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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Young backpackers often do not look clean or neat, males mostly have dirty long hairs, males and females often wear old unwashed clothes, surly no eye candy at all!

    Lots look like they are taking drugs...

    I thought that was what packpacking was all about...........unwashed,drugtaking,no money travellers.

  2. To talk about backpackers in this way is somewhat of a generalisation.

    Most of us, if not all of us, have been a backpacker at one time or even several times.

    That said, for me, it's more that I just can't be bothered to talk to them because it's always the same old conversation: "So how long are you in Chiang Mai? Where are you going next?" "I live here." "Oh wow, that's so cool, what's that like?!" Plus there isn't a whole lot of point in making friends with people who are only going to be around for a short while and like to party every night whereas we have to work…

    yes but its your experiences that you could share with the backpackers that will be part of their experience,never underestimate your own value to others.

  3. its a rite of passage when you are young to back pack on next to nothing,surely many of you TV members remember you own experience.live and let live.

    OK its different today with laptops,cell phones,internet etc.but they are having fun just like we did.

    Now the tattoo wearing lager louts are different,they 're not back packers,a different species altogether.

  4. dam_n hit the wrong key................was going to say when the sh-t hits the fan either through no more money or poor health,most westerners can return home plead their case to social services(thais dont have this option)but think no one really wants to leave thailand,their is a magic here that no one really wants to leave.

    I remember years ago sitting at a train station in the UK,and i overheard a young guy talking into his moble phone saying that he could not afford to go back to asia but that he had asia in his blood and not being able to go back was driving him crazy...................he actually sounded quite distressed,and i could empathise with him...........i knew what he meant.

  5. I think its in most people's nature to complain from time to time,nothing wrong with being grumpy as long as its not all the time.

    Thailand can get into a farangs blood,the women,the climate,the cheaper cost of living etc.Just now many are suffering cos of exchange rates and low interest on earnings and all of a sudden it makes thailand appear expensive.So this increases the complaining.

    If and when the SH-T

  6. Maybe the UK could eventually become the holiday destination of Asians, who will buy up dirt cheap property in a year or two and travel around in tuks tuks in Brighton and the girls of the UK have to find work in the service industry :o:D:D


    (Obviously any moaners, whyngers, complainers can bguger off back to where you come from)

    You're making it sound quite tempting if only something could be done about the weather!

    would n't that be a hoot!bar girls in brighton taking thai men back to the farm in the west country to meet mum and dad.

    Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

    Is sin sot traditional in the UK, too?

    not traditional but due to the parlous state of the UK economy sin sot maybe demanded!Thais could pay by importing water buffalo to west country farm.

  7. Maybe the UK could eventually become the holiday destination of Asians, who will buy up dirt cheap property in a year or two and travel around in tuks tuks in Brighton and the girls of the UK have to find work in the service industry :o:D:D


    (Obviously any moaners, whyngers, complainers can bguger off back to where you come from)

    You're making it sound quite tempting if only something could be done about the weather!

    would n't that be a hoot!bar girls in brighton taking thai men back to the farm in the west country to meet mum and dad.

  8. I'm making an independent documentary on Sextourism (very objective, and pro worker/client) and am looking for interview subjects or just general insights. Any links, stories, opinions, contacts.... would help.

    take a walk down walking street in pattaya,camera and microphone in hand................the girls will talk but not sure about the sex tourists.

  9. maybe thailand should look more towards charter package tours.Cheap airfares and cheaper 4/5 star accomodation and include tours to national parks with free entry.

    Its difficult to see how to increase tourism at the moment with the world economy in a downturn.Many people losing their jobs,savings being reduced cos of lower interest rates etc.

    Everday there is more bad news,and in 6 months time will anyone have any money left.

  10. If not interested,no reason not to be rspesctful and just say "no thank you".

    You are quite correct of course, but the problem with the Jehovahs and the Morons is that they wont take no for an answer, hence it generally ends up you having to tell them to p*ss off....

    The one I always found works with them is telling them I am Roman Catholic (I am actually Agnostic), seems to scare them off for some reason... :o

    If you really dont want them calling a second time you can ask them to put your address down as a 'do not call again" and you will be left alone.however after a period of time they may call to see if different owners now live at the address,at least i have found this is how it works in the west.

  11. when i first arrived on Samui in Jan 2005, the place was packed and not a hotel room available.

    for the next 2 years or untill 2007 it was still fairly busy

    move forward to Jan 2009 and the place is empty !! ....

    i have heard from many hotels that they have 0 bookings as from Feb...

    how long can Samui survive if the tourists stop coming? ( well a majority of them )

    It will be interesting times over the next 6 months

    you are asking for trouble from highdiver with a post like this. :o

  12. Are folks in the UK getting worried about leaving monies in the banks there?

    Just wondering.

    They will all be nationalised in a couple of months anyway, there is no alternative.

    It's really no problem, you see Brown has said that no UK saver will loose deposits.

    And he is the man to guarantee them, because when UK ltd goes tits up, and we all clamour for our GBPs, Brown and Darling will standing outside the printing factory dishing out GBP's in neat rolls, which you can conveniently hang next to the toilet to wipe your arse on.

    pretty close to the truth.............sad to see how far down the UK has gone.next thing that may happen is social disintergration.AT least in thailand its warm and easy to tightened the wallet.

  13. its a forum for opinions and more often than not generalisations,just because people mentioned certain races or cultures does not imply a rascist attitude,people should be a little more thick skinned,it would seem to me that these posts are merely founded observations,and no one should be too intimidated not to post them.

    yeah, when you make comments like 95% of Israelis are obnoxious, that is pretty much the definition of racism, of course, unless it is true.... which I think it is pretty clear that it is not.

    maybe your definition.I dont remember quoting 95%.dont be so sensitive.if people went off at say aussies or the poms would i care,no!cos i'd probably agree with what was said.............too many PC liberals around,get a life.

  14. Now let's see. We have statements by a couple of TV members that Israeli tourists are obnoxious and/or that they have seen signs to that effect. We have a photo of a sign which we are told is in a guesthouse/hotel that states No Israelis welcome and we have claims that these signs are wide spread (we also have a counter claim that one member has never seen such a sign. Make that two, because I've never seen one either).

    Added to this we have other members posting on the subject of signs banning the entrance of people of Arabic origin.

    On the flip side we can open the pages of our newspapers, or log on to our favorite online news source were, under the heading of 'Foreigner makes a right arse of himself' Israelis are conspicuous by their absence. One other nationality however excels in getting the honors for ill mannered, and often illegal behavior, not just in Thailand, but globally.

    So what do we have here?

    It seems we have a post discussing discrimination against people of Israeli/Arabic origin.

    The internet offers anonymity while on the other hand offering a grand stage for people to display their tiny minds.

    Petty prejudice and tiny minded ignorance, is that what we can look forward to here on TV?

    What would you have us discuss GH, possible ideas for renaming the country hub-land?

    its a forum for opinions and more often than not generalisations,just because people mentioned certain races or cultures does not imply a rascist attitude,people should be a little more thick skinned,it would seem to me that these posts are merely founded observations,and no one should be too intimidated not to post them.

  15. Refreshing to see someone such as Kaka turns down millions to remain at his club. Sends a good message.

    Your'e right james. The only thing is, now i know how loyal he is, i want him even more :o

    Before you praise the lord, keep in mind that while 'loyalty' is the word be used alot to mark his actions, perhaps the thought of no European football this year or next and fighting for mid-table at best, played a BIG part in his decision.

    spot on.see your liverpool/everton prediction spot on too,have a feeling it'l be man.u. again this year.with maybe aston villa to split the other three up.

  16. The OP was talking about thai restuarants not arab restaurants.I have heard too that many thai guest houses put the same sign up.I doubt if it has anything to do with the israeli/arab conflict,more to do with their rude and obnoxious attitude.As more indians come to thailand you may find the same thing happening to them too with regards to thai restuarants/guest houses.

  17. My mate get too pissed for that lol.Was too bored to read all that but a friend of mine won 14.9 million gbp and also gave his son 1 million and he is such a misreable sod he is always thinking about when his dad dies and leaves him more.He got caught playing away from home and his long term gf did him for half a million,so his dad gave him another half million.The father is a good mate of mine and i show him the ropes over here,stay in penthouse( no more info) and go to a 300 baht room for st/lt,as i have said to him never ever let a thai lady know you are rich.He stays low key and acts like a normal tourist when over here,and we have a good laugh when we here some farangs boasting how much pension they have lol.

    why do you laugh? are you rich too?

    welcome to ex pat pattaya..............full of BS.

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