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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Yes, at that altitude. You add in qualifiers to suit yourself. But balloons were "snagged" using the old method at lower altitudes and at slower speeds. Gingrich is living in the past and should have been more careful with what he said.
  2. I think all that happens in most organizations and I could say the same about several of Biden's appointees. However, the brass hats are senior military (career) officers who have far more experience in their own fields than most civilian White House staffers, who drift in and out of different appointments.
  3. Newt's quoted words here are actually correct, because he uses the past tense. The Skyhook and Fulton recovery systems were used by the US until 1996. Maybe they kept a set of kit in the museum, Just for posterity of course.
  4. Bill, I think that you of all would recognize the term "brass hats". The only one close to that club on your list was ex General Flynn, who was forced to resign for allegedly misleading Pence about his conversations with the Russian envoy.
  5. The experts had already decided to let the balloon float across the US, this time, but it looks like there may be pressure for that policy not to become a regular event.
  6. My post was to describe a possibility in the event of another balloon arrival, in case they decided to bring it down earlier if there is a next time. They have already shown that they can bring a balloon down from 60.000 feet, in a precise area, and then send in a "few machines to scoop up all the debris". Only a single ship, suitably equipped, is required for the recovery and the shallow shelf sea bottom is mostly soft and flat around the Aleutians. Yes, the weather is often bad over there but there are fair weather windows and the priority would be to stop the balloon from drifting across the entire North American continent rather than worrying about the junk, which could be collected later.
  7. Nonsense. They could bring balloons down close to a choice of several significant shelf areas, where the water depth is <50m. ROV's could be deployed to locate and recover any debris - if they actually wanted to bother doing that.
  8. I think Biden said that the US had been talking to Beijing throughout - I would expect that. It is the potential for harmful payloads which concerns me most. I think I read that anti-surveillance measures were taken, at least over mainland USA.
  9. Why would I admit to something both unproven and also challenged by former government people? You loathe Trump so much that you cannot contain your own speculation, bias and rants. But to the topic, there has been little evidence yet to show the real reason for this balloon visit but it does seem that it can carry quite an amount of equipment or cargo. We don't yet know what that cargo is this time, or what it could be in the future, under another balloon. Why take the chance of allowing one to drift over the whole country?
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