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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. It would be good to see a full list of the 750 elected and appointed members and how they each voted - or didn't vote - 45 members were absent and didn't bother to vote at all.
  2. A chainsaw seems a bit OTT for the job. I would think that a good sharp butchers knife would cut through the flesh and ligaments at each major joint (13 pieces, so ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck) then the joints could be easily prised apart. Silent and less messy than a chainsaw.
  3. According to his sister ... 81 are Hells Angels. Outlaws are their rivals (AFAIK). Seems odd that they were working together.
  4. But ... but ... but ... he already said he has quit politics.
  5. Still reeling from the shock of learning about Gary Glitter, Sir Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris, I am relieved to hear that it is not Sir David Attenborough.
  6. I heard he also sent postcards and letters to his Mother while he was at school in New Zealand. The man is, obviously, unfit for public office. <sarcasm>.
  7. This was used for tile on tile in our bathroom. https://www.jorakay.co.th/en/tiling/tile-adhesive/silver-crocodile-tile-adhesive As far as I know, no primer was used. No issues 4 years later. Edit to add: Seem to recall that they scored the old tiles, using an angle grinder, before laying the new ones.
  8. Then spend the money on coastal patrol boats to police the dumping of oil and other garbage, which ruins the reefs and beaches.
  9. Nice, but l think the 1976 original is sexier ...
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