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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Now what to do about cash in the bank?how safe?is there a better way to protect hard earned cash.any good advice out there?

    I use the same saying they use for money in Thailand when it comes to banks anywhere :o

    Dont put more in there than you willing to walk away from :D

    Sad state when banks are no longer a safe feeling place eh?

    ok flying but you did n't answer my question?for example my money is in australia in term deposits with interest rastes being whittled away.Yes the govt. gaurantees all deposits in aussie banks(but how much trust can we place in that )So where else to go with the money if not in the banks.has anyone got some seriously better ideas.

  2. today i noticed a lot of Gecko orange flags on the old monkey theatre road, i followed the signs dreading another late night party like dreamfeilds last year. when i got there it was worse, its a purpose built out door nightclub and its a big one. the owner came over talking to us about how proud he was of his new venture. i asked how many times per week, reply every night, i asked what time he going to close, when last farang go was the reply. last straw for me i cannot tolerate that noise every night. he reckons fully open in 3 months, worth a look if you are out that way. i would have thought sound bar, solo, bamboo, monkey bar, ark bar, lake party etc were enough without sticking one on the side of a mountain in the jungle thats going to keep hundreds awake every night and morning.

    Hua Hin here i come finally...

    maybe the guy the poster spoke to should have explained all that,would have saved the thread being posted and your reply.

    apologies attached this to wrong post,should have att. to villasamui..............alls well that ends well though.

  3. It will cost but a good private investigator(not associated with the police)and i imagine dangerous work too,but i think a good bet apart from the NGO's,you must be "going spare" at the moment.I dont know what else to suggest.

  4. I went to a student bar when I was in Chiang Mai recently and all the Thai kids were drinking it like there was no tomorrow, but I guess that was because it was the cheapest beer available.

    No, they think they are drinking Falang beer.

    They hear falang say "cheers" before drinking.

    good one! i can drink cheers on a bad day,and archa i like,chang draught ok on a bad day.............but as for leo,tastes like knats piss to me.

  5. today i noticed a lot of Gecko orange flags on the old monkey theatre road, i followed the signs dreading another late night party like dreamfeilds last year. when i got there it was worse, its a purpose built out door nightclub and its a big one. the owner came over talking to us about how proud he was of his new venture. i asked how many times per week, reply every night, i asked what time he going to close, when last farang go was the reply. last straw for me i cannot tolerate that noise every night. he reckons fully open in 3 months, worth a look if you are out that way. i would have thought sound bar, solo, bamboo, monkey bar, ark bar, lake party etc were enough without sticking one on the side of a mountain in the jungle thats going to keep hundreds awake every night and morning.

    Hua Hin here i come finally...

    maybe the guy the poster spoke to should have explained all that,would have saved the thread being posted and your reply.

  6. koh samet really nice place.Stayed at wong deuwan beach resort,half way down east side of island.once you arr. from ban pay(mainland) and arr. on samet you can transer to a barge that takes you right onto the beach won deuwan.A chalet on the beach is about 2500 baht a night.fabulous beach with bars and restuarants,need to take a g/f with you unless you want to be alone that is.

  7. I seem to remember all the people in that stadium in new orleans during hurricane Katrina looked very poor/welfare dependant types etc(nothing racial here) and throughout the worlds history of natural disasters its always the poor people that suffer the most(bush fires in LA excepted).

    With regard to living in thailand as a retiree,yes banking(pardon the pun)on state funded,or privately funded pensions is a gamble as we are seeing now,but we all take our chances of having a good life here,and as usual some are better off than others to do this...................

    Now what to do about cash in the bank?how safe?is there a better way to protect hard earned cash.any good advice out there?

  8. Prices remain high. What about sales? :o

    I will wait till prices fall 30% and the baht drops to 45 / dollar.

    You will be in for a long wait then - on both counts!!! :D:D

    Can you explain what makes you think a 30% fall is not possible ?

    In real world terms lets say the baht goes to 45 (haha), but let's say it does. According to the post above the poster says he is waiting for a 30% decrease and the baht to drop as well to 45.

    What comes first, devaluation of the currency? if it does a condo worth 1,000,000 is now how much 1,200,000? Ok, then you knock 30% off that and you are at how much 840,000?

    I think one would be better off getting 15% off the price now and not sit and hope the currency goes to 45 anytime soon. But hey, I am no finance guru :D

    yes agree,but if you really want a bargain keep your ear to the ground for a distressed farang seller,and there will be a few,thats when a bargain is to be had,may not be nice but its economics.

  9. You want to go back to your original OP in discussing your BF riding around Asia? And shacking up with some brit chick? They must be on a tight budget and have to shear some cheep hotel room or a tent.

    I thought they exported beck and posh to Spain !

    its italy now!

  10. Being British is sufficient grounds for a dumping in my book (but the topic of "Why exactly the British suck" is a subject for a different thread)...

    Well subby, lots of us are waiting for that thread. Don't just talk about it, post it.

    the USA not bailed them out during WWII, they would be speaking German right now.

    This is a myth. In both World Wars, the USA waited until it had bled the UK dry of reserves and extracted as many concessions in its empire as it could and then it came on the scene to 'save' europe. A bit like Iraq in that what the USA is brilliant at is war profiteering in the guise of 'saving the world', 'freedom' and 'democracy'.

    so bl--dy true!

