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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. He extended the date. He had more time to arrange a managed withdrawal with cover....but no...his final flit was a disaster of deaths and weakness. Bagram was abandoned and the remaining NATO elements were as surprised and as pissed off as his field commanders. Biden was as useless and dangerous then as he is now.
  2. From what altar of facts did you gain your "understanding"? He could have done it far better.
  3. Nah. I was referring to the impressive range of vertical movement of your jaw.
  4. Did you have some just before you took your photo?
  5. The ignorance here is shown up in that curious comment you just replied to.
  6. Biden 19th best? I bet St Francis was be rolling over in his crypt (with laughter).
  7. Not really. Trump was repeating parts of a conversation from years ago.
  8. The current National Defense Authorization Act requires the senate and House to approve US withdrawal from NATO. All these other rules and conditions are from NATO and apply to any NATO member. Are you saying that the US should have special rules? You think my point is moot but do you have a point at all?
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