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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Your "credible sources" dated 5th, 19th, 25th Feb and, 26th March 2022 are all from non-military or non-gov sources. The last one, especially seeks to rewrite history and promote Biden as some kind of savior, way after the invasion was already fact. The NATO community shares any relevant information in real-time anyway.
  2. You can parrot as much as you want. Biden had room to modify the withdrawal after the Taliban had already started to break the agreement. Unfortunately he modified it into a complete cluster flock. The Germans were the richest but one of the worst laggards w.r.t. defence spending and deserved everything they got - they're still hanging back on serious assistance to Ukraine today.
  3. Pathetic. Bull back. How did Biden save Ukraine from being lost? He didn't. The Ukrainians did that! Biden didn't "alert" any relevant parties that were not not already acutely aware of Putin's massing of troops near the border before invading. The Ukrainians were already fighting in the Donbass anyway. Biden stated the bleeding obvious about a month before the invasion but NATO and others were already very aware of this worst-case probability.
  4. A comical comment. Biden did nothing to unite NATO but he did destroy a lot of confidence within it with his midnight flit out of Afghanistan in 2021!! It was Putin who actually restored NATO unity by invading Ukraine! Trump was miffed at most NATO members because, for many years, they failed to pay their agreed fair share for defence. As a result of that pressure, a few NATO members were slightly better equipped and more militarily capable by 2022.
  5. If Biden was a competent leader I'd be a lot more optimistic about Ukraine and everything else. But he's shown several times that he is neither competent nor compos-mentis.
  6. What DeSantis is doing is political, while his points seem valid. The disastrous Afghan exit may have emboldened US enemies, so by visiting the Ukraine now, Biden may be trying to repair the weakness seen by others around the world two years ago. The reaction from Putin to this new-look tough guy POTUS has not been very encouraging so far, so I hope that this does not all backfire. As far as aid goes, remember that the war has only been on for one year. Before that Obama only sent non-lethal support. Trump sent missiles and other weapons, with the delivery of some of them delayed but only temporarily. Biden was slow to send weapons until the invasion has actually occured.
  7. It's a safety issue. If the crew can't follow their own pre-landing procedures, then that sends a poor message that potential customers will note with disdain.
  8. Not good but no comparison to the MEP's found with hundreds of thousands in cash.
  9. I would debate otherwise - this does not protect citizens - rather the opposite, given the PM numbers. These burns are not controlled but often occur simultaneously, over large areas, to reduce costs by increasing the clearing rate, while using less labor than the alternatives. https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/tangled-problem-sugarcane-burning-thailand
  10. Well as the UK was still restricted by EU rules until end Jan 2020 there wasn't a lot of time to negotiate much, was there? And we know Biden loves the UK, right?
  11. Double speak? you seem to be an expert. Where and who are all these far righters spouting "I hate woke"?
  12. While there is hard evidence that Putin was not afraid of Obama or Biden.
  13. Well doing the "right thing" for other countries probably wouldn't necessarily be the right thing for Americans, would it?
  14. If you read your own comment again, you may realize how ridiculously impossible it is
  15. Mind the cables. Somchai! Oops....to late! But seriously, those who say sugar is bad for you may be more right than they realize.
  16. It is too short but Ukraine is already a year into a big war, with huge casualties, so everything gets chopped down, unfortunately.
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