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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Per a reliable source, Centara (ex. Central Hotel Chaweng) last year same time was booked out (200+ rooms). Now they have 52 rooms only full. Their lost income is approx. 150 rooms @ 10,000++ night = 1,500,000 baht per DAY less than last year same period. That is 1.5 mill baht per DAY "lost"!?!?!?

    They have 300+ staff! A horrendous loss vs last year!

    others will tell you that samui is doing ok and that centara obviously are n't running their business very well..................but there's nothing like the plan truth,tourism is probably down 50% at the minimum and it will get worse.Huge resorts may still be being built,clubs,bars and restuarants being renovated but they better have a lot of cash to tidy themselves over in the meantime.

    Actually, I don't see that many people not saying tourism isn't down. In fact, given the economic climate, its down everywhere. But does a down season or even a few down seasons imply the "death" of Samui tourism?

    no i dont think it means the death of samui tourism but a serious curtailment for this year and maybe next.It will depend on this current global crisis that appears to be affecting every country in regards to individual financial loss and also loss of employment.

  2. Well if you want to push the boundaries patklang i would say thats not very nice.

    This is what i meant samui,as i dont find that comment one bit racist,as it was meant as a joke.

    is saying or typing jews racist????

    thats the trouble with the written word,as against hearing it said,it can be taken the wrong way.

  3. Have you ever seen a west indian guy to be done for racism for smacking an indian.

    many fights in uk between indians and pakistanis

    many fights in uk between africans and indians/and pakistanis

    The government never mention racism only gang fights.If a honky smacked a black guy,the racism card would come out.

    you have a point.

  4. but you soon get used to it,guys always like younger girls and the older you get the more you appreciate,and now you are beginning to see older women with younger men.With the older man/younger women its to do with money,with the older woman/younger guy its the mother complex coming from the younger guy.

    I think you should visit some beaches all over the world and see older women with there Toy boy's.

    There are some African coasts who are very popular by women for that reason.

    Its like the female Pattaya, whit exactly the same scams. Next time you go to Marbella or some other Spanish or Greek coasts you can see a lot of women having an exciting holiday with the local lover boy's.

    And I guarantee you that those lover boy's don't have an mother complex at all. :D

    Some people still thinks that women are different than men when its concerns short time romance(?) :D

    The new trend for man is Africa, there are millions African women who are looking for an westerner. In Burkina Faso and Ghana Internet shops are a booming business.

    Last week I saw a documentary about it. An European guy got married and the official who performed the ceremony told the guy frankly that he has a new family and should send money to them.

    In the Dominican republic there are hotels who offer you a 24/7 all girl service (include in the room rate)for the duration of your holiday, same system as in a Thai massage parlour but you can use her services 24/7. There was also a documentary about it on television.

    The guy's who are looking for romance(?) in pattaya are green horns. :o

    obviously i'll have to get out more...............very sheltered life here on Samui!

  5. Farang men like Thai Women as they are generally more socially polite, gentle, well manered then their western counterparts.

    And are Farang men more socially polite, gentle, well manered then their Asian counterparts?

    absolutely..................i speak for myself only. :o

  6. its all about how people perceive the posts.sometimes i see a post which i find racist,based on hi-so v isaan,and you can bet your bottom dollar its either a newbie winding some up or a farang from Bangkok.

    Thais are very racist to their own and people get banned on here for it,does that make sense.


    loads of arabs in walking st area???? are they smoking drugs or what????

    fact or racist,you will judge no doubt

    from what ive read from some here it will be judged racist :o

  7. I just think there is a very high percentage of EXTREME people attracted to Thailand. People feel the freedom here to express what they really are. Some of the best and some of worst. By my own values, racists and haters of people who are just different (who aren't hurting anyone) are the among the worst.

    most people who have expressed an "anti" to a particular race or nationality have done so ,i think,from an experience they've had or seen.Am sure most would agree that there are good and bad in all peoples of a different culture or race.Its become very trendy(IMO) to brand anyone as a racist who speaks out about anyone who is not the same as them.The racist tag is bandied about too much.............and by inference tries to stop people saying what's on their mind.

  8. "too many farangs in thailand" how can you claim this?you can travel to many areas of thailand and not see another farang.Would you like controlled farang immigration...............could n't see it happening,thay like farang money too much.

  9. all you need is cash

    All you need is cash... (I put it on the song all you need is love - Beatles) and the rhythm is cool!! Yeah, yeah… I'm bored.. :o Anyways, fun to read the excuses of why is like this here and why isn't like that on the west or how similar we can be…. No? More than asking about the money is the gap of age here, at least in western you don't see it like here where unluckily is ANYTHING for the money. Or see those 20 year old boys with 70 years old man. I noticed it doesn't shock me any longer, a friend who is visiting was saying to me the other day in out PatPong adventure tour "Oh my… I'm about to puke!!!!!! This is disgusting!" while looking this 70 years old foreigner touching a 20 something years old bottom and grabbing the boobs of the other which was totally a lady boy. And I was like... aww, you see this a lot here girl :D

    but you soon get used to it,guys always like younger girls and the older you get the more you appreciate,and now you are beginning to see older women with younger men.With the older man/younger women its to do with money,with the older woman/younger guy its the mother complex coming from the younger guy.

  10. It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way). One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from. What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?
    its just the bubbling of the human soup , and long may it continue bubbling. life would be a dull place if we were polite , tolerant and respectful all the time. the venting of strongly held views should be encouraged , as should the arguments against those views. let people speak , whatever they have to say , its better to speak it than to let it fester , its good to know what people are thinking , and a distasteful opinion can be criticised and ridiculed by those who find it distateful and ridiculous. common sense and decency usually wins in the end admittedly , some recent thread have shown some bizarre reasoning , but then again , what else can be expected from expats in thailand.

    But, of course, we all know you're the exception, taxebille.


    its what's called "a throwaway line"

  11. Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

    You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

    nothing wrong with having strong opinions,and your last sentence is just plain stupid.........there hows that for an opinion!

    are strong opinions justified when e.g. they are clearly racist or unjustified derogatory? please read again what GuestHouse and i listed as examples. are these strong opinions?

    it takes all sorts to make up a forum,some placid,calm,and reasonable,others not so.GH's question was why so much intolerance on TV 'what is the reason?i gave my reply to GH if you are interested.

  12. Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

    You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

    nothing wrong with having strong opinions,and your last sentence is just plain stupid.........there hows that for an opinion!

  13. It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way).

    One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from.

    What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

    probably cos its a forumn where no one sees you or knows who you are,also the written word can be taken in many different ways where as if you are talking face to face peoples expressions would come into play to defuse what might otherwise be construed as somewhat an inflammatory statement.
  14. I'm all in favor of planning and contingency but at what point do you all draw the line and say enough is enough. Certainly the pension funds could default and indeed a meteor could destroy the planet, but until it becomes apparent that those things are definitely going to happen, folks should relax a little and stop worrying about things that could happen at some point in the future. Otherwise, what's the point of living.

    normaly i would agree with you,but i think today people are waking up to whats going on,and in the next 12 months i think you will see a lot of angry people demonstrating which will need to be controlled by govts.

    Also i think a lot of people will begin to be very disappointed with Obama when they realise he cant do the things he said he would.To live in any foreign country if you're not working you need money, and if that money evaporates due to inflation,and you cannot meet,for example,thai immigration requirements(financially)thats when the shit hits the fan,and if you have a thai family,well what more can i say.In the past recessions have come and gone,but i dont think this one will,there are other forces at work here.

  15. This is all very galling because the risk has been known for many years.

    The governments should stop all defined benefit plans (both public service and private) and move to defined contributions. And they should offer non-taxed saving schemes where the money is not accessible until retirement and cannot be used as security for any purchase, house, car, holiday or whatever.

    It is even more galling because people like me, realising this and have spent their whole lives been tight arsed gits and saving as much as possible, are now also in the crap because deposit rates are way down and the profligate majority are indirectly taking us to the cleaners.

    i think its all too late,firstly there's no more trust for politicians and financial authorities any longer.and as we are seeing by the bailout,they dont care about the public,they dont want us independant,they want to control us.That is big govt. in hand with big business,in hand with the military.

  16. Let's not turn this into yet another Strength of the Baht thread but I think it would be very unwise for people to plan on the Baht crashing to a level that will make a substantial difference - similarly, I wouldn't look to the Pound to gain substantial amounts over the next twelve months either. I say these things because it's probably best to start planning an alternate way out of the situation now rather than waiting for an event that is unlikely to occur.

    are there many choices?for most it would mean working again either here if possible or back in their home country,and now that jobs are shrinking that leaves being reliant onthe home country's welfare system...not a pleasant prospect,particularly if you have a thai family to support.

    Unfortunately there aren't too many choices but having a plan B and C in your mind will help when you go and see Immigration and plead your case. I wish you good luck.

    i think the main problem is being on a fixed income from their home base,from a retirement visa prospective,a person could reduce the 800,000 to 400,000 with a marraige visa,or multi non immigration 0.

  17. I have always understood that immigration want your money in a savings account to show you are using the money on a daily basis.After you receive the extension there's nothing to stop you transferring a portion to a fixed term if you want to.

    Strangely enough i have heard of people waving the same 800,000 Baht to Immigration year after year

    No movement on the account since its 1st (and only) entry of the said monies.


    sure me too but they would probably have to show another account with daily transactions,having the 800,000 permanently in a fixed term here is good move and would offset losing money via poor exchange rate.

  18. It seems like so many tourists come here and fall in love with a local lady rather quickly. Are Western men just irresistible to young Thai women? And even expats seem to go from the dating to married period rather quickly. I do not know how many farang I have seen in restaurants with his tee-rak going "John like eat spicy. He like som tum" and John with a big grin on his face and her friends going "Wow" and looking at him like "I need one of those".

    somtam or johnny? "from dating to married rather quickly" think its more pressure from said lady to protect her asset from other predatory girls, a bit like a cat pisses to mark their territory.

    You should get some good responses to your question.

  19. Let's not turn this into yet another Strength of the Baht thread but I think it would be very unwise for people to plan on the Baht crashing to a level that will make a substantial difference - similarly, I wouldn't look to the Pound to gain substantial amounts over the next twelve months either. I say these things because it's probably best to start planning an alternate way out of the situation now rather than waiting for an event that is unlikely to occur.

    are there many choices?for most it would mean working again either here if possible or back in their home country,and now that jobs are shrinking that leaves being reliant onthe home country's welfare system...not a pleasant prospect,particularly if you have a thai family to support.

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