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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Filipkowksi even openly twists the quote from the vdo. Great.
  2. Yes, it is a pain. You'll just have to take my word for it.
  3. Alright, I'll use this one. The centre for American Progress founded by John Podesta, Democrat Party member and senior advisor to Joe Biden. I'll pass thanks.
  4. A pathetic attempt at justification more than a problem. Anyway, what can you expect from a flip-flop remainer PM like Theresa May?
  5. There were lies from both sides. Your kids can still travel and work abroad. The economic difficulties of leaving were expected, are evident and have been acknowledged by several leavers on this forum over more than 6 years now, myself included. Our reasons for wanting out, have also been well explained but are never credited, accepted or acknowledged by the remainers here.....to me, that's the difference.
  6. The document on the right has had it’s correct colour restored. The document on the left had been defaced and vandalized.
  7. Did you ever like those old games, like spot the difference?
  8. I don't have a link. It is what I saw on the day. Show it to me if you have it
  9. Seemed like it as I watched on the TV - police at one door just opened it.
  10. I'm not implying anything. I do want to know why this relatively small first wave of rioters were allowed in. Larger groups of protesters seemed to just amble in later when it was evident that there was no serious security. I'd like to know why, after numerous warnings in the preceding days, the security was so weak?
  11. Well the question of Capitol security and responsibility for that is one question I'd like to see answered clearly.
  12. You conveniently misquoted me, importantly missing out the sword initially.
  13. This is the J6 official report title: Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol After so long, I was expecting to see detail on all relevant aspects, including security. That is all.
  14. If there had been a full investigation instead of this farce, then that might have been useful, but this kangaroo committee was just after Trump. There has been no real investigation to reveal how, initially, relatively few rioters managed access the Capitol, especially after so many previous warning signs over the days prior to J6. They need to be able to stop this happening again but right now they can't really guarantee that.
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