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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. What's working??? This article is a joke and shows a classic example of how present-day economic "data" are manipulated. If food, fuel and housing are removed from the equation, then of course the inflation numbers look better. However, this will not help real people in the real world paying real bills.
  2. Inflation is not the same "world wide" Inflation in America is partly a product of U.S. Government policy, which at the moment includes on high spending and planned high taxation - this is fiscal policy so you are wrong - it is monetary policy that is normally expected to be run by central banks.
  3. Stripping out housing prices, food and fuel to fudge the numbers to get the numbers you want. Another nonsense article.
  4. Dreamer. Interest rates have finally been raised to try to slow the highest inflation in more than 40 years.
  5. https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/futures-edge-higher-as-tech-and-growth-stocks-gain-focus-on-jobs-data-3048442 Still laughing?
  6. From this I can only own up to the fact that you are trying to put words in my mouth. Again.
  7. The US economy is entering early-stage paralysis already, thanks to your exalted leaders.
  8. The fact is that open borders means security is diluted. If death by fentanyl continues, then checks will have to become feasible.
  9. Too late then. Another non-solution, particularly wrt deaths from imported drugs. Bravo.
  10. I only wrote the first para. You should have stopped there.
  11. I don't want to use made-up stuff like you, Chomper.
  12. It’s a good question, here’s my take. Outside the USA, a lot of people in the western world see no real problems caused by Trump's policies over 4 years. However, that same group can see the damage caused by Biden's policies over only 2+ years. Most of these people recognize that as the USA loses global influence, then their own countries become more vulnerable. So, if you remove the character assassinations, political bias and hatred, you might see why Trump still has so much support, at home and abroad....whatever the media says!
  13. You must have had some interesting homes then!
  14. I wonder if we'd see all these complaints if Thai electrical power supply was stable?
  15. This sounds terrible. I wish them a peaceful journey and rest. The BBC has a similar story from 2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50081706 These buses seem to ignite on impact too easily.
  16. If you see good journalism as being fair and balanced then fine. I wasn't commenting on Tucker's 'claims' but Nikki's obvious permanent bias, which in this case is only backed up by with lines like "sources indicated".
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