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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I'm with you 100%.but i do believe from what other posters have said centrelink at hobart are very helpful.please keep us updated when you have spoken to your friend.Its always the best way to find out how to go about things from others successful experiences.

    I too think its very unfair that its so difficult to get any OAP outside of australia.sounds like it pays to stay single.the australian govts.now and in the past have always appeared to me to be mean spirited,same goes with their immigration laws................a very selfish country in my opinion.

  2. It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

    Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :D


    Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

    Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

    replies like this just show me how dumb people can be,but like every one on this forum you are entitled to your opinion,but in my opinion it just shows ignorance.

  3. ok so you tell me whats going wrong at liverpool,if its not rafa,ownership problems,contract problems,alex ferguson must be having a good laugh right now.

    as someone that obviously has no idea what he's talking about,you tell me why he appears to bring on and take off players at the wrong time,and perhaps you can tell me why liverpool cannot score goals at present and why they draw so many times if they have such a good team.

  4. What's wrong with Ngog? He's a project, a youngster, could be good or bad in the future. Too soon to tell. Dossena has not been good, but his last performance was solid, but the point is every manager makes good and bad buys and when everyone talks about Rafa's "poor" buys they conveniently ignore all the fantastic buys he has made. We have the best striker in the world now, but yes, Rafa's buys have been <deleted>! :o

    Oh, and decent wingbacks? Aurelio and Arbeloa are decent wingbacks, thanks.

    these two are not wing backs.wingback examples are ashley cole wayne bridges boswinga ezra to name a few.

  5. Yes, seven wins out of eight like back in September to November before the Fulham draw started this bad stretch would be welcomed.

    As for bad Rafa purchases, how about Fernando Torres? Horrible buy, that was. Also, Alonso and Masch, how stupid can Rafa get? They are <deleted> midfielders. And what a fuc_king horrible Rafa buy we have in goal! Fact is the squad is much stronger than before he got here so how can he have such poor transfers? Just shows how little all those popping in know about Liverpool.

    I bow to your superior knowledge,so how about ngog,dossena,two i can think of straight away,and are they understrenght?I think so they need a decent striker that can work with torres,and a couple of decent wing backs

  6. Lots of skin rashes, are the result of sea lice.Itchy skin, little bite like marks.

    yes tend to agree re sea lice being the cause.having said that i dont think the waters around thailand are very clean,but then again i swim every day here on samui and i've never been sick from it.whenever you have a lot of people in the area the waters are never going to be that clean.I think most of the pollution comes from run off after its rained.

  7. An appalling and such an easily preventable tragedy.

    I wish the two lads a full recovery.

    They'll be very fortunate if the resort contributes more than a nominal amount to their medical expenses. The management will rely on the fact that most family groups will have extensive travel insurance. Expect a name change in 2 or 3 months and then business as usual.


    If thailand are serious about western tourists coming to thailand then they need to raise their game and put in place maintenance procedures and govt. authorities need to put in place regulations to ensure safety,for example balcony railings are built too low for people's safety.Either that or they need to put out warning signs:

    like 'beware of faulty railings"

    "beware tiles around the pool are not "non slip"

    "beware chipped tiles inside the pool"

    "it is not our responsibility if you fall over cracked pavement"etc. etc.

  8. I think everone's forgetting that Wigan are a very good team,man u. only beat them 1-0.

    As regards,Rafa:poor team selection,poor use of substitutes,poor timing and poor purchasing of players.

    I believe liverpool are very under strenght when compared to chelsea and man u.they lack alternative players,you cant survive on gerard and torres all the time.but a win on sunday would help,can they do it,yes why not,but i think its a one horse race to the title.

  9. as i understand it from this thread,if you left australia prior to being at the pensionable age of 65 to live in thailand you do not automatically become elligible for the state pension.To receive or qualify for the pension you would be required to return to australia 2 years before age 65 and take up permanent residence again.then at age 65 apply at local centre link office.

    After that i think you just let centrelink know you will be going overseas to live in thailand and they will continue to pay into your aussie account.there will be strings attached to you still receiving the pension but i think it can be done.if you look back to the early postings in this thread,an aussie guy posted that he was receving his pension while living in thailand and on eof the criteria was that he keep in touch with centrelink as to his whereabouts.

  10. I have very weak ankles and when I go to Thailand I love getting foot massages nearly every day. A couple of weeks after my last trip to Thailand, I starting having odd pains in my ankle. It's as though it was sprained, but without a cause. Usually, I'd just be sitting at my desk and I'll move my ankle in just the right way and it hurts. It will continue to hurt for anywhere between a ten minutes to about 30 hours. The pain typically ends quite suddenly. I don't think foot massages are the cause of my problems, but I do wonder if getting foot massages so often could exacerbate any old injuries I have in my ankles.

    Has anyone had problems with their feet after getting foot massages? Are there any known dangers to getting a foot massage?

    i would think the ankle problem is related to something else.however to have a foot massage every day is probably over doing it.once a week is more than enough.the foot massage is particularly good as it stimulates all parts of your body via the body's nervous system.there are good and bad practitioners as there are good and bad doctors,dentist,hairdressers etc.have to find a good one,and if they are pressing/massaging too hard,tell them to not press too hard,as everybody is different to what pressure they can take.i have a massage once a week and always feel so good afterwards,and consider the massage as body maintenance,just as i do when i swim every other day and do my usual 500 metre swim.

