. As long as the foxes still guard the hen house, there will be no relief. The bankers and brokers are still very much in charge. Our treasury secretary has changed from a Wall Street broker to a Federal Reserve officer....even if he graduated from ISB in Bangkok.

    Not exactly "change you can believe in".



    your link says it all in a nutshell.do you remember that "dirty harry" film where there was a vigilante cop force within the LAPD,who tired of criminals escaping the justice system,took it upon themselves to meter out their own justice.well that is what is needed now but towards the financial crooks that your link exposes.

  12. refereeing standards do seem to be dropping on the whole, i agree. though yesterday i don't think it particularly changed the game. if anything chelsea played better after lampard went off.

    i dont know how you can say a 10 man team played better,they were left with gaping holes in defense which a rampant liverpool attack overran.while deco may have "the beautiful"football techniques"he like robhino are not suited to english football,its too physical for them(scared to get injured),and there was no one to supply drogba,anyway he was brought on too late to have an effect.liverpool rose to the occasion,but they need to do that in every game like man.u. do.

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