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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Your assumptions and accusations are both false and tasteless.
  2. If there were to be no agreement between the two parliaments if another referendum was sought, then that would be the legislative reason why it could not happen.
  3. You said: "none of that changes the fact that there is no legislative reason a referendum could not happen because there was one prior to brexit". That is both specific and wrong. Bye.
  4. The problem with your faux victory roll is that, while Scotland has this hybrid system within its own jurisdiction, that system does not simply override the UK Parliament where referendums are concerned. An agreement between the Scottish and UK Parliaments is needed to legally allow another national referendum for Scotland, as was the case in 2014.
  5. Simple? Scotland has its own independent and in parts clearly different judicial system with own jurisdiction. The law of Scotland is not a pure Common Law system, but a mixed system.
  6. The Belfast Agreement concerns NI. Not Scotland.
  7. The EU is facing this particular problem of corruption head on because it has been exposed and has no other course.
  8. The British 'negotiators' were hopeless and didn't use anything, especially fishing wrongs.
  9. Well done. I was waiting for someone to mention the "drill" word. Timely abandon ship drills, if carried out properly, would immediately highlight any shortfall of lifejacket numbers and other safety equipment. Regular drills should be second nature to sailors and marines. You are right, most ships these days are required to carry at least 100% personal floatation devices by SOLAS regulations, (many carry 200%). However, the RTN is a military service and it will have its own regulations. But as a naval vessel, this ship will have carried an extra marine detachment quite regularly, so provision for extra equipment should have been part of the vessel's own safety plan. I really hope and pray that they can save some more lives today.
  10. Could be both. But if boxes made only of Styrofoam were used to store the life vests, then that could be why there may not have been enough of them when needed.
  11. Navies use specially adapted PFDs (personal flotation devices) for submarine crews. No excuse for insufficient lifejackets or other buoyancy devices.
  12. Well H&M certainly seem to be making a lot of bread out of this circus.
  13. Then tell yer mates and have them voted out next time so you can stop whinging.
  14. I bet you don't have a link to back all that carp up!
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