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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. He was a registered Republican*,But many MAGA are still trying to blame Biden for the assassination attempt , * maybe he seen the light, at what the World would become if Trump won the election, who wants a serial liar,rapist, fraudster ,narcissist, grifter ,and all the other stuff he has done, to be in charge of your country , all rise King Donald ..... regards Worgegeordie
  2. Yes he is ,don't have to tell me and maybe the biggest liar in the World, regards worgeordie
  3. He sure is ...... regards worgeordie
  4. Good job he has his diapers on , otherwise could have been a right mess on the stage regards Worgeordie
  5. I like to play with computers too , but not games , after 97 had to start working (sort of) again, looking after tenants and properties ,plenty of hobbies too , regards worgeordie
  6. I retired here at 42 ,I knew i would have to be canny with my money ,as I did not what to return to work again ,I am now 78 and pleased to say everything worked out great , never wanted for anything ,just was not stupid with the money, With the help of my wonderful wife, she's a goodin , we work well together , after the crash of 97 we moved out of cash , the interest rates had been great but were starting to fall , so moved from cash to property ,and there were plenty of bargains to be found ,and renting them out was a lot easier then ,lots of expats about , now not so easy . I think many men come here and from the start get carried away with drinking excessfully ,with only pussy on their minds , that's OK if you just on holiday here , but not if you want to make Thailand your future , with family , business ect, so get that out your system quickly , and most important find a good honest wife/partener , they are out there .......good luck regards worgeordie
  7. Find a good honest wife/partener , and at the time I came to live here ,bought more land, while it would not legally be mine , that's why you need a good honest wife/partener, after 36 years I would not change a thing , Thailand has been very good to me ,dont understand those that moan about it daily ,just move on ,BOB ....... regards Worgeordie
  8. Nothing strange , they most likely ran out of the correct ink , so just used what they had to hand, like when they are wiring a house, Where out of blue wire , ok just use the purple one , it's in the ceiling no one will see it.. regards wortgeordie
  9. That's just not true , selected citizens , nobody in my family are eligible for it according to the Government's rules , if you have a few bob in the bank your not getting it, but I suspect some will still get it ,nudge nudge wink wink..... regards worgeordie
  10. Where was the wife ?...left you again , explains why you were drowning your sorrows , regards Worgeordie
  11. NOT , there fixed that ,thanks for correcting me , would not wish that on anyone regards worgeordie
  12. This is what I like about Aseannow , all the happy ,carefree posts, or the nosey ones ,asking personal questions ,maybe the question should have been "IF" you get cancer , not everyone is going to get it , hopefully me and you .... regards Worgeordie
  13. In 36 years of living here i have been asked to see my passport once, at the time there was a Coup in progress ,so I thought I better carry my passport ,was stopped at a roadblock by group of soldiers , one asked to see my passport ,but he was reading it upside down ,so maybe that does not count .... I never carry my passport while in my provence ,but do when traveling , further afield , regards worgeordie
  14. I don't eat cornflakes , prefer Weetabix , and Shredded wheat ,Post brand from USA, Nestlé's Shredded Wheat from UK ,is inferior ,and i like Porridge which is the best value of the lot, I remember when Kellogs opened up a plant here to manufacture cereals ,i thought good the price will come down now ,it's not imported , plenty cheap corn here, prices stayed the same ...... regards worgeordie
  15. I have lived here 36 years , in the same house ,NEVER had a home visit ,90 day report online takes about 10 mins ,now doing extension takes about 1.5 hours ,once a year ... more complaining from poor Bob ,he feels victimized ,a prisoner in his own mind.... it's all Thais fault .....for once Bob try and post something uplifting,happy ,& full of joy.. regards Worgeordie
  16. I think "smug" is an understatement ,I would not like to meet you in real life, what a moron .....IMHO ... regards Worgeordie
  17. Arnold Layne .....had a strange hobby ,moonshine , washing line ..... regards worgeordie
  18. They look cheap tiles ,but I bet they weren't..... regards worgeordie
  19. What's the point of having a Rolex ,so when you go anywhere ,you have to ask will it be safe wearing it ? , The 15 quid watch I bought off Ebay UK ,is still going strong after 5 + years, only needed batteries , and no one is going to bother stealing it, I can wear it anywhere ,no problem ,and I don't need to impress anyone .... regards Worgeordie
  20. Joe definitely was not" jacked up " , and Trump was saying nothing but lies ... regards worgeordie
  21. I have a Ford Raptor, I am very rich , and look, I own a Rolex ,it could turn out better if you had a Ferrari.... good luck regards Worgeordie
  22. Going soon , I hope .... Regards Worgeordie
  23. It does not get any lower than that, depriving kids of food , not the first time , won't be the last , must be more serious punishment for doing things like that,I hope they get what they deserve ..... regards Worgeordie
  24. Well you learnt a lesson ,hopefully , a 5K Baht one ,but it could have been worse, regards worgeordie
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