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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. The planned debate in September was with Joe Biden. Official my a$$
  2. He wouldn't OK their pay raises. So what?
  3. Maybe you should do as he says, YT? Ah bugga it, don't do that. 🤣
  4. It was the Democrats who were inreasingly worried about Biden's age-related cognitive deteriorationand who eventually forced him out. But all you do is attack Trump - not them - within your fairy tales.
  5. What facts? The only fact here is that you are obsessed with Trump, rather than the topic.
  6. There may be a lot of vdo evidence yet to be shown. TV news stories I saw all mentioned this problem starting in a car park, where 3 police officers were assaulted and brought to the ground, including one WPC who was given a broken nose - some stories said it was due to these men objecting to the police wanting to search a muslim woman - in an airport ffs? The firearms police evidently arrived in support of their colleagues and the actions of at least one of them was extreme. But we don't know what happened in the lead-up or have the complete story.
  7. As I predicted? Better take that flawed crystal ball beck to the magic joke shop.
  8. But not the party elite ambition, which has only ever been to beat Trump since he came on the scene, even if that means lumping the country with an even worse president than it has now.
  9. Yes, the best part. Especially when he lies: "I decided". What a hoot.
  10. No mention of exactly what these nodules are comprised of, their age, and what is thought to be their origin? Important things to know first.
  11. AWOL. Probably hasn't been told that he has resigned yet. Not to worry. Looks like his loyal fans from last week have forgotten him already. Who'd have thought it?
  12. Ten minutes of thankyous to the Wisconsin Dems followed by the ususal anti-Trump mud-slinging. No mention of high costs of living, inflation and immigration. Useless as expected.
  13. Right. So why are so many businesses leaving then? https://buildremote.co/companies/companies-leaving-california/
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