  11. nope...................."just sex in the city",if thats cool!My idea of cool is a city thats covered in chill out bars and night clubs frequented by the trendily dressed 30y.o upwardly mobile(means earning big dosh).hardly describes pattaya!

  12. sure me too but they would probably have to show another account with daily transactions,having the 800,000 permanently in a fixed term here is good move and would offset losing money via poor exchange rate.

    All the immigration officer wants to see is a letter from the Thai bank saying that you have 800,000 Baht in an account and a copy of all the pages from the bank passbook showing that the money has been there for three months.

    All this "probably" and "possibly" and "showing movements" is nonsense.

    I'm not sure the part about "movements" is entirely nonsense. For the past six years I've always been required to produce original copies of every monthly statement from my bank (I don't use a passbook savings account) and each page is always reviewed, presumably to ensure that funds don't just enter the account for visa purposes and are then transferred out afterwards.

    immigration offices have different criteria,any time i have gone to get an extension to my retirement visa they have asked for the following:

    800,000 to be in a savings account 3 months prior to extension request

    photo copy of every page to show you have used the previous 800,000 during the year.I have friends iwho have two accounts one showing 800,000 that they do not touch,it just gains interest,then another account(which can have any amount in that they use for daily living,i hope thats clear "drink too much".!+12.

  13. The UK needs a revolution to overthrow the goverment and clear the country of all MP's and to elect a common sense party (Can't see it happening though).

    All for that. :o Politicians are all the same. When the Tories were in power everybody was slagging them off and now it is Labours turn and I pretty sure we will all be back to slagging the Tories off in a few years time.

    sure they are as bad as each other.If i had my way i'd clean them all out.Seriously think you'd need the military to take over first.The french are good at revolutions,maybe get them to come across the channel and show us how to do it.

  14. This is what i meant samui,as i dont find that comment one bit racist,as it was meant as a joke.

    is saying or typing jews racist????

    I think it could be more to do with the statement that all Israelis are Jews which demonstrates a breathtaking ignorance of a serious situation and also highlights that some of the intollerance seen on this forum is the result of some posters desires to cause trouble.

    see what i mean,somebody comes on and complains that i dont know that all israelis are not jews,Did i say that on my post,no i didnt.The post was designed to see how people reacted,and you my friend weny right over the top.i win my case hands down.

    cause trouble????

    now you have gone nuts.

    Though your initial comment was I am sure not mant to be taken seriously it highlights the need for some people to introduce contentious issues into some threads with the hope of provoking strong reactions that can then be branded intollerant - it is not only the intollerance of posters that has become apparent here but the number of posters that go out of their way to provoke such responses.

    yes patklang is just stirring the pot,winding up.

  15. 30k is quite cheap for a TG airfare to the east coast of Australia.

    I flew to Australia last week & then back again this week and the flights were absolutely chokkas both ways....standing room only!

    I have spoken to a couple of others who said their flights were the same, so I guess they arnt going to try and sell seat any cheaper, esp when a source told me that many of their flights were overbooked for the next few weeks.

    To your goodself 30k may appear to be cheap. I am talking one way. If you compare your price with poster NED you are way off.

    One reason Thai airways are heavily booked is that most Thai 's refuse to travel on any other airline in the belief that Thai Airway is SAFER.My recent experience with Thai is that the fleet is ageing , the service is questionable and 1 kg over baggage allowance is met with a surcharge. I was also under the impression that fuel was way, way down so why are the savings not being passed on. Might be because Thai Airways are in a diabolical financial mess.

    Sparkles, I think you are taking my comment the wrong way....by saying 30k was cheap for a TG airfare I was trying to suggest that it is normally alot more, although the airfares have dropped recently because my last airfare was about 300 AUD $ dearer(Must be the fuel surcharge being dropped). I actually paid closer to 34k than the 30k, hence my comment that it was cheap. Also the plane was full of chinese people both ways, they were on some type of package tour....they would have to be some of the most ignorant travellers I have ever come across.

    I would of done what ned said, however I am a bees dic off getting my gold membership with thai, so I chose to fly with them again. I would most certainly shop around because other airlines are somewhat cheaper than TG, including Emirates & Singapore, not to mention their planes seem to be alot newer than the 10-15 year old 777's that thai is flying on the Sydney/Brisbane route.

    I can tell you chap that 30k is not cheap for me & considering I am doing the return trip between 4 & 6 times per year, cost is something that I consider everytime.

    I was told that air asia has cheap gold coast to BKK, via KL airfares, costing about half of what thai is charging from BNE to BKK direct, may also be worth a look for those who are watching the pennies.

    Air Asia and Tiger are alternatives. Tiger ........Bangkok/Singapore /Perth, 9730 baht inclusive of all taxes on th web site. Geting from Perth to the east coast is a bit of an unknown factor but Virgin Blue and Qantas going head to head.One problem with the low cost carriers anything over the miserable weight limit is heavily surcharged

    Sorry if you think I took your post the wrong way but I have flown Thai in the past and the fares were never this high, 28,000 baht return was the most I ever paid. With the dismal Oz dollar its pretty dire. But today I contacted an agent, I use in Aus, and can buy the ticket from there Bangkok/Sydney/Bangkok. If you have some funds in Oz you can pay in Oz dollars and not lose out on currency exchange. Today its 22 baht ot the dollar, it was as high as 32 baht. Waiting for best price

    i did n't realise you could this(book flight in OZ and pay in aussie dollars)dont suppose you'd give the name of your agent,ive got to go back in august this year.any help appreciated.

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