  11. As i understand it this system of banking has allowed the unsustainable increase in western lifestyle through printing money backed really by nothing i.e to enable us to live beyond our means.When currencies were tied to the gold system,the amount of money allowed into circulation was curtailed by the amount each country held(gold) in reserve,which in turn hampered growth,but allowed everyone to live within his/her means.

    The growth over the last 20 years was never ever going to be sustained,new economies like india,china,brazil,also wanted a piece of the action,but the world's resources are finite and would never cope with every country in the world having a lifestyle that we in the west have come to expect and enjoy.This crisis is a reality check,and in general, living standards in the future have to be curtailed for a decent future for all to be had.

  12. i have just spoken to someone in my office and they have told me this hotel was warned 1 year ago to improve safety as a young toddler broke through the railings on the balcony and suffered a seroius complaint from the parents due to safty of the balcony!

    did it get done NO!

    They probably expected better from some place charging 6,000 - 8,000 baht per night.... but that doesn't always ensure much.

    I think tourists would expect that all is safe when staying at these types of resorts.no excuse for this type of thing to happen.shame on the resort.

  13. we don't have as good a squad as chelsea and the glams do, but i don't think it would be wise to think about changing the manager just yet, particularly given the state of the club off the field. we're in a rut and don't look to have the know-how to get out of it as we've not been in a real title race before. that said it isn't all doom and gloom, we just need to get off the mat, beat chelsea, win at old trafford and. . .

    dont you feel that rafa keps swapping and changing his teams,attacking and defensive line ups,making weird substitutions.For example where was reira,and alonso last night,no kuyt till late on in the game,plus if you want someone to really make a difference you gotta bring them on earlier than 75 mins.Its gonna be too many drawn games again this year if they're not careful.

    i do think that he makes some streange decisions sometimes but both riera and kuyt have been off the boil lately and kuyt particularly has looked knackered and needed a rest. alonso i'd start every match but rafa seemed to be resting him for chelsea at the weekend. our biggest problem is that the players who come in, babel, keane, benayoun and lucas mainly, are just not good enough and don't pull their weight. united's squad players do.

    that said we were one stupid lunge away from a valuable away three points against a decent side.

    Torres, Benyayoun and Gerrard were all brought off before the game ended. Now i'm no Liverpool fan, please tell me if i'm wrong, but aren't those players needed for the full 90 when you are only holding a one - nil lead? Last night i thought Benyayoun was having one of his best games in a Liverpool shirt too.

    Don't know what you guys see in Rafa...

    totally agree,chopping and changing all the time,rotating for rotatings sake.........proof of the pudding is in the eating...................draw,draw,draw cannot win you a championship.
  14. Just wanted to remind you last minute guys that Valentines Day is quickly approaching, so if you are sending something to the LOS, nows is the time to mail it to make sure it gets there on time. I took the easy way out and sent my love via Western Union... I know she will get it on time :o

    i would love to know what everyone else is getting their sweethearts...

    nothing like a swift transfer to show your love.If in thailand buy lots of gold.flowers in my experience are a no no."what you give me flowers for,what can i do with flowers!" bad choice.maybe perfume,but always hit and miss if you choose wrong fragrance.how about a voucher to some pampering salon,face mask,massage,nails etc.

  15. back to the thread of the topic,no am not worried to the extent that i'm tearing my hair out of biting my finger nails,but i might shoot myself if the banks go down the gurgler with my money/close down atm machines etc.whichever comes first.maybe i'll have to go and sell myself but i fear not many takers.

  16. You can do in 2 hours if you get your skates on.

    If you want to stay a few days you can do that as well no problem. The Burmese stamp you in for 14 days.

    The full bifta of info is here:


    As yet I haven't 'videotroned' the pictures into a video clip, give us time beach man we are not Skynet Mainframe machines you know :o

    sorry,not meant to rush you,thought the clip great,but interested in the rest as i have to do a run in march,and have n't done before.

  17. we don't have as good a squad as chelsea and the glams do, but i don't think it would be wise to think about changing the manager just yet, particularly given the state of the club off the field. we're in a rut and don't look to have the know-how to get out of it as we've not been in a real title race before. that said it isn't all doom and gloom, we just need to get off the mat, beat chelsea, win at old trafford and. . .

    dont you feel that rafa keps swapping and changing his teams,attacking and defensive line ups,making weird substitutions.For example where was reira,and alonso last night,no kuyt till late on in the game,plus if you want someone to really make a difference you gotta bring them on earlier than 75 mins.Its gonna be too many drawn games again this year if they're not careful.

  18. something fishy here if he left without paying 240,000 baht in rent.No landlord would let a tenant get behind like that........................more to the story which we may never know.

    Maybe he played on the landlord's greed by promising him something such as a sweet deal on one of their properties?

    personally i would n't trust anyone in thailand,farang or thai.

  19. apart from needing new owners(cash wise) i think they need a new manager.back to their old drawing games,poor team selection,and really compared to man u. and chelsea they do not have a quality indepth squad.

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