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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. You can try making it up as you go along but all that does is make you look thicker.
  2. I was responding to an opinion, which I don't agree with. The ignorance is all yours.
  3. What the most important thing "he" said is, is a matter of opinion and, of course, mine is different. "Widely known and supported" is not proof of anything. Your error is in not understanding, then mixing and confusing words. I said that I can't check the text of the book but the third party precis is liable to be erroneous, at the very least. I think we all know Trump et al complained about the 2020 election. What's new?
  4. Most of the people from the Ellipse arrived at the Capitol, later, after the breech. Any convictions of the truly guilty are fine by me. Convictions were for a variety of crimes but very few for actual conspiracy.
  5. Yep. I can't check the text of the book but I can see errors even in this short piece - Trump did not call anyone to violence or criminal activity - that rubbish had already been started by the lunatics at the Capitol before Trump had finished speaking.
  6. Note I did not say anything about prison sentences. I'm sure there's a lot not widely publicized - yet. Who is MAGA?
  7. You obviously have not been paying attention. I made no such claim about effect. The loons at the Capitol could not hear Trump anyway.
  8. They brought megaphones to badger the police into submission. How many guns were found?
  9. If you looked at what Sund said then you just ignored it. Where are your "plenty of facts?
  10. Previous claims suggested that it was planned by Trump. That is different. It wasn't.
  11. So you pasted in two selections from my link? What is your point?
  12. Steven Sund implies that intelligence, with warnings, did exist and were available pre J6 but they were not acted upon. It seems that advance requests for an extra National Guard presence (including from Sund himself) were denied and even calls for extra help were also delayed on the day, after the trouble had already started. https://www.newsweek.com/ex-capitol-police-chief-sounds-alarm-jan-6-cover-1817365
  13. I gave you the answer but you didn't like it. Up to you. You writing reminds me of another troll that used to post on here.
  14. People have theorized in many ways about J6 and yours is just another version. The breeching of the Capitol seemed to me to be an opportunity taken by the troublemakers, once they saw how weak the security was. These troublemakers were probably more surprised about being able to gain entry than the limited Capitol Police Forces available on the day. And there are plenty more theories about why that was! See if you can find what Steven Sund had to say about it.
  15. You asked a question. I answered it. Now you come up with a whole new raft of claims with no proof. Boring but predictable.
  16. Transcript is linked. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial Hit Ctrl F, type in "peacefully and patriotically" and hit return. Second hit is the one within the main body of the speech, about a quarter way through. Consider this a Christmas present and have a lovely day!
  17. He was there - that's what we were discussing - not even though anything. Not weird that you are deflecting again. I'm used to it.
  18. The point is that Pence was there. That's the point. The rest of your story is just that. A story.
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