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Essential Maintenance Nov 28 :We'll need to put the forum into "Under Maintenance" mode from 9 PM to 1 AM (approx).GMT+7


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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. How did you figure I was talking about the Great Depression?
  2. I don't think that much could have stopped China's rise in terms of manufacturing power.
  3. Disagree (not about the acting). Nixon removed the gold backing for the USD and that was the start of the decline.
  4. You can get the girl out of the bar, but can she make you leave too? ????
  5. Well, given that the world seems to be led by the insane to a large degree, we had better watch out! The USD is already being bypassed as a form of payment by some countries and this trend is likely to continue. The BRICS alliance, plus recent partners, seem to be interested in an alternate form of digital currency. Whatever happens, it needs to be remembered that all previous dominant fiat currencies eventually failed and lost their status. https://blockchain.news/news/brics-alliance-considers-creating-new-currency
  6. Of course you know . . . .
  7. See how infectious it can get?
  8. That's exactly what this whitewash report has done.
  9. What is false is Joe Biden's administration blaming the chaotic Afghan pull-out on Trump. It's down to Joe Co.
  10. And I said "the topic problem still concerns the actual withdrawal and how badly it was managed", which amounts to the same thing. Unfortunately, Biden was the C-in-C and the responsibility is all his.
  11. The plan required a few things to work out but most of them didn't. The Taliban failed to open any meaningful talks for a separate agreement with the Afghan government as intended by the Doha agreement. So the plan couldn't work. The topic problem still concerns the actual withdrawal and how badly it was managed.
  12. I'm not sure how anybody can say that. Even a noted nobody.
  13. Who cares what the true value of kit is? That is deflection. The important issue here is how badly the pull-out was handled.
  14. "if the Taliban negotiated a peace agreement with the Afghan government"
  15. The Afghan government and army didn't start to "implode" significantly until after Biden was in the WH. The Taliban did not follow the Doha Agreement and this gave Biden the opportunity to do likewise. This article sums up all the others I've read quite well: https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-biden-withdrawal-doha-agreement-taliban-debacle-terrorist-jihadist-islamist-haven-11630435825
  16. I think that bet would lose money.
  17. The rich? Who dat den?
  18. Unlike the report. You might have noticed that Biden never acknowledges responsibility for anything.
  19. Biden doesn’t understand the importance of either.
  20. Isn't Biden great? He's never responsible for anything.

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