Yes. Milankovitch cycles are believed to be at least party affect climate w.r.t. long term (e.g. full blown ice age) fluctuations.
However, more recently similar rates of change of the temperature from 1850-present sis occur during the The Little Ice Age, between about 1300 - 1850. In this case temperatures fell, but at a similar rate as they are rising today. Weak sunspot activity (Maunder Minimum) corresponded to the lowest temperatures about 1750.
Coincident with the Maunder Minimum, it is likely that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), controlled by the Azores High and Iceland Low pressure systems had have a significant regional impact. As the name suggests, this anomaly features variations, with one of these variations occurring when both of the pressure systems weaken enough to allow cold air to reach Northern Europe more easily, coincident with this Negative NAO Index. This variation can reduce temperatures by an estimated 2 deg C.
Now, the Little Ice Age temperatures dropped only slightly but the level and rate of change of these can be compared with those rising temperatures causing alarm today. Changes in climate also featured to a similar degree.
I'd like to see the return of another Little Ice Age, just to see what would dictate climate and temperature. I think that the focus on GHG's, especially CO, as the cause of all our climate woes should be opened out. It would be really interesting to be able to compare the data if so much forest hadn't been trashed over the last 200 years.