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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. some people may think things might get better, thats the point of the link,

    sorry that faber,mish,McHugh are such losers, i would think they have tried to be as factual about the the financial crisis to a wider audience as possible

    compare their research to your research, do you have any thoughts on 2009?

    dont mind naam's throwaway rhetoric...............just adds to the debate.

  2. is this developing into a bar girl thread?I thought it was about reasons that would make you leave samui.

    I think Samui's a great little place and i would not willingly want to leave,onset of poor health,no money left would probably be my only reasons to go,but life is a journey,and nothing is forever,and without knowing it or knowing why circumstances moves us on to a different place and another journey.

  3. I know what you mean about money being tied to any relationship here.................but my bet is that there would be exceptions to this rule,and its nice when you find them.I would say that all of us here have been stung(moneywise)to some degree,the important thing is to learn from it and not let it happen again.

    Back to "what would make you leave samui" i guess were talking here about something happening here that would make you no longer like living here.I think for me if the development of samui ever got to the stage where it became too crowded with more residents and waves and waves of tourists that left the island unable to cope infrastructure wise,then i would leave.

    I retired here and like the mix of villages and quiet beaches,places like fishermans village i have come to enjoy,banrak too,and the ocassional visit to chaweng.lamai i like too but think its too far from where i live to go there for a night out,but i like it cos its very different to chaweng.

  4. I don't think there should be a transfer window at all. You should be able to buy and sell, all year long IMO.

    <deleted> me ^^, you get a bit of money than all of a sudden you turn into a...................

    "Turn into a" what? :o

    Fekk me, am i not allowed an opinion? I have never believed in the transfer window. Even before we had a "bit" of money.

    If anything it is the poorer clubs who suffer as they usually lack a depth in their squad. A couple of injuries outside the window in which they can't buy someone to fill the gap can seriously ruin their season.

    ok agree but what ever happened to the contract,they are never honoured.

  5. As you love the feeling of power - at such a low level - then you have a classic narcissistic personality. In other words a personality marked by self love and absorbtion; unrealistic views about your own qualities and little regard for others :o

    I've wondered about that myself. Maybe I am narcissistic, I hope not, and I try not to be.

    too much analysis....................the guy just wants to get his rocks off with someone else and have some fun.......................the male species has the ability to do this without any guilt attached whatso ever cos there's no emotion attached to the done deed,just sex for sex sake................we are hunters and predators by nature.

  6. so where do you live thaifever...................in isaan? yes we all miss pattaya sometimes,but your wife knows the story.


    and is your wife with you or back in thailand?if she's back in thailand,maybe thats why you are dreaming of pattaya

  7. I think Liter in Thailand would be one of the most fruitful and inexpensive things to eradicate while having the maximum positive impact on the country. I'd love to see a vigorous campaign to change the attitude of Thai's and liter.

    yes me too,but where there are poor people(money wise) you always find litter,even in the west,its all about education and thai education aint to good.

  8. OK, it is in the Pub and entertainment section.

    If you have some spare time on hand, go through the "They say you should never thread in that same section.

    Some of my post's in that thread contain "Cluess" to the bigger picture.

    You just need to "See" it.


    Is the word "Cluess" a clue? Or is it a trick clue as in Clue Less? Or did you mean Clues? Oh for gods sake man just spit it out :D:D:D

    yes i think alex enjoys winding us up.but i will take a look

  9. No tutoring no teaching, as Oscar Wilde once said, 'those that can do, those who can't teach'

    Samuibeach why say i am a snob, i am from a working class family, i educated myself and have been fairly successful....why judge me if you want to answer my topic question then please do, if not go down to the Raggae Pub or something :o

    sorry i cant be bothered with this anymore..................as a writer,edit before sending cos you cant spell reggae!

  10. BTW, Samuibeachcomber is almost right, 95% of TV posters have a hi-so Thai chinese partner, who drives a Merc.

    the Thai-Chinese thing is also ridiculous. the majority of Thai Chinese are not wealthy. If you were to run a genetic make up test on every Thai I am sure you find that a vast majority of Thais have some Chinese ancestry.

    Many of the people on this board seem to be obsessed with Thailand's class society and where they fit in. I think most of you are complete dolts.

    yes you are so right,how many times do we see a post that includes "i have chinese/thai girlfriend".........so what,big deal.its like the snoberry in the west,"oh yes my g/f's a lawyer,her daddy you know owns a lot of property"etc.etc.

  11. I am English and I trained my first (UK) son to keep a trash bag in the car and when it gets full to put it in the household bin and stick another in the car.

    Now I live in Thailand with my Thai wife and Thai son its just that bit harder to train them. However it mostly works with them. Now all I have to do is to train the other people around the house but I am working in NZ and it will be a while before I can fix them.

    yep everything starts and ends with what you teach at home.a line from an old crosby,stills,nash and young song says"teach your children well"

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