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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. One time I got into a competition about who could write 100 double entendres about masturbation. Unfortunately, I wrote 101 - so I had to rub one out.
  2. I was helping my wife with her English vocabulary and she asked me for an example of a double entendre. So I gave her one.
  3. Speaking as a haemorrhoids sufferer - of the two, I think the Cornetto would provide the most effective relief.
  4. That is just the first step. Future governments are tied in to Prayut's 20-year plan and can be lawfully disbanded if they veer from it. The Thai armed forces are not under the control of the elected government. Their loyalty lies elsewhere (with different factions being loyal to various persons). What will happen if Pita tries to change the constitution to address these issues? (rhetorical question, as we all know the answer). IMHO
  5. A headline that would surprise me more than "Cocaine found in the White House" would be "No traces of cocaine found in the White House".
  6. I would use paint thinner and a soft cloth, rather than paint stripper. And, as McTavish suggested, test on a small area first.
  7. My kids were about 10 and 12 when we took an evening ferry to Le Havre, then drove all night to a campsite near Saint Nazaire. The kids had this song on a loop for hours and we all sang along. Happy days.
  8. Posted the link only, as I'm pretty sure the video would be <deleted>. If you are under 18, please get permission from an adult before opening the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R_M3K7j3rI&ab_channel=NuttyLoLz
  9. IIRC - The poor primate is privately owned and the (deleted) owner will not cooperate with those who wish to relocate it.
  10. If you are married to a Thai and living in Thailand, and able to handle all the paperwork/procedures yourself (no lawyer costs) cost should be minimal. If you are foreigners wishing to adopt a Thai child and take them out of Thailand, it can be complex and expensive. I know a couple who did it (actually the child was stateless). The Department of Children and Youth in Bangkok oversees/approves adoption in Thailand. The website https://www.dcy.go.th/ isn't exactly user friendly, but if you (maybe your wife, if you are not fluent in Thai) contact them and ask to speak to someone in the Child Adoption Centre, I'm sure you will get the best advice.
  11. You would, very quickly, have hundreds of people breeding rats just to kill them for the 20 Baht bounty.